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On 2019-04-19 03:06:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So basicly i was saving my coupons for months.... got to 12k,,.... edo minato was in Lucky stars, got nothing... while some guys spent 200 and got him...... this thing making me quit the game.

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On 2019-04-19 03:15:53Show this Author Only

Its all about rng bro

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On 2019-04-19 03:38:20Show this Author Only

Well, the fact that you've spent your coupons and put your hopes too high on getting Minato [Edo Tensei] is already your fault .. Not every player in this game have the same fate over this events .. One may get something for free, others may get it with minimal spending, others may get it with some numbers and the rest gets nothing no matter how much they spent .. If you are playing this game for months already which i believe it is, you should've know already that this kind of events are RNG based ..

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On 2019-04-19 03:45:45Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2019-04-19 03:38:20
  • Well, the fact that you've spent your coupons and put your hopes too high on getting Minato [Edo Tensei] is already your fault .. Not every player in this game have the same fate over this events .. One may get something for free, others may get it with minimal spending, others may get it with some numbers and the rest gets nothing no matter how much they spent .. If you are playing this game for months already which i believe it is, you should've know already that this kind of events are RNG based ..

i was just exited i can get six paths and minato in 1 turn xD

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On 2019-04-19 04:01:19Show this Author Only
  • Kirozen On 2019-04-19 03:45:45
  • i was just exited i can get six paths and minato in 1 turn xD

Yeah, hahaha .. Don't worry, i did that too before .. Spinning wheels hoping for something but end up with nothing, i learned it the hard way .. We just have to be patient next time and only spend for the sure hit buys .. Don't quit but take this as a lesson, its a bit frustrating but we must survive ..

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On 2019-04-19 07:16:52Show this Author Only

Haha, I knew you were going to make a thread about this. I'm the guy you met in arena, that was my 35k power account who got him in 400 coupons.

You gotta understand my main account didn't get him, and that alt is a magnet for RNG, I got Edo Hiruzen, Edo Minato and Earth Grudge Kakuzu there, I don't think I even played 3 weeks on that account, just got them with the free coupons they give you if you don't play 10 days.

I was hoping for him on my main since I got Kurama there, but then I met that same Kurama with Edo Minato's bond in arena and realized two wrongs don't make a right. His damage was still horribly low even with Edo Tobirama's barrier still on... That Kurama is a failure.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2019-04-19 07:20:05.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-19 08:30:00Show this Author Only

You would figure that people would understand what RNG is after tons of posts like yours from other people for almost the past 2 years having complaining about the RNG? It took the posts to disappear when Oasis decided not to include the 80 frags but it came back when they added for this week.

And by god, use this carry that mindset as a f2p when you play other games so you don't rage quit.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2019-04-19 08:31:43.
  • Registered: 2018-11-22
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On 2019-04-19 21:58:00Show this Author Only

Just happend that today one f2p got it too from free draws, while others waste coupons on such events.
One thing we learned long, long time ago. That when talking about Naruto Online, it is very unwise to gamble with RNG. If RNG is with you, most events will give you price with free inputs you get. I learned this hard way and wouldn't take it back because now i know better.

This post was last edited by s1volu on 2019-04-19 21:58:28.
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On 2019-04-20 20:13:21Show this Author Only

the rng in this game is not "random" at all, anyone whose been around for more than 2 weeks will be able to share tales with you, on their own they are anecdotal but when its the bulk of players that can confirm similar stories that tells you all you need to know.

The events are rigged, 100%, if you are an active player or a spender you have more chance of inventing a time machine than "winning" anything in "rng"- the exception to this being if you are a massive whale and threaten to quit, then miraculously and financially convenient for oasis your luck will change, just long enough to convince you to stay. If you want a character from a supposed luck based event log off for about 4 months, when you come back your chances to win skyrocket.

This particular week, 3rd day of this event would you like to guess which 3 guys have "won" minato so far? nope, not the 400k megawhales, not the consistent spenders, not the guys throwing in 20k coupons, not the guys that have kept this god awful company going as long as it has, nope :

1 with a total of 45k power- on a server that is little under 2 years old

1 from my group who hadnt logged on in 5 months

1 who stopped playing after my servers first merge, 13 months ago, and only came back through the returning ninja thing as a favour to a friend

This post will more likely than not get deleted for "drama", but if you do read this in time, you should never, never hinge on anything being truly random not with oasis involved

This post was last edited by -Zaku on 2019-04-20 20:19:53.
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On 2019-04-20 21:07:10Show this Author Only

Yeah they *cough* the letter J name *cough* is so quick to delete your comments and when the server is down and we missed so many events they are SO quick to hide.

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On 2019-04-20 21:27:54Show this Author Only

everyone that play long enough is already know that lucky star, lucky * and wheel of fortune event is rigged.
the lower your online time , the lower your power and level means the higher chance you will hit the jackpot.
this event was meant for Oas to keep people from quitting the game.

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On 2019-04-20 22:03:36Show this Author Only

understand your pain playing game for god knows how long and you suspect luck oaasis only maks the rng fo lowe power people who hasnt played long so they can stay but they dont care for the vetrans who been there sense day 1

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On 2019-04-21 00:30:55Show this Author Only

well what you have done was gambling not an investment. So you should be ready before going all in first and be aware of the consequences.

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On 2019-04-21 03:23:13Show this Author Only

Back in the days when i play Wartune,i get jackpot from events at least once a month,thats1/4 odds,truly RNG.Here i dont even dare to touch wheel events,i burn my savings so many times in the past,with zero luck

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On 2019-04-22 03:25:10Show this Author Only

Isn't called fools bait for nothing

Quicky Post

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