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[ Events ] Kage Medal


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 9
On 2016-09-12 02:56:39Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-12 02:33:21
  • so u have money and u want more bennefits? ridiculous....
    stop the greedy.
You are literally the saltiest human being in the world. So many threads you attack p2w players. You pay for a new xbox or playstation game when it comes out, right? Usually around 60 bucks. That'd pay for a jonin medal. Usually games have expansion packs, right? So please quit crying on every single thread about p2w people. You are playing a game contributing to nothing that the developers have created. At least we are funding their work

@OP You can sweep survival when you're high enough level. I can sweep it up to 10 at the moment. Plus there really isn't a need for another medal. Jonin gives enough This post was last edited by Seraph51 at 2016-9-12 02:58
Quicky Post

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