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[ Events ] Events - 9th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 207
On 2017-03-09 10:51:04Show All Posts
to the person talking bad about polls because of the level cap...well..the level cap poll was a success fyi. ..soo you really cant say what you said without just being a clear liar. Anyhow good events, finally some semi new ones just to mix it up.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 207
On 2017-03-11 12:27:34Show All Posts
tenten seems as rare as AY was. kinda dissapointing. Really deserve to get her after 400-500 spins at least, just to xform into her. Kinda a jip :/
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