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[ PVP ] !Main Characters In A Nutshell!


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On 2018-04-22 20:56:38Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Mains in a nutshell and some suggestions:

Scarlet Blaze = * should be * Best control/ Ignite/ Debuff clearer/ Support for Fire & Uchiha ninjas - he is very underwelming atm, is not really what I wrote there, basically whatever team you can think with him another main can do it better (Wind Main & Earth Main OP). If Earth Main has permanent Super Armor at least make Scarlet Blaze immune like Itachi. Thanks to either passive immunity/super armor/heals all of the other mains have the chance to get full combos if they have lower INI, but not SB, he gets targeted then you do 3 combos instead of 8.

So what does he have that you can rely on for the entire fight? That Illusion Shield? Not really, in most cases if you dont use it right of the bat, you never use it, you get accupunctured, chaosed, you name it.

Yep, it's Genjutsu Mirror, or as I call it 1 standard attack from Shisui (that also damages you, except the ignite part) then feel free to chaos.

Wind Main = Support for Female(immunity) & Wind ninjas/ Cancer Clones/ Removes immunity for some reason and clears all debuffs + makes everyone do mysteries all over again but it's ok

Lightning Main = Paralysis & Accupuncture/ Support for Sword & Lightning/ Root of Warrior/ Anbu Tactics(perma buff)- this guy pretty tricky, he is half good and half not so good, might also need a buff but not a huge one like Scarlet Blaze needs.

*Also he is the edgy cool ninja, upgrade him to surfer status once you get summer clothing.

Water Main = Cancer heals/ Cancer poisons/ Acupuncture chase/ Beefiest clone - can be countered now, before she was very annoying

Earth Main = The big boss/ Best (permanent) buffs in the game/ Super Armor/ Support for everyone/ Now if you're gonna make him so good at least go all the way and make double standards for all mystery 20 chakra instead of 40

So if you find an Earth Main or a hot Breeze Dancer, with up to date meta ninjas, it's GG. You're probably gonna lose. I don't know how Scarlet Blaze is classified as "whale ninja" right now, look at space time battles with Earth vs Fire, Earth is probably gonna win, unless that certain SB is the whale. Imo those whales who use SB instead of Earth Main probably can't get over the fact of how bulky he looks like, and still choose mains for looks.

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On 2018-04-22 21:11:49Show this Author Only

Earth Main. Whale. Uses Super Armor.

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On 2018-04-22 21:18:34Show this Author Only
  • Barrin On 2018-04-22 21:11:49
  • Earth Main. Whale. Uses Super Armor.

Idc if a casher uses Super Armor or not on Earth Main, the idea is he has so many things to choose from that it's hard to make a choice.

Then look at SB, his main damaging mystery doesn't even ignite but Lightning Main does cause paralysis with it (yes, they may be useful once again with the nin dogs, so you can target dodge ninjas) & Water Main controls more than he does. He's just really awkward.

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On 2018-04-22 21:24:49Show this Author Only

Poor Earth Main, has no chase, which interrupts Mysteries. LM does not even have AoE Auto-Attack. Wind main has no chance of protecting males (which are like the waste majority of super rares). SB so lucky.

This post was last edited by Barrin on 2018-04-22 21:26:26.
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On 2018-04-22 21:45:33Show this Author Only
  • Barrin On 2018-04-22 21:24:49
  • Poor Earth Main, has no chase, which interrupts Mysteries. LM does not even have AoE Auto-Attack. Wind main has no chance of protecting males (which are like the waste majority of super rares). SB so lucky.

So you're trying to be funny by implying that I suggested he should have whatever is good the other mains have? He should have something of his own that compensates somehow in pvp, like control that actually controls, illusion shield not being countered so easily, ignite on mystery cause that mystery doesn't do anything, since he is fire ninja, passive immunity already 2 mains have.

At the moment the best mains (imo) are: Earth Main and Wind Main, Lightning Main being in the middle, Fire and Water being the worst.

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On 2018-04-22 21:50:54Show this Author Only
  • Barrin On 2018-04-22 21:24:49
  • Poor Earth Main, has no chase, which interrupts Mysteries. LM does not even have AoE Auto-Attack. Wind main has no chance of protecting males (which are like the waste majority of super rares). SB so lucky.

