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[ Suggestions ] Decisive Bonds , Arenas, SWB


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-08-01 16:34:44Show All Posts

Decisive bonds

1) this is how actually works right now... Just that first take in account the average rank in the feature and then the summed power. What should be taken in account, instead, is the power of the strongest single move on par rank. That would make things fairer, but still within a queuing time of 60 seconds past which you should still be matched randomly with whoever waited 60 seconds like you.

2) here actually is not a problem unless the enemy the 600k + 100k faces is not so lower powered than doesn't even let them land 1 single mystery. Lets say the 600k+100k face two 350k (same total power) generally what happens is the 600k wins (but beware is not 100% granted, just about 80%) but the two 350ks surely land the hit and get 4 easy kills (in db kills matter too) so imho is fine.

What is not fine is when the 600k+100k face lete say a 250k + a 200k. In this case is granted the second team do nothing and get nothing while the first gets everything, so imho, the only way to solve the issue here (preventing the abuse of alts) is to grant the 4 kills to the 450k team even if they lose and 4 kills only to the 700k team even if they win (the idea is you add to the algorithm a string of code that say if the ratio of team a 1/6 is < than half the ratio of team b (1/2*4/5= 2/5) and if the weakest player of team b has higher bp than the weakest player of team a, then both the teams get 4 wins only).

This way if somebody like shadowblaze goes in with a 100k alt has to take in account to waste twice the time to hit the 70 or 100 killings mark. This obviously doesn't prevent them from doing it and who wants to do it is perfectly able to go on doing it but at least induces them in thinking about it twice before going in that way.

3) retreat since round 2 in all the cases is fine imho, since round 1 no.


About swb what should be done imho is or to change the rewards so that who is top3 doesn't get much more than who is top 10 or to simply reduce the cap of players per field to 45 or to make constant promotions and demotions from lower to upper fields for who is top3 more than twice in a row in a lower field.

About arena as shadowblaze told you there's no secondary stat involved there besides initiative.

My arena team lands the same average damage both against people faster than me (not many since I'm around 400k power) and against people from s1200 with naruto sakura kakashi/sasuke.

It's just random rng.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-08-01 16:35:43.
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