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[ Events ] Plan Your Own Weekly Events – 3rd Year Anniversary Event!


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  • Registered: 2018-06-28
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On 2019-07-15 19:33:15Show All Posts

1、"Fukurokumaru's Deals"(25k max milestone with power items like training potions,gold essence, charm packs and advanced refine packs, and as ninja i think a good choice would be Naruto[Sage of Six Paths] because he never was on here before.)

2、"Konoha Great Tree" (Itachi[Edo Tensei],hana style fragments,Explosive Heart Gift Pack,Kushina[Red Hot-Blooded Habanero],Ninja Assist Optional Pack and the flag back on the 1k milestone.)

3、"Charm Rebate"

4、"Myobouku Trial"(Coupons,cave keys and training potions)

5、"Total Recharge Rebate"(The release of Shisui[Kimono] and as power items gold essence,advanced refine packs,training potions,charm packs and the flag)

6、 "Fateful Choice"(Naruto[Sage of Six Paths] and Sasuke[Rinnegan])

7、"Lucky Board"(Konan[Angel of God],Shisui[Kotoamatsukami],refine optional packs and ninja assist optional pack)

8、"Sakura's Gift"(Ninja assist optional pack,Tobirama[Edo Tensei],Explosive Heart Gift Pack,charm optional pack)

The Reason: Fuku Deals is in a good synergy with Konoha's Great Tree and i think this will help every type of player.

Charm rebate because it was skipped.

Myoboku trial because it's gonna help everyone with some training potions and free coupons daily.

Total Recharge Rebate will bring a new ninja and will help the spenders who spent their ingots to recharge and get them back and to use them for Fuku Deals.

Fateful Choice,Lucky Board and Sakura's Gift will be a good way for players to have a bigger variety of items and ninjas to choose from to complete Fuku Deals and to increase their battle power and their ninja collection.

Server ID: S994

UID: 300014050944226

Character name: Onitora

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