Btw, let's see how you deal with this team. (can switch Itachi with Kage Minato)

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On 2018-04-22 23:53:15Show this Author Only

sb need to be nerfed lmao, you are haunted bro

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On 2018-04-23 01:09:23Show this Author Only
  • buenopam On 2018-04-22 23:53:15
  • sb need to be nerfed lmao, you are haunted bro

why does he need nerf?

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On 2018-04-23 01:49:39Show this Author Only

Bruh if u use earth main that don't mean he's superamazingomggodcallpoliceoofIdontbeliveinJezusIbeliveinearthmain

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On 2018-04-23 02:40:36Show this Author Only
  • UchichaRakiri On 2018-04-23 01:49:39
  • Bruh if u use earth main that don't mean he's superamazingomggodcallpoliceoofIdontbeliveinJezusIbeliveinearthmain

Bruh, I wanna play as an edgy cool Midnight Blade Surfer Boy but I can't cause then everyone beats me. In this game yea, Earth and Wind dominate.

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On 2018-04-23 04:57:19Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2018-04-23 01:09:23
  • why does he need nerf?

because it just gives way too much support than needed to almost any whalish team.

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On 2018-04-23 23:01:27Show this Author Only

The "weaknesses" of fire main is every freaking main's weakness if you don't have enough initiative/good timing, and you're overrating permanent immunity buffs.

1.To stop ppl Interrupting mirror, you can interrupt the interrupter. Also every other main's ability can be interrupted like dance of impetus, and weighted bolder.

2. Fire main is weaker than light main is pure garbage, light main depends to much on buffs and the ninjas he buffs are quite squishy(except kimmimaro), while fire main can literally synergize with any ninja. Light main is the one that needs a buff.

3. Stopping combos on every main is easy, chaos earth main or combo into cc(if he't not using super amror), use a buff remover in r1 and combo on wind main. If they try to kurenai, use interruption to stop her. Water main use double cc. Light main just look at wind main.

4. In high lvl gameplay(space time), if you're using the top 3 mains, fire, wind and earth it won't matter who's using the better main it's all on initiative/ninjas.

This post was last edited by RayzofRadiance on 2018-04-23 23:07:57.
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On 2018-04-24 02:13:01Show this Author Only
  • RayzofRadiance On 2018-04-23 23:01:27
  • The "weaknesses" of fire main is every freaking main's weakness if you don't have enough initiative/good timing, and you're overrating permanent immunity buffs.

    1.To stop ppl Interrupting mirror, you can interrupt the interrupter. Also every other main's ability can be interrupted like dance of impetus, and weighted bolder.

    2. Fire main is weaker than light main is pure garbage, light main depends to much on buffs and the ninjas he buffs are quite squishy(except kimmimaro), while fire main can literally synergize with any ninja. Light main is the one that needs a buff.

    3. Stopping combos on every main is easy, chaos earth main or combo into cc(if he't not using super amror), use a buff remover in r1 and combo on wind main. If they try to kurenai, use interruption to stop her. Water main use double cc. Light main just look at wind main.

    4. In high lvl gameplay(space time), if you're using the top 3 mains, fire, wind and earth it won't matter who's using the better main it's all on initiative/ninjas.

First of all, interruption is useless 90% of the time because of the skill delay, you either CC them with mystery or combo or see your Iruka/ whatever try to interrupt after the mystery is done even though you pressed.

Second of all Eath, Wind, Lightning indeed have more chances to win if they have less INI unless the opponent has a ninja to remove immunity. Wind for example could have Gaara, Kurenai, Wind Main and Minato, you having no Shisui/Masked man/Han have only 2 options to use mystery on, Kurenai or Wind and they're both immune. For Earth Main again, use super armor and other dodge or super armor ninjas and you have no target. In lightning main's case again, need to have buff removal team, or blitz them with a ton of damage (so much that 100% resistance & immunity can't take it).

