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  • Registered: 2019-11-02
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On 2021-03-05 12:17:24Show All Posts

Original Description: Jiraiya [Young Adult]

Screenshot 2021-03-04 at 10

Proof of Recruitment for Crystal:

Screenshot 2021-03-06 at 1

Description Correction:

*Summoning Justsu - Gamachu [Prompt]: Causes damage and low float to a selected opponents unit, and suppress immunity, (last until the end of the round). At this time if the opponent recovers immunity, it will cancel all of it's debuffs.

Taijutsu Attack: Attacks up to 3 units of the opponent's front row, and has a chance of causing repulse. This skill is not affected by any protective skills of the opponent.

Summoning Jutsu - Gamaken: Chases and attacks a repulsed unit, causes knockdown. Can be triggered up to 2 times each round.

Toad Oil Bomb: Triggered with at least 30 combo, causes damage and slowdown to 2 units of the opponent's lineup.

*Summoning Jutsu - Gamabunta Slash Combo: Have your team have 100 chakra points, then choose a target. This skill will replace standard attack with Summoning Jutsu and summon Gamabunta, which will use short sword slash and will cause heavy damage. As well as tag and repulse to the unit in front Gamabunta, and 2 other units of the opponent's formation. This skill is not affected by any protective skills of the opponent.

UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363

SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY

IGN Ninja 1: Crystal

UID Ninja 2: 300030967348994

SID Ninja 2: S1326 Four Fingered Assault l NY

IGN Ninja 2: Spookz

This post was last edited by ChaosSquad on 2021-03-06 14:55:49.
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