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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Share] Instance Puppet Master vs. Puppet master


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-17 14:02:20Show All Posts
I'm gonna be honest here - this one wasn't that hard for me personally. I did fine with my Ukon Sakon - Sasuke - GNW Kiba - MB team, although that might've been due to the sealing slash that I never see any of the MBs use anymore (on my server at least)

So...maybe I'm just being really dense here, but...exactly why was this one so difficult for so many people? (not trying to be offensive - just curious...)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-12 14:15:04Show All Posts
  • Kaede On 2017-05-12 10:43:53
  • You probably had higher power when you did this.
According to a GNW screenshot I had at level 55, I was at 7611 power. I dunno if that's high or not...

I recall beating the instance on the first try after I unlocked it... I wasn't particularly overleveled or anything like that either. So I probably had a little lower power than that when I did the instance as the enemies in it are lv. 54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-13 07:24:51Show All Posts
  • Kaede On 2017-05-12 19:22:58
  • I guess that's standard power for a lv 55(?) I'm not sure either lol.
    Did you pass it before or after 2.0? Because I heard a few people saying that they jacked up the blue circle challenges after 2.0, but was never confirmed or anything.
I know they upped the difficulty of some of the blue circles for 2.0 - notably some of the higher level ones. Dunno about lower levels though.

I did pass it before 2.0, but even back then people were still having a lot of trouble for some reason.
Quicky Post

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