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[ Events ] Events - 9th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-09 11:18:11Show All Posts
  • hokagay On 2017-03-09 11:00:12
  • Alright, honestly I have an issue with people that keep using that poll as backing to whatever argument they're attempting to formulate in regards to the level cap. There was only ONE option in the poll, and that was yes. It did not allow a record of those who opposed the level cap increase. The poll proves nothing other than a large number of people wanted a level cap increase, it fails to include those who would say no, or prefer otherwise (which may have been larger, we don't know, there's also a lot of other factors that effect this).
The poll would've NEVER reached more than 2,000 no votes to go against the yes votes. If you think our tiny forum community could ever amass more than 4,000 total votes then you're delusional.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-09 11:38:18Show All Posts
  • hokagay On 2017-03-09 11:35:53
  • The poll was shared within discords, promoted by youtubers, facebook and distributed through other means. Like you said, this tiny forum community would have barely been able to ac*ulate more than 2k votes, and it certainly wouldn't have alone. A poll or survey usually has more than one option to represent multiple opinions. Perhaps there are individuals who clicked the link, saw the "survey", didn't agree and moved on. We don't have that information, because it wasn't made available for players to disagree. Honestly, I'm fine with the level cap increase. Like I said, I'm not a fan of the poll or those who use it as if it spoke for the whole community.
What would be the point of the no vote then? The vote would still pass with 200 no votes best case scenario. That would give them nor us any information whatsoever. I still literally see 0 proper arguments against a cap increase.
Quicky Post

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