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On 2018-06-06 02:04:24Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello I'm SinoAcha from S425

The problem I'm currently having on my server is the result of a merge and other bad problems that had happened. One of the other groups on my server first day of the server merge basically just ate 4 groups all on their own and it forced the rest of us to merge. Now it is a boring 1v1 every week no one wants to leave either group because of all of the high benefits the group summons and skill provide. What can I do to possibly break this and add more competition to the server and make people want to create their own groups because this is not fun anymore and each day it is getting closer and closer to a dead server despite the merge.

Jib Edit: Everyone deserves their right to privacy. You can talk about the situation but please don't make player names public.

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2018-06-06 02:04:24.
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On 2018-06-06 01:59:19Show this Author Only

120 members in a group? Kinda wow. You all cant even fight in a gnw, since its limited to 54 players across 6 lands, the rest can only cheer but whats the fun in that. You also limited your seal scroll income by a lot by doing this. Imo just set up a discord channel, invite group leaders/seniors and try reach some consensus.

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On 2018-06-06 02:07:20Show this Author Only

Like Zathroth said, there are ways to help balance a server. In m opinion, putting everyone in one group will only limit the amount of GNW packs they can get. Every server and their groups have their own choices. You can potentially be an outlet for change by voicing your reasons to your community of the benefits of balance. Again, everyone has their own choice and the decision will be up to you guys.


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On 2018-06-06 02:29:35Show this Author Only

break the group in 4-6 groups. 20 people per group are more than enough.

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On 2018-06-06 05:11:48Show this Author Only

Do you mean to say that your group only has few members and GNW is limited to 1v1 now? Good heavens! I would be happy if that happens AGAIN in our merged server. In my POV, it's actually beneficial for your group who have lesser members. You get to farm seal scrolls on a weekly basis because you have few members. Meaning, no fighting over GNW packs and no rotation needed. Automatically 2nd place in GNW. I wouldn't mind losing in GNW if it's beneficial to our group. Heck, we even purposely forfeit during finals so we won't be able to enter X-server GNW. But that's just me. Different people, different POV.

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On 2018-06-06 05:49:22Show this Author Only

Unless the members in groups that joined are close with the members of their original group, this is what I see is going to happen if the big group decides to split. The one group that started that situation would just end up keeping the strong players and kick out the weak players. If that happens, the competition is truly gone in your server.

Quicky Post

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