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[ Player Guide ] The Value of Alts in Server Activity


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On 2018-09-18 04:06:22Show All PostsDescending Order
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I've come to realize that many ppl don't know how useful *t is, not just for themselves but for their servers. This is in particular aimed at players 1-3 months into the game.

Ofc, using *t to 'cheat', such as beating your alt in sage, using them as spies, or spamming messages at ppl is illegal and/or frowned upon. That is NOT what I'm proposing.

The best use of alts is to plunder them, instead of actual players. Not only do you save a LOT of time by not having to wait for a convoy, you also avoid antagonizing people.

This is a problem in servers with low activity(which is most servers), where the top 10 plunders usually end up plundering the same low-mid level players over and over again. This results in a) people all moving to the strongest group to avoid plunderers, which results in stagnation (no competition), boring GNW, and eventual server death, or b) simply quitting the game. After all, its not fun when convoys are your main source of coupons and you lose almost 50% of it every day to top 10 guys... I'm told the annoyance is especially severe when the victims are f2p's and their plunderers are spenders. The net result is existing mid-powers end up pissed and quit, while newly rising powers become the new targets, and the cycle repeats. Even those who continue to play are hampered; you can get 40 x 2 x 30 = 2400 cpns/month from 2 SS convoys/day, but if you're plundered on both you lose 15 cpns each time, total of 15x2x30 = 900 lost cpns. That's a week's worth of total coupons lost every month. Only the top few players play long-term in this case.

Unfortunately, by the time most new players realize this, they are already lvl 80+. At that point, levelling up *t to their level takes a lot of time, so most don't bother and keep plundering players. One alternative is to receive a mid-level account from somebody who has quit the game.

I hope this post helps the newer servers retain more activity.

If you disagree with my post, feel free to comment and explain why.

This post was last edited by HuskyNO on 2018-09-18 04:06:22.
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On 2018-09-18 08:19:41Show All Posts
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-09-18 04:47:03
  • Plundering your own alt is absolutely pathetic.

    The reason why Servers die from day1 and why a lot of lower and mid power leave, is not the 900 cps. It's the whole design of the game. Non-spenders are getting slaughtered everywhere. In Sage, in Matsuri, in decisive Bonds, in GNW and also during plundering. Getting path of sixth sage, to play in Zenith? Good luck with that 4 months into a server with your f2p ninjas!

    All they can beat is PvE-Content - which nobody ever called his favorite activity in NO -

    Don't get me wrong. Alts are wonderful. If you use them to send yourself missions, go on Wanted Missions etc. It's a utility to many things, but not a solution to the dying servers (which btw. is so by design and an issue which every Browser MMORPG knows).

I'm not saying being plundered is the only reason, ofc its not. But it certainly doesn't help.

And how is plundering your own alt pathetic? I'd much prefer a server where all the top guys are plundering their alts instead of picking on people lower power than them.

And sure, non-spenders are getting slaughtered. But it is still possible for a f2p to win, especially if they level freeze. To do so, f2p's need all the cpns they can get, and in that situation the 900 cpns actually start mattering; its over 10k cpns in a year after all, that's the difference b/w having a meta ninja and not having one. Your approach is just to give up on the game entirely, my approach is making it somewhat better for the f2p's to play.

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On 2018-09-18 08:23:07Show All Posts
  • Xev On 2018-09-18 07:14:07
  • i thought using alternate/duplicate accounts to plunder was against the rules?

    on one of the servers I use to play on a group leader had over 20+ alt/dup accounts to help out his dying group. i never thought much of it until I saw he wasn't giving other group members who participated in GNW packs. instead he started giving his alt/dup accounts packs. i messaged the group leader and never got a reply back, so I quit and tried to join the other active group on the server. in the end i quit playing on the server due to this issue.

I agree, that kind of use of alts is the thing i'm acknowledge at the beginning is illegal/frowned upon. And that group leader is frankly a moron for giving packs to his alts instead of active players.

And well, using alts in the same server is 'illegal', as is selling/buying (especially this).

However, Oasis doesn't really enforce the ban on alts; most high level players have access to at least one alt/account. Also being given an account by somebody else who leaves is a grey area i believe; Oasis won't help u if you lose an account b/c u gave the password out, but they don't really ban you either as far as i know.

Unless you literally go to them and tell them 'I have *t, my account name is *x. Are you gonna ban me?'... :)

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On 2018-09-18 11:46:41Show All Posts
  • Kuebiko On 2018-09-18 10:32:50
  • wow this thread is going to get deleted XD

    you said you weren't going to propose an illegal use of alts...and then you went to propose an illegal use of lol

    also mods have already covered this, but having a 2nd account (that is, alts) on the same server isn't illegal. but if you use them to feed yourself, that's an illegal move.

in that case, what if you plunder somebody else's alt? and that person then plunders your alt? In that case you can't really prove you are feeding your own account with alts, you're plundering another 'person'. If you do it this way you should be fine.

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On 2018-09-19 02:37:04Show All Posts
  • ExcaliZero On 2018-09-18 15:59:57
  • If you think plundering your alt is acceptable because you're not harming other players, then you could say the same about Sage World, you're benefiting yourself without hurting other players progress, and then you could say the same for Matsuri. Bottom line is, battling your alt is illegal. Just admit that you're not strong enough to plunder people and go back to doing convoys.

Its not just about 'not harming other players'; I'm proposing it b/c convoys and plunders happen to be one of the main sources of coupons, and consequently a big source of antagonism as well as power-suppression from the existing top powers.

What you say is true about sage and matsuri, but first off... good luck using alts to feed yourself in sage, there are just too many players there for that. And if it actually works, then that's probably a non-cross server sage with super low activity, in which case you kinda need alts to even have a sage.