But Fire Main is naked to everyone if he has less INI, because while not all have CC mystery, everyone has CC chase, so you really can't use him and expect to win unless:

a. you have the INI advantage

b. you counter that team, even then you might lose if you don't use mysteries right

Even his mirror is useless, Shisui would do mystery right of the bat since he is immune, and when it mirrors back to him it says "immune state", or something like that.

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On 2018-04-24 04:52:48Show this Author Only

Please, do tell me how this is not OP and every time I enter Arena there are only these guys, wind mains with Minato and Masked, and Kurenai, or LM with BROKEN Kushimaru, and mostly all of them have higher ini. I am playing with LM, 4th A, samui and Darui, I barely have any new ninja from GNW treasure. Personally, I stand almost no chance in beating any of them unless I have higher ini, and/or enemy doesn't know on which ninja to use Masked Man which gives me advantage of sort in that case, but I can still loose because the damage I deal is not enough or pointless, because of the * mirrors and OP Scarlet's (transvestite) shield debuff mysery.
If someone knows how to beat this, give me a sign. P.S. I have no HANS, so I wont be able to clear the mirror.

In these examples, even if you take down Fire Main, you still going to lose because Shisui and Masked is just bad combination that you need luck to win, and hope that enemy with this setup is dumb at using mysteries, or is on auto. In my case, using 4th A is always useless against these setups, so I just rely on luck only, which never ends well. Not to mention that, fire main will place his shield anyway, so there is no tag for my 4th A.

Not sure against what Fire Main players and with what teams you are playing against, or what ninjas you pick as being one, then you are not using the meta, which I hate that this game is doing such thing as making metas instead of balancing out and allowing to play with mains and ninjas that you like and can compete. There is just no competition, it's generic in this game, same stuff, repeats all the time, only winner is who has higher ini and is lucky to not step in the lame 4.0 mystery delay by the server latency or whatever, which they *ed up, so no idea for how long we have to wait for 5.0 since they do not care to patch it in the middle, but only in these 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0's which is almost after each 6+ months. for * reasons.
Game is not working like your average game, it has lame schedules of everything, even patches and updates that do not come when they are needed, because they have lame schedules for simple fixes.

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This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2018-04-24 05:06:46.
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On 2018-04-24 05:12:57Show this Author Only

I see some people saying how SB is considered OP instead of weak because whales are using him. Well first of all, whale's population are very low compare to majority of player base. Just because few % of players at the top find him "op" doesn't mean he is actually op for the rest. This was the same case as CF in the past, back in 1.0 and 2.0, he was considered god tier among the whale because his shield are just straight up op and there were so little to no way to counter shield back then, but he also was garbage among the normal players.

Same case here for SB, whales are using him mostly because 2 reasons. His mirror and 4th mystery, these two provide great unity without condition that allow whales to pick any carry ninja they want. Beside that the rest of his kit are ignorable because how lack luster it is compare to others. But majority of players who are not whale can't just depend only that 2 things, they need more.

From 1.0 to 4.0, most changes SB received were just nerf left and right while other got buffed. Want me to list some for you guys in case you are new?
- His mirror return used to had another effect that allow him and his team deal increase damage on ignited targets.

- His 2nd mystery used to had a mini unparalleled built in. All they did was nerfed it and waste a new talent slot for unparalleled.

- His Red Lotus buff used to buff blood limit ninjas instead of secret jutsu user and I'm pretty sure there are more f2p friendly blood limit ninjas than f2p secret jutsu user ninjas out there.

- His Oboro clone used to be able to attack on it own and cause imprison effect, high chance of cause repluse.

- His Bani Chakra used to be able to ignite 1 random target and delete buffs on them.

- His Death Mrrage used to be able to cancel 1 debuff on 2 random targets in your team and recover 20 chakra.

Just look at all that and look at him now. He is just a shadow of his previous self.

So, how to fix SB for everyone and not just for whale? Reduce his unity and increase his own gimmick is the way.

- Give him back his increase damage to ignited target, no need to put it into mirror, just put it into Ninjutsu Urge.

- Make his Bani Chakra ignire 2 random targets and recover 10 chakra for each unit that succesfully got ignited.

