Please reply in the following format if you encounter these issues:
1. I can't receive the ingots after topped up successfully.
2. I can't top up successfully with *X payment options.
Platform: Mini Client / Browser(Chrome/Firefox...)
Server ID: S1/S2/S3........
Character Name:
UID: essential information(Login the Official Website with your account——click recharge——Find UID in the right-top of the recharge page)
Payment option:
Was the money deducted from your payment account:
Track ID: essential information (Some number like this: 1****_narutoen)
Screenshot(error page): essential information
Accurate Recharge Time:essential information
If you see this error page, please operate as the following steps:
1.Consult your applicant bank about your card and the related order.
2.If there is no problem with your bank card, you may meet some payment limits if you try 5+ times in the past 24hours.3.If you still have the same problem after try again for the first time after 24 hours(48 hours) later or still failed with other payment potions, then leave your informations in this Thread.
If you keep failing with orders below $10, plz try other orders with bigger amount of money.