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How to kick the group leader?


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On 2016-09-04 03:03:57Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Guys our group leader has not logged in for 7 days and we group members want to kick him and select a new one.Is there a way to do that?
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On 2016-09-04 03:40:03Show this Author Only
Why would there be a way to kick the group leaders? That would mean anytime a few people get mad at the group leader they can kick him....Also the leader is the one who created and paid for the group to be made if you don't like it then leave the group and create one or join a new one...simple fix
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On 2016-09-04 04:28:02Show this Author Only
the seniors should be able to downvote the leader.
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On 2016-09-04 05:13:26Show this Author Only
i dont think so, he/she had to pay to create the for all intents and purposes its his/her group and they can do whatever they want...the real question you should be asking yourself is; Are you going to leave it for a more active group with an active group leader.
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On 2016-09-04 05:40:10Show this Author Only
No one should be able to take rights from the they are the one who created and went through the time to create the group. Even if they gave the seniors the power to demote the LEADER then ther ewould be no senior in that case for a very obvious reason...
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On 2016-09-04 07:20:22Show this Author Only
seniors and anbu can vote to impeach, i think?
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On 2016-09-04 08:11:54Show this Author Only
Oh man, this is a good topic. I was in a group where our "leader" left the group for a better group and he appointed another senior of the group (there was only one other senior) as group leader -_- .. He didn't care for the group, he rarely came online and there were no other seniors. Me and my friends in the group were active and one day, without leaders we managed to get 3rd place in GNW.. Yet the rewards were just wasted as nobody got them as the current "leader" was not active.. I feel you man..
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On 2016-09-04 10:16:00Show this Author Only
  • hellRated On 2016-09-04 08:11:54
  • Oh man, this is a good topic. I was in a group where our "leader" left the group for a better group and he appointed another senior of the group (there was only one other senior) as group leader -_- .. He didn't care for the group, he rarely came online and there were no other seniors. Me and my friends in the group were active and one day, without leaders we managed to get 3rd place in GNW.. Yet the rewards were just wasted as nobody got them as the current "leader" was not active.. I feel you man..
Lies because without an active leader or senior there is no war for the group...
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On 2016-09-04 10:29:54Show this Author Only
actually as if u have like good enought senior that comes online on events you even dont need group leaders
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On 2016-09-06 08:20:52Show this Author Only
  • Nine Tails Naru On 2016-09-04 10:16:00
  • Lies because without an active leader or senior there is no war for the group...
No, this was before he was like "i'm done with this group".. On one week he registered us, and that was pretty much the only time he cared to show up.. so, after winning without any seniors, we waited hoping that the guy will at least show up one day to give out the rewards, nothing.. Next week Wednesday the rewards were gone.. :@
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On 2016-09-06 08:28:55Show this Author Only
After the leader is inactive for 14 days, you will be able to kick them and Seniors/Anbus can impeach.
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On 2016-09-06 08:31:34Show this Author Only
Impeachment is an option. but the leader should be at least offline for 7 days or more
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On 2016-09-06 14:10:08Show this Author Only
After x number of days you can kick the leader out also you have to pay ingots.
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On 2016-09-06 23:43:52Show this Author Only
  • hellRated On 2016-09-06 08:20:52
  • No, this was before he was like "i'm done with this group".. On one week he registered us, and that was pretty much the only time he cared to show up.. so, after winning without any seniors, we waited hoping that the guy will at least show up one day to give out the rewards, nothing.. Next week Wednesday the rewards were gone.. :@
You should have left the group right away with your friends if this is true rather than letting your time go to waste in there. You need another week to join the GNW after you leave so it's best to leave quick.
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On 2017-03-04 20:46:53Show this Author Only
help me i have no ingot for impeach leader how to kick without ingot help me please :/ :'(:'(:funk::funk:
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On 2017-03-04 21:27:01Show this Author Only
  • Salamanca On 2017-03-04 20:46:53
  • help me i have no ingot for impeach leader how to kick without ingot help me please :/ :'(:'(:funk::funk:
Anyone in the group can impeach, seniors just gets to do it first (by a day, then it's anbu, then another day it's elite, then finally, one more day and anyone could)
So for any reasonably active group, someone in the group should be able to do it eventually
And if the group isn't all that active, maybe it's time to jump ship.
I have yet to see a active group with only ftps.
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On 2017-03-17 16:48:49Show this Author Only
create a new post under the customer support.
A group leader can be forcefully removed as long as he/she has been offline for 7 days or more.
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On 2017-03-17 19:35:07Show this Author Only
Don't think so.

7 days is quite a long time, you have no way of contacting him?

Worste case, you reform the group and start from scratch.
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On 2017-03-19 13:37:51Show this Author Only
  • Caide On 2016-09-04 05:13:26
  • i dont think so, he/she had to pay to create the for all intents and purposes its his/her group and they can do whatever they want...the real question you should be asking yourself is; Are you going to leave it for a more active group with an active group leader.
What a silly reply. The group is much more the product of the labor of the other members. The cost of setting up a group is actually fairly small considering the income players have at this point. The most important and costly aspect to the group is the continuing efforts of the group MEMBERS. The clan leader position is rather unimportant. It is the people in the group who made the group what it is. No clan leader should ever forget that the greatest contributions comes from the people, not the leader.
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On 2017-03-19 13:57:23Show this Author Only
after somedays(i dont remember 15 or so) u can have a choice to kick his *ss out ;P u must be senior(not try with anbu and elite yet) :lol
Quicky Post

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