- Make him interact with blood limit ninjas again instead of secret user.

- Make his 2nd mystery cause ignite to all targets that get hit, I always wonder why MB allowed to paralyzed with his mystery when fire main can't ignite with his mystery. Feel free to decrease the damage deal like 70-80% to make it balance and won't render his 1st mystery useless.

- Make his 4th mystery no longer able to make his whole team immune for 1 round. Just delete debuffs.

- And his 3rd mystery work like CN.

Done, you have a fire maniac with ignited gimmick to play around instead of a fodder for the 1st round mystery then stand there and look pretty rest of the match.

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On 2018-04-24 05:13:07Show this Author Only
  • RayzofRadiance On 2018-04-23 23:01:27
  • The "weaknesses" of fire main is every freaking main's weakness if you don't have enough initiative/good timing, and you're overrating permanent immunity buffs.

    1.To stop ppl Interrupting mirror, you can interrupt the interrupter. Also every other main's ability can be interrupted like dance of impetus, and weighted bolder.

    2. Fire main is weaker than light main is pure garbage, light main depends to much on buffs and the ninjas he buffs are quite squishy(except kimmimaro), while fire main can literally synergize with any ninja. Light main is the one that needs a buff.

    3. Stopping combos on every main is easy, chaos earth main or combo into cc(if he't not using super amror), use a buff remover in r1 and combo on wind main. If they try to kurenai, use interruption to stop her. Water main use double cc. Light main just look at wind main.

    4. In high lvl gameplay(space time), if you're using the top 3 mains, fire, wind and earth it won't matter who's using the better main it's all on initiative/ninjas.

Not all, but most of LM ninjas that works with him are squishy, but there are some that aren't. For example against most players 4th A is kind of squishy, and comparing to Kushimaru...Kushimaru is not squishy at all in the standard meta team with LM, Iruka, and I think Jinpachi(?) the explosive "sword", he is too broken and is not squishy at all, way too much damage and way too many times he c*e his mystery. What else...back in the day Mifune wasn't squishy as well, he was a sturdy mf.

But yea, mostly all these ninjas for unknown reason are too squishy and does not output enough damage against equal opponent, it's either too underpowered, or just OP broken.
I know that 4th A is OP in general, but at this current meta...I just don't see it, but I know he is super broken with maxed skillbooks (not including skillbreaks), but until skillbooks, which will be expensive I suppose, he just isn't as OP as people think when you constantly meet these metas with masked man's and Shisui's, which only by luck can be beaten.

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On 2018-04-24 05:25:10Show this Author Only
  • ZWen On 2018-04-24 05:12:57
  • I see some people saying how SB is considered OP instead of weak because whales are using him. Well first of all, whale's population are very low compare to majority of player base. Just because few % of players at the top find him "op" doesn't mean he is actually op for the rest. This was the same case as CF in the past, back in 1.0 and 2.0, he was considered god tier among the whale because his shield are just straight up op and there were so little to no way to counter shield back then, but he also was garbage among the normal players.

    Same case here for SB, whales are using him mostly because 2 reasons. His mirror and 4th mystery, these two provide great unity without condition that allow whales to pick any carry ninja they want. Beside that the rest of his kit are ignorable because how lack luster it is compare to others. But majority of players who are not whale can't just depend only that 2 things, they need more.

    From 1.0 to 4.0, most changes SB received were just nerf left and right while other got buffed. Want me to list some for you guys in case you are new?
    - His mirror return used to had another effect that allow him and his team deal increase damage on ignited targets.

    - His 2nd mystery used to had a mini unparalleled built in. All they did was nerfed it and waste a new talent slot for unparalleled.

    - His Red Lotus buff used to buff blood limit ninjas instead of secret jutsu user and I'm pretty sure there are more f2p friendly blood limit ninjas than f2p secret jutsu user ninjas out there.

    - His Oboro clone used to be able to attack on it own and cause imprison effect, high chance of cause repluse.

    - His Bani Chakra used to be able to ignite 1 random target and delete buffs on them.

    - His Death Mrrage used to be able to cancel 1 debuff on 2 random targets in your team and recover 20 chakra.

