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[ Events ] Playing Cupid– Valentines Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-14 14:30:57Show All Posts

UID: 200000087929256UID: 200000087929256

Server ID: S238

In-game Name: Ria

Answer: Nagato should confess his love to Konan as he has no one to care for left. His parents were murdered, Yahiko had died & Jiraiya killed he. Nagato should confess directly without mediator (the Pains) to Konan when all Akatsuki members are not around.

"All I have is you Konan, you are the reason I am still strong to face this cruel world. I will craft the new world so everything will only be (he shouts:) Shinra Tensei!" Then a love pattern formed on the ground.

This post was last edited by King engine on 2019-02-15 01:06:24.
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