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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Share] Instance Puppet Master vs. Puppet master


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On 2016-09-21 07:53:29Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Today, I'm going to show you how to beat Sasori in the instance Puppet Master vs. Puppet Master.

I for one reaged so hard doing thiis because I figured you had to beat him by thhe third round, or its gg for him!

I will set up a strategy for the water, lightning, and fire main.

Currently, I am a lightning main, so apologies for you non lightning mains. But put your character where my main is.

For Fire main:

Recommended you have Neji, Kakashi and Sakura.

Neji, of course is in front. Sakura should be in the third row. between them is your main. The combo starts on the second, or first round if Neji's standard causes High FLoat. Kakshi should be directly above Sakura. When Neji causes high float with standard or you use mystery Fire STyle: Dragon FLame Jutsu, you will cause high float. Kakshi will chase high float, cause low float, which is where you come in. You will use FIre Style Celestial prison, and if you have the Illision Crow summon, USE IT. Sakura chases Repulse into High float, which is where the Crow comes in. Kakshi will cause Knockdown, with Neji attacking next.

Now a slight error: Sometimes, the crow will attack before Kakshi, causing low float, where you will attack agaiin, causing repulse, and Saukra attacks. THis will make no difference in the combo. If you do not have summons at this point, then it is ok. It will still do the same.

Use Neji immediatly when Sasori is charging Chakra. It takes a bit of timing, but you will get it down.

Lightning main:

Select Sealing Slash as your mystery. This will be easier than fire.

Use any high combo lineup:

Example: Three star Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi.


Chances are you will not have Lightning assassination sword or Lightning armor. Use whatever you think can cause a high devestating combo. Just keep Lightning Sealing SLash as your mystery.

For Water mains:

Make sure you do nothing but heal, your main should have ahealing myserty. Neji should be your interruptor. Have Chakra Dissection blades as Chase skill. Have Neji, Kakashi and Sasuke.

Combo starts on Knockdown creation.

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On 2016-09-28 09:49:08Show this Author Only
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On 2016-10-04 02:23:38Show this Author Only
No problem!
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On 2016-10-07 09:50:54Show this Author Only
Anything for Wind main? I've tried Neji numerous times, but Sasori still winds up generating more puppets!
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On 2016-11-14 02:28:00Show this Author Only
best strategy's
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On 2016-11-17 10:46:57Show this Author Only
  • StCrimson667 On 2016-10-07 09:50:54
  • Anything for Wind main? I've tried Neji numerous times, but Sasori still winds up generating more puppets!
Anything for Wind main?

Neji must be in the top left corner, and be highest level possible.
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On 2016-11-17 11:24:21Show this Author Only
Seriously though, im trying the Mission now, ill be typing when i get back.


Well it failed, Im going to try a high combo team, Team 7?

Also should i be setting it to Automatic or SHould i do it? If i have to do it when do i use my moves?
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On 2016-11-17 13:27:31Show this Author Only
  • Sosuke Uzimaki On 2016-11-17 11:24:21
  • Seriously though, im trying the Mission now, ill be typing when i get back.


    Well it failed, Im going to try a high combo team, Team 7?

    Also should i be setting it to Automatic or SHould i do it? If i have to do it when do i use my moves?
Use Neji right before Sasori uses his Mystery, should give you enough time to finish him off.
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On 2016-11-17 14:02:20Show this Author Only
I'm gonna be honest here - this one wasn't that hard for me personally. I did fine with my Ukon Sakon - Sasuke - GNW Kiba - MB team, although that might've been due to the sealing slash that I never see any of the MBs use anymore (on my server at least)

So...maybe I'm just being really dense here, but...exactly why was this one so difficult for so many people? (not trying to be offensive - just curious...)
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On 2016-11-19 08:11:09Show this Author Only
  • LayarSir On 2016-11-17 13:27:31
  • Use Neji right before Sasori uses his Mystery, should give you enough time to finish him off.
gah! I got to level 55 which skill should i put in, Its so hard to time it, cause when he uses his mystery it literally happens in one second
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On 2016-11-19 08:14:56Show this Author Only
  • Sosuke Uzimaki On 2016-11-17 11:24:21
  • Seriously though, im trying the Mission now, ill be typing when i get back.


    Well it failed, Im going to try a high combo team, Team 7?

    Also should i be setting it to Automatic or SHould i do it? If i have to do it when do i use my moves?
So hard to time it, im Level 55, do i need to wait until im level 60 to redo this? Let me rephrase, There comes a point were he has no puppets and i combo him almost to death, should i wait a bit so my damage goes up and i can rko Sasori's, Bruce Wayne my parents died, Im a knockoff Gaara looking a$$, yes im that mad This post was last edited by Sosuke Uzimaki at 2016-11-19 08:20
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On 2016-11-20 23:41:23Show this Author Only
listen better advice
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On 2016-11-20 23:43:00Show this Author Only
just get 8k power cos if you lose you will wonder y i had 8k power and guaranted beat it
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On 2016-11-22 15:40:04Show this Author Only
how about wind main ._. i need further explanation pls
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On 2016-11-24 03:03:59Show this Author Only
can you accupuncture him
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On 2016-11-30 00:20:58Show this Author Only
for water main does it have to me that saskue:L
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On 2016-12-08 12:07:39Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2016-11-17 14:02:20
  • I'm gonna be honest here - this one wasn't that hard for me personally. I did fine with my Ukon Sakon - Sasuke - GNW Kiba - MB team, although that might've been due to the sealing slash that I never see any of the MBs use anymore (on my server at least)

    So...maybe I'm just being really dense here, but...exactly why was this one so difficult for so many people? (not trying to be offensive - just curious...)
Let me be honest too. I got to this Plot Instance and couldn't understand why he kept coming back from the dead, and then I lost the Instance with all my ninjas at full HP.

So I googled for help and now I found this thread. I am trying Neji, but I still can't seem to pass it. I am Level 54 - does this prevent me from passing (eg. do I need to be higher than 55 or else the game simply won't allow me to pass?)

I wish there was a cheat. :P
EDIT: The line-up: Neji, MB, Kakashi, Sakura works well! You can't do it with Neji alone - he needs the correct team mates.
This post was last edited by BluePanther3000 at 2016-12-8 13:05
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On 2016-12-12 02:36:55Show this Author Only
dude im a lightning main, this didn't work for me especially because he keeps generating more and more puppuets and i can't stop it
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On 2017-01-16 01:34:08Show this Author Only
omg! best strategy ever. What I did it with my water main is I used the exactly same setup and I just needed neji 2 star and sasuke 2 stars, all cultivated and my power was 8800 with that team! And my mistery and my attack were healing
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On 2017-05-12 10:28:59Show this Author Only
did u auto it
Quicky Post

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