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GNW Loot


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-13 17:03:27Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello community!

When server 18 went live, we had a GM (Oasisguide) in our group for the first week. Although he was primarily there to see if we had any bugs, payment problems or any other issue on our server, during a conversation with him, he also advised that the GNW loot would be increased.

Now, server 18 is not server 1 and it's not nearly as heavily populated. By keeping the groupmembers who participate in GNW around a total of 30-35 people, we've been able to distribute GNW loot and provide GNW packs regularly across these members. Although this limited the amount of group members we took in(we currently have 47 out of 104 members, with our level 10 group), we dealt with it and have been able to be dominant on our server. On top of that, we are lucky with a group of people who are considerate and patient.

I'm very glad that the server merge is coming, as me and the majority of our group have competitive minds and we are looking forward taking on other groups. With the server merge, a lot of the groups will be growing or merging together and I think it's vital to increase the amount of ninja packs that can be distributed.
According to the Oasisguide GM I spoke to at the time, increasing the GNW loot has been in the "idea box" pretty much since the first US servers went live.

Now, I appreciate it how quickly the devs are releasing new content for our players. However, on behalf of my group and undoubtly on behalf of other groups, I'd like to ask you to increase the GNW loot packs that we can distribute. I'm sure that the devs are anticipating groups to grow after the server merges and wouldn't it be the perfect time to grow the distributable loot along with it.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-13 22:08:11Show this Author Only
It would be great if they gave more packs but i think the reason they give so few packs is to create more groups. It is beneficial now for people to make their own group and have 10-20 active people in it. If they give everybody who participated a pack, people will just join the biggest group and you will have only 1 or 2 left.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-13 22:31:42Show this Author Only
Dont know what Oasis think(im just simple forum moderator, not developer) about this and why dont give packs to all(maybe really cuz they want to stimulate players to create own groups), but... Dont forget, that this packs - just bonus. The main reason to participate - its fun and group points. Oasis can delete GNW packs from game and players still will participate - just cuz its best way to get Group points. Ye, maybe now you dont need so much points, but later if/when we'll have another shop update they'll become very valuable.

Summary: Oasis know about GNW problem and think how to solve it... But I do not know when there will be any results.
Quicky Post

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