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Returning Back to Konoha - Typo Searching Contest


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-03-06 15:09:28Show All PostsDescending Order
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Typo Searching Contest - Returning Back to Konoha

Event Period: From March 4th to March 17th


Hello, Everyone!

We have been a ninja family for quite a while now, and we have lost many members along the way. Things have changed in their time away, including new characters to play with! Unfortunately, not every ninja has had their orders issued to them correctly! We need your help to correct the grammar and spelling errors in their descriptions!

How to Play:

Players who are interested in participating in this event must complete several requirements.

- You must be a group of TWO people, a partnership, to celebrate the return of your partner back to the game!
- Both partners must EACH choose one ninja from their ninja list.
- These ninjas must be different for each partner, and once someone has used a ninja, no one else may use that ninja! Example: Now that Tachi has used Regular Naruto, no one else may use him!
- Each partner will submit one screenshot EACH of their ninja interface (see example below) which also shows server name, time, date, and their main’s character portrait on the left. This screenshot must also show that you own the ninja you are attempting to correct!
- Each partner will then submit one screenshot EACH of the ninja description they wish to correct for grammar and spelling errors (see example below).
- Each partner will then provide a typed-up correction of what ninja’s description, correcting as many grammar and spelling mistakes as they can find!
- Finally, be sure to include BOTH players’ In Game Names, Regions, Server IDs, and UIDs (found here).

- Three pairs of winners will be chosen!
- Entries will be scored based upon the number of mistakes found, the number of mistakes missed, and the overall complexity of the original descriptions that are chosen!
- Winners will receive 3,000 coupons per pairing/partnership; or 1,500 coupons per person! That's a total of 9,000 coupons for the event!


- You should have a total of two screenshots in your entry: One showing your ninja interface with your main character and the ninja you are correcting, and a second with the ninja’s description!
- Each player should only make one post!
- No copying other players’ posts, or you will be disqualified!
- All submissions for this contest will be placed as suggestions for items that need to be corrected in-game.
- To be clear, both players must submit their own, separate characters, not the same character twice.
- No duplicate characters allowed!
- Players must submit the entire skill description, not a screenshot of a website displaying the description, and not a partial skill description.
- Please use images from the game and not from external sources.
- You are correcting spelling and grammar errors, NOT errors in the ninja's usage (I.e., regular Naruto should cause certain hit, but does not state this). If you wish to correct this as well, you may, but this is not a requirement of this contest.
- If you want to use a ninja that has been skillbroken, that is fine, but do not use just the skillbreaks themselves!


Ninja Description: Hashirama Senju [New Year]
Proof of Recruitment for TylerMotoki (Note how I show my character name on the left and still show the character owned on the right):

download (1)

(See that we used two separate characters, as is required by the event, and that we each individually posted our own corrections)

Corrected Description: (We both included the fully corrected descriptions, hand-typed, by us. Showing us correcting grammar and spelling mistakes found in the descriptions.)
Sage Art - Gate of the Great God [Prompt]: Causes 8 combo and Suppression of Immunity to Debuff to up to 2 units. The targeted team's chakra limit is reduced to 60. The selected target suffers from Immobile lasting until the end of the next round.
Lion Toss: Attacks 3-4 targets of the opponent's team and causes 3 Combo with a high chance to cause Knockdown and Enfeeble to 1 random target.
New Year - Dancing Dragon: Chases and attacks a Knocked Down unit, causing Low Float. The target's Mystery Skill Chakra will be increased by 20. This lasts until the end of the round.
Peace Prayer: At the start of each round, heals self and a random allied Ninja and removes all Debuffs. Also gain 1 extra Chase this round for both targets.
Sennin: Hashirama Senju is immune to Debuffs. Whenever receiving an attack, this unit recovers 2% of total Health.

My In-Game Name: TylerMotoki
My Region: LA (Please be sure to post your region, as asked for in this post.)
My Server: S14
My UID: 9999999 (Please post the UID found in the link above.)

My Partner's Name: Tachi
My Partner's Region: LA
My Partner's Server: S14
My Partner's UID: 0000000

Good luck, and have fun!

Naruto Online Operations Team

This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2021-03-06 15:09:28.
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