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[ Bugs ] ask for admin.


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  • Registered: 2018-08-24
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On 2018-12-24 05:08:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'd like to report and also ask to finally fix several bugs that disturb gameplay all the time.

1st: Chat bug

* glitch appears in whole chat interface after alt tabbing to other page (browser,discord,etc) "goes" into middle of screen and display only 2 lanes of chat

* team chat, unable to write anything even if team is full. when trying to type anything im getting "player is already logged out" or "you are must be in a team" text on the middle of my screen.

* battle chat, similar to team chat glitch that doesn't allow me to chat with opponent during battle (usually seen on arena)

2nd: 3v3 Arena

This problem have been reported many times but it seems u still dont give a flying fk about that but nothing to lose in reporting it.. The problem is some "time delay" it looks like enemies are moving their standards before my 1st position ninja's mystery but in fact its like one side was playing on x1 speed and second was on x2 (visual bug probably). You disabled 3v3 for like a month and still havent fixed so maybe hire someone competent for this job finally cuz its kinda boorish from you to take that amount of money from people and still do not work on gameplay disturbed by bugs :)

3rd: Client

Multiple crashes, glitches, dcs, etc. My suggestion is to work on some stable version of this shiet cuz its kinda annoying to play on it.

*note, as I know what you gonna say, Im running AC odyssey on ultra so for sureits not my PC's fault. I've also downloaded client again 2 days ago and still having the same problems.

above bugs disapear for a while after refreshing page but still its annoying when it happens multiple times daily

Many thanks for any help and even more for not spitting on it.


This post was last edited by Maju94 on 2018-12-24 05:08:47.
  • Registered: 2018-08-24
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On 2018-12-27 03:27:46Show this Author Only

yeah, good to have qualified admins in such a great company. thanks for response oasis, greedy fks

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-27 10:17:10Show this Author Only
  • Maju94 On 2018-12-27 03:27:46
  • yeah, good to have qualified admins in such a great company. thanks for response oasis, greedy fks

It's the holidays and even Moderators take breaks.

As for your suggestions and bug reports, they were previously stated and we're aware of it.

Nothing new to add to it.

Have a great holidays and a happy new year.

Quicky Post

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