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[ Bugs ] Serious stats bug or something similar.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-29 08:04:45Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Today, I did some testing after i noticed something strange.
I mooded my Sage Naruto to having a mood for + ninjutsu and - hp. I lvled it so he would get a 25% bonus. When I went back to character screen to check out the numbers, I saw he had only 4k nin but 3.7k atk, which should be wrong.

Sage Naruto's ninjutsu growth is higher than his atk growth, and 4/3.7 is 1.08~ which means his nin was only 8% higher than his atk. That got me thinking, cuz wtf? My mags and sword/scroll were equal according to their numerical stat boost. Why wasn't his ninjutsu stat much higher. Then I noticed something.

Sage Naruto's def and res have the same growth, but when I take off his robe and bond, they re different.

Then I checked my main. Light main's def and res are also the same according to their growth rates. My main's mood is + atk and - res. So imagine my suprise when his base res is higher than his base def.

Can someone explain this?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-29 08:13:20Show this Author Only
Maybe the 25% boost refers only to base stats and not magatama; like start with base, add 25%, then add magatama.

I requested a more in-depth look at the numbers of the game in general in Suggestions, so hopefully something like that comes along~
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-06 10:09:02Show this Author Only
Hi there, releasing how things are calculated and things of that nature is a big no-no. I hope you understand!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-06 11:11:20Show this Author Only
Who r u.

I'm not asking for how things are calculated. I'm asking why growthrates + moods don't match up to the resulting stats displayed.
Quicky Post

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