    Just look at all that and look at him now. He is just a shadow of his previous self.

    So, how to fix SB for everyone and not just for whale? Reduce his unity and increase his own gimmick is the way.

    - Give him back his increase damage to ignited target, no need to put it into mirror, just put it into Ninjutsu Urge.

    - Make his Bani Chakra ignire 2 random targets and recover 10 chakra for each unit that succesfully got ignited.

    - Make him interact with blood limit ninjas again instead of secret user.

    - Make his 2nd mystery cause ignite to all targets that get hit, I always wonder why MB allowed to paralyzed with his mystery when fire main can't ignite with his mystery. Feel free to decrease the damage deal like 70-80% to make it balance and won't render his 1st mystery useless.

    - Make his 4th mystery no longer able to make his whole team immune for 1 round. Just delete debuffs.

    - And his 3rd mystery work like CN.

    Done, you have a fire maniac with ignited gimmick to play around instead of a fodder for the 1st round mystery then stand there and look pretty rest of the match.

I understand your point about that whales only use, who are at low % in a comparison, but think it like this - those who are not whales, do they often use someone that is at disadvantage if they do not have the right ninjas to be competitive? Like...if they do not have Shisui and Masked, you think they will take FM? basically all the Fire Mains that you see all use these whale ninjas, you wont see really average player running with fire main that doesn't have any of these ninjas that cannot compete.

Instead of that, they will take someone else with ninjas they have, such as brken Kushimaru, so here comes the other current lightning main metas which you can't really beat easily if you have no Han and you are lower on Ini, because Kushi just deals ridiculous amount of damage, his mystery lasts for 5 rounds basically.

Because it's so easy for him to get those Technique points that he just runs the mystery on 2 enemy targets immobiling them each round, and there's just nothing you can do about it, except be lucky that Han took down the immunity and shields, and hoping that he is squishy for you, since Kushimaru is not actually squishy and people say, and I am basing it on my experience, not easy to kill at all, it's like hitting a rock and hoping it will finally break apart. And this meta is not whale meta, everyone can get this setup from GNW treasure, just have to be lucky in drawing these two ninjas at early start.

Other meta that is, is Wind main.. immunity, reset, annoyingly sturdy clones, kurenai, one of the two minato's, and whatever else ninja that I forgot, usually masked man as well...but then again, those are whales playing with it, or just some lucky people that got lucky at drawing a ninja from lucky wheels or such. Or, if neither of them, then I have stumbled upon older metas that still work if has higher ini, such as Roshi, Han, Water Main, Sailor or Kurenai. They still work and is the best alternative meta that can compete against every other, but then again, those water mains tend to be squishy, but aren't always squishy, sometimes they feel they are strong as rock as well and can get you into trouble if you haven't killed her in round 1 or 2.

Imo one of the this games balance breaking ideas was, and still is, the fact of such existing thing as "meta". Having mains that you are forced to switch just to compete on generic level is another balance breaking idea too, but "meta" idea is bad as well...every time a new ninja comes, almost every time, because there are such collection ninjas that aren't really good but only if you like to collect ninjas, such as Hanabi or any other Hinata versions, those are underpowered and are meaningless to use, like having a hardened plastic statue covered in gold, and all you can do is to throw it at the enemy, but it will just hurt him, and your statue will break. But I am specifically talking about such new ninjas as Shisui, Masked, and Jonin Minato, and Itachi Anbu who is sturdy af and not easy to kill. They will always make the next meta, and no one will ever use any of previous meta ninjas because they just don't work on competitive level. Ever saw Rock Lee being used? he is way too squishy. Ever seen Shino being used? pff no...not even at early levels, just barely... heck he never was part of any meta anyway, because there is no balancing and competitive ninjas, it's just that each time a new ninja arrives, he creates competition and thus makes the meta.

The idea of "meta" just *s. Remember old time games if you ever played, where you could choose whatever class you want and you will still do fine with it, because it has his strong points, and has its own weaknesses, but at the same time each of those classes are universal? what I mean is that you c*e that one for everything, not specific things, despite the fact that you c*e only magic, or only swords, you could still do