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[ Help ] Damage calculation on dual attribute attacks (nin+tai)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 7
On 2018-06-18 03:32:47Show All PostsDescending Order
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This might sound complicated but I'll try to put my question as simple as I can.
First of all...I'm only talking about ninjas who's special attack (mystery) can cause BOTH taijutsu and ninjutsu damage. we all know, attack is linked with taijutsu damage on a ninja and ninjutsu...well...doesn't need much of an explanation.Also regarding the defender, resistance reduced ninjutsu damage and defence reduces taijutsu damage. For arguments' sake lets assume that the opponent has 0 resistance or defence. To make things simpler.
Now...if you're still here let's go to my question
Since ninjas have different values of ninjutsu and taijutsu damage, how is the total damage calculated?
For example...a ninja with 10k attack and 10k ninjutsu would cause 10k damage on someone with 0 resistance and defence?
And if about a ninja with 1 attack and 9.999 ninjutsu?
Of course characters aren't as ballanced or extremely unballanced as my examples. But I often see ninjas with let's say 10k attack and 12k ninjutsu. What will their damage be? Those cases make me wonder wether I should increase ninjutsu to get more damage or increase taijutsu since it's lower. I just find it confusing and don't really get how damage works on ninjas with dual attributes.
Now...if you have managed to read the entire thing...can you people enlighten me?
I hope I made my question as clear as possible while providing all the data I could.

Quicky Post

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