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[ Suggestions ] Decisive Bonds , Arenas, SWB


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  • Registered: 2019-04-29
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  • Posts: 14
On 2019-07-30 23:08:52Show All PostsDescending Order
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I'd like to make a few recommendations/suggestions about how Decisive Bonds,Arenas & SWB could be more balanced.

The goal of every content on any game should be to provide the best possible gaming experience to the "average" user, either if he is F2P or P2W.

Obviously when you are P2W player, you expect win most of the content but not all of the content.

Cause lets be honest, if the F2P and Low-Spender users go extinct and only whales remain, its gonna be only whales vs whales and game is gonna still roll on. Why? Because whales don't exist because lowlies exist. Whales become whales to contest with other whales. It's a flex game.

Also I doubt that winning through dodging or because of tremendous difference in BP and stats provides any kind of pleasure to the whales. Whats the point of spending hundreds or thousands of $ to power and not be able to use it? Why even bother playing?. Just request a WIN *on ?



My problem is not the whales, my problem is that ALL the content is around them.

You allow them to lvl freeze so they can farm Advanced Refinements from SWB, you allow them to boost low accounts through DB, you lying about the stats being inactive in arenas except Initiative when obviously all secondary stats are active , ALL of them. Anyone can see that.

I don't mind lose on Matsuri cause of unbalanced matchmaking or at Rogue Outburst which is world PVP. These are events that givesSun Scrolls. Even if i lose half of the max i can get from them, i can make it up from another event in order to cap.

I don't mind losing in Arenas or SWB or DB or everywhere. Losing is part of the game. As a player tho, F2P or P2W, i demand some form of equality.

I respect the high donators "efforts" , i honestly do and obviously i am not expecting to play fair with them in all the content the game provides.But spending a fortune to increase your winning chances it's not the way.


Enough with my thoughts and the comedy though (thought to make this post abit humorous to get some attention) and lets jump to the subject.


1) Power Groups.

According to your power, you are gonna be assigned into certain group. The power group you are gonna be, will be calculated by the SUM of the 2 players on a team.

Let's say the groups are gonna be till every 50K, that means till 50K, till 100K, till 150K, etc.

So a team with a sum of 57K power is gonna be on the 2nd group which is till 100K power.

Someone might tell me now "how is this team will go up against a 99K power team".

Well, it's better than facing a 400K whale.

Plus there will be more chances than before to have more balanced matchups. Plus a team with sum 57K means that each one of them has 25K-ish. It's really easy even as a free user to get 40,50,60K power. Done that.

2) Prevent boosting.

If in a team one of the members is 50K lower in power than the other, then the system wont allow them to queue together.

Doing that will prevent these things :1)Whales boost toon accounts, friends, or w/e. 2)The above matchmaking will remain fair, meaning that 2 players with 190K and 10K each which would sum 200K and play matches into the 200K group, is not gonna happen.

3) Retreat Option

You should allow the retreat option to be available at all times. If a lose is certain for a team at the first minutes of the match there is absolutely no reason for the players to lose precious time in an abandoned/lost match, It's everyones right to forfeit if they feel like it.

-SWB(Sage World Battlefield):

1) Make BP Battlefields and not LVL Battlefields.

Players who lvl freezing but being able to increase power might not be fair but they are definitely allowed to do so.

What they shouldn't be allowed to do is claim without contest resources that the game is providing for everyone. Allowing them to farm Advanced Refinements cause they are lvl 77 with 200K BP and make 30 winning streaks is not cool.

So make BP battlegroups with the same logic as i suggested above on Decisive Bonds.


Ok, lets all be honest here please. Power might be the same, levels are the same and HP's are the same but it's not only the Initiative thats active.

Whats active in Arena is ALL the secondary stats, which makes Injury,Critical,Combo,Control,Initiative,TAI & NIN *ion

Initiative should be obviously a factor here cause somehow it has to be decided who plays first. But the rest?

Dont lie to your community about these stats being inactive.

I have played games against 6P Narutos who had no buffers in their team and they where hitting double or triple the amount of dmg from my 6P Naruto.

Why? Cause INJURY and TAI/NIN Pen.

My suggestion here is : STOP lying , inactive all the stats except Initiative and make Arena fair as you said it is.

Thank you to everyone who bothered reading this, hope it helps the community.



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