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  • Registered: 2020-12-17
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On 2020-12-30 03:26:54Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Let's talk about sasuke rinnegan .. I am a fan of this character. I have been using him for 2 years, shortening the subject .. he is an offensive character. He is not support or dps. He is a powerful ninja but at the same time he is useless. because you can control him very easily as he is not immune. 100% of the rounds go under some effect such as the * of minato edo that puts you the reduction of 75%. I think Quebel developer exaggerated in this. I think I was going to put 75% tai. also sasuke is practically one-armed in the way that he will always fail I thought that the atk stadart deo advance and + 1 -30% damage and attack cannot evade and paralyze you to immune ninjas. because most of the time 1. he does not perform the atk 2. he does not take advantage of his buff 3 the truth does not work and that increase in damage by passive is lost 83% always up to 92% of the time. and sasuke is a ninja who does not evade , it does not heal, it does not kill itself, it is not immune, it does not reduce anything and to use its passive, it needs combo. He is not a viable ninja and you will tell me otherwise but if you have a ninja who gives him feedback to help him is a secondary ninja he will be defeated before the second round most of the time. I will change the ability of sasuke from susano +2 to the normal one since he is more feasible atk consecutively by death. to lose. in the next round.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-12-30 09:57:15Show this Author Only

Well, 1st of all... Sasuke is support / offensive stacker ninja...

- If he is P1, you need to buff him up and give him a lot of chakra (Kimono Mabui might be a good one for it, but I didnt try it yet)
- Sasuke´s immunity can be partially solved by lightning main´s 2nd passive. Since he has super armor, its more viable.
- You should use Y mystery in most cases... using that mystery every round if you have 70 chakra or above is amazing...
- His scalling with +2 Susanoo is actually pretty OP, depending on team ofc...
- His fear passive is making him a freaking amazing support as it affects immune to debuffs ninjas aswell... and it really is a deal breaker...
- His chases lowers def/res... so you can deal more damage every round...

Probably you should power up... Sasuke can be a monster with enough BP and solid team.

  • Registered: 2019-09-07
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On 2020-12-30 11:23:04Show this Author Only


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