Matsuri is nearly impossible to farm using alts, b/c the way its set up is you keep facing stronger players the more wins you get. The only way I see you feeding with *t is if there's nobody playing matsuri within your cross-server range, in which case... I'd say *t is rather justified. If there's no players for you to play against, then you might as well get the rewards.

And 'just admit that you're too weak to plunder and go back to convoys'? You're totally missing the point. My post was aimed at those players who are plenty strong enough to plunder; i'm just telling them to avoid plundering players if they can.

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On 2018-09-19 02:38:08Show All Posts
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-09-18 16:19:21
  • Probably precisely why it isn't really enforced- you shouldn't do it, but they're not going to waste resource to go out & actively look for it.

    They'd have to log IP for that account, and then scan through all the people who plundered it (assuming they even log that information, which I doubt), if that same person is using that account & being plundered by another account that also has that IP, then technically you could say "He's feeding his main".

    It can get complicated though, how do you know that's not his brother on the same connection- what constitutes as actually feeding another player? Is the act of feeding a player illegal? What if I just actively plunder the same person everyday because we play at the same time? Is he feeding me? How do you know if it's intentional or not?

    It's something you just can't really enforce & it being illegal is probably a formality.

    Of course I can see this thread getting deleted quick.

haha indeed, I agree with your points.

And yeah, probably will be deleted. Still, ppl have seen it so i hope it helps some ppl at least.

Improving server activity is always worth it.

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On 2018-09-20 01:38:38Show All Posts
  • takosabi On 2018-09-19 08:08:50
  • How would it be an unfair advantage? Someone has to play the accounts to make them count for activity. How is that any different if it's me or you? If I have an account in your group, and you have one in mine, how is that any different if we had our own in our own group?

    The accounts aren't being boosted. Which is what is illegal in pretty much any game. They have earned their activity rate. So how is there an advantage? Not to mention anyone can- always join another group, if they are truly a dead group that doesn't qualify. I kept a dying group alive to prevent the server from going down to a single active group because they couldn't get into the group that always won, and it kept getting poached of all it's higher level players. So lower level players could earn packs and the server would stay more active. Do you think that's an unfair advantage? You think it's fair that only 1 group always gets the packs and no one else does because they are lower level?

I think you are focusing on the wrong part of my argument.

Plundering alts will 'boost yourself' sure... but this is true for f2p's and low-mid power players, NOT the top powers (as somebody mentioned in another post).

The top powers can and do plunder easily; whether they use alts or not to plunder, they can get plunders every day. So by using alts they are NOT boosting themselves, they are instead refraining from hurting low-mid power players. In fact, viewed this way, you can argue plunder alts in this case is a SACRIFICE of time for the top powers in order to improve server activity and player relations. I personally would appreciate it if i knew the top guys in a server i was a mid-level in, were all spending hours to maintain alts so they don't steal convoys from other ppl.

Note that I am NOT necessarily advocating for use of plunder alts by the low-mid power players; that is actually in the realm of 'cheating' to boost yourself, so that would get a definite 'no' from Oasis lol. Top power players who make plunder alts to spare lower powers though? Pretty sure most ppl will overlook it.

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On 2018-09-20 01:44:23Show All Posts
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-09-19 17:23:35
  • Huh, I never thought about that- from this whole thread that's probably the one thing with alts that'd I'd actively agree with as being broken.

    Someone before mentioned that higher powers don't benefit from plundering alts- but they do, a lot of people hate being plundered, people have told me that it's infuriating losing coupons- it's actively a very negative thing to lose something that means so much. I'd prefer it to be that you lost the "Coin" side of it, the plunderer still gets his coupons & the plundered still gained his coupons, but coupons weren't deducted for losing.
    Some high Battle powers on my server make a choice NOT to actually plunder people, while others plunder alts- I actually don't see a problem with it from this view point as it avoids actively annoying the player base.

    I've even known & seen people actively change guild to a guild that has stronger members purely based on them not wanting to get plundered- it's a very strange mechanic to have in a game.

Haha yes that is exactly my point.

Plundering alts instead of actual players doesn't give the top guys any real 'benefit' other than improved goodwill from other players in the server, so I don't believe its really 'cheating'; after all, top powers can just plunder players every day without difficulty if they wanted to.

But the goodwill that comes from not being plundered every day helps prevent a lot of mid-levels from quitting and can prevent consolidation of players into one group to avoid plunderers.

Hopefully the moderators for this forum recognize this point and allow this thread to stay up so other ppl can learn this.

(sidenote; I am NOT advocating for use of plunder alts for everyone; I'm advocating for their use among the top power players, so they will spare the lower powers from being plundered)

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On 2018-09-20 05:51:56Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-09-20 05:46:09
  • What you are suggesting is an honour code on using alts based on what you are saying correct? Such code requires a full cooperation between all players in a server and all it takes for one person to abuse/disagree the code for numerous reasons. Personally, I think Oasis is not going to change their view on using alts. based on the past discussions, such codes do work in some servers while some don't. All it takes is for someone to report it. This is why I believe it might be their one of reasons why they won't change their viewpoint.

An honour code like that would be great indeed, but I am more of a realist so I doubt that would ever happen.

I'm more of the view that people using alts is almost inevitable in a game like this, and would be too widespread/tedious for Oasis to properly regulate (a lot of problems on proving its a alt vs a real player living in the same area, etc). In such a case, my goal is to highlight the ways that alts can be used to the benefit of the server as a whole.

Sure, some ppl will abuse it, that's gonna happen regardless.

But hopefully what I'm saying can produce beneficial results (namely player goodwill and activity)... after all, I can't think of a case where ppl would start quitting b/c they are pissed that the top powers are using plunder alts instead of plundering players haha

This post was last edited by HuskyNO on 2018-09-20 05:53:35.
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