Views: 6460 | Replies: 9
Case #4x: Wasn't there a thread about reporting ripoff games?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-04 15:31:16Show All Posts


I wouldn't say it better than you- I see NO REASONS why Dosu is not in game yet with all they have to actually add him and whole this time that have passed from releasing game.

Meanwhile we get some some characters that people don't even remember/know from the show (Shira? Shizuka? How much of a screen time they got and does anyone even remember them?) OR yet another version of the same ninjas we got 5 different copies in game already.

Team Dosu played a very important role in early series and I will forever fight alongside with Forum Dosu for all of them to be add to game.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-04 16:38:25Show All Posts
  • OG-Bobby On 2019-02-04 16:11:02
  • No reason that Dosu is not in the game yet? How about the whole community crying everytime a useless * meme ninjas gets introduced to the game?

Mind you, I would prefer to get actual character from series than another ninja cat or swimsuit/new year joke of a ninja.

And you would be surprised how many players don't cry for getting meme ninjas, so don't generalize with "whole community", thank you u.u

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