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[ Events ] Events - 9th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-09 10:34:38Show this Author Only
Finally we dont have to wait till monday for refine event, Thank you for that .. Nice events this week
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On 2017-03-09 10:34:49Show this Author Only
good event but wonder if this tenten is better than gnw?
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On 2017-03-09 10:38:50Show this Author Only
This looks like is going to be a good week, too bad xmas theme is still there :lol
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On 2017-03-09 10:39:05Show this Author Only
This is actually the first time you guys touched my heart :$ I am really glad that you guys made the refinement event earlier than what it used to be. THANK YOU SO MUCH
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On 2017-03-09 10:43:50Show this Author Only
oh boy finally a cool week
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On 2017-03-09 10:45:49Show this Author Only

lets enjoy the week, i've updated some of the event details if you guys have read it earlier please do it for the 2nd time.

As much as i would like to highlight, we shall always embrace positivity in the community, constructive feedbacks, supports, events improvement suggestions all this has been communicated to the management. Regardless the changes came early or late it is beyond of our community control but please don't stop/give up from showing your support.

Flaming, degrading or insults are not tolerable,kindly refer to the forum rule. We are humans please be kind to each other.

All the best~

Thank you.
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On 2017-03-09 10:46:27Show this Author Only
Where's the summon rebate???????????
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On 2017-03-09 10:51:04Show this Author Only
to the person talking bad about polls because of the level cap...well..the level cap poll was a success fyi. ..soo you really cant say what you said without just being a clear liar. Anyhow good events, finally some semi new ones just to mix it up.
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On 2017-03-09 10:53:00Show this Author Only
Oh boy, Animal, its something though..if i didnt already use all my group points to refines when i get points
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On 2017-03-09 10:54:58Show this Author Only
Refine rebate YES! :lol
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On 2017-03-09 10:59:30Show this Author Only
Is Chinese Dress Tenten any good? She's like in the same previous event as Minato and Ay.
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On 2017-03-09 11:00:12Show this Author Only
  • Khannonx On 2017-03-09 10:51:04
  • to the person talking bad about polls because of the level cap...well..the level cap poll was a success fyi. ..soo you really cant say what you said without just being a clear liar. Anyhow good events, finally some semi new ones just to mix it up.
Alright, honestly I have an issue with people that keep using that poll as backing to whatever argument they're attempting to formulate in regards to the level cap. There was only ONE option in the poll, and that was yes. It did not allow a record of those who opposed the level cap increase. The poll proves nothing other than a large number of people wanted a level cap increase, it fails to include those who would say no, or prefer otherwise (which may have been larger, we don't know, there's also a lot of other factors that effect this).
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On 2017-03-09 11:18:11Show this Author Only
  • hokagay On 2017-03-09 11:00:12
  • Alright, honestly I have an issue with people that keep using that poll as backing to whatever argument they're attempting to formulate in regards to the level cap. There was only ONE option in the poll, and that was yes. It did not allow a record of those who opposed the level cap increase. The poll proves nothing other than a large number of people wanted a level cap increase, it fails to include those who would say no, or prefer otherwise (which may have been larger, we don't know, there's also a lot of other factors that effect this).
The poll would've NEVER reached more than 2,000 no votes to go against the yes votes. If you think our tiny forum community could ever amass more than 4,000 total votes then you're delusional.
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On 2017-03-09 11:18:39Show this Author Only
lv up seem good but those event...:L
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On 2017-03-09 11:22:19Show this Author Only
Refine event, nice.
Everything else is more or less bad, aside from being rewarded for doing arena/Team Instance.

Just do Dice Board every week (With shifting rewards) + Activity Bag, then also alternate between Refine & Battle armor rebate.
Then everything should be good.

Unrealistic expectations aside, activity lucky bag really should just be a standard feature of the game rather than an event, it makes playing the game feel much more worth while day to day.
This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-3-9 11:26
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On 2017-03-09 11:24:26Show this Author Only
lvl up to 90 is nice rest is meh !!!
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On 2017-03-09 11:28:06Show this Author Only
The stuff is cool or whatever by why animal pain over konan ? And can anyone update me on when the hell they'll start merging ?
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On 2017-03-09 11:29:06Show this Author Only
  • Killuaq8 On 2017-03-09 10:34:49
  • good event but wonder if this tenten is better than gnw?
Most definitely NOT! GNW TenTen Mystery is Quint-Elemental, has 3x Chases and 15%+ Crit Chance.
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On 2017-03-09 11:33:21Show this Author Only
looks good so far
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On 2017-03-09 11:35:53Show this Author Only
  • Jinsoyun On 2017-03-09 11:18:11
  • The poll would've NEVER reached more than 2,000 no votes to go against the yes votes. If you think our tiny forum community could ever amass more than 4,000 total votes then you're delusional.
The poll was shared within discords, promoted by youtubers, facebook and distributed through other means. Like you said, this tiny forum community would have barely been able to ac*ulate more than 2k votes, and it certainly wouldn't have alone. A poll or survey usually has more than one option to represent multiple opinions. Perhaps there are individuals who clicked the link, saw the "survey", didn't agree and moved on. We don't have that information, because it wasn't made available for players to disagree. Honestly, I'm fine with the level cap increase. Like I said, I'm not a fan of the poll or those who use it as if it spoke for the whole community.
Quicky Post

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