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Not fair


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  • Registered: 2018-10-10
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On 2019-04-20 20:13:21Show All Posts

the rng in this game is not "random" at all, anyone whose been around for more than 2 weeks will be able to share tales with you, on their own they are anecdotal but when its the bulk of players that can confirm similar stories that tells you all you need to know.

The events are rigged, 100%, if you are an active player or a spender you have more chance of inventing a time machine than "winning" anything in "rng"- the exception to this being if you are a massive whale and threaten to quit, then miraculously and financially convenient for oasis your luck will change, just long enough to convince you to stay. If you want a character from a supposed luck based event log off for about 4 months, when you come back your chances to win skyrocket.

This particular week, 3rd day of this event would you like to guess which 3 guys have "won" minato so far? nope, not the 400k megawhales, not the consistent spenders, not the guys throwing in 20k coupons, not the guys that have kept this god awful company going as long as it has, nope :

1 with a total of 45k power- on a server that is little under 2 years old

1 from my group who hadnt logged on in 5 months

1 who stopped playing after my servers first merge, 13 months ago, and only came back through the returning ninja thing as a favour to a friend

This post will more likely than not get deleted for "drama", but if you do read this in time, you should never, never hinge on anything being truly random not with oasis involved

This post was last edited by -Zaku on 2019-04-20 20:19:53.
Quicky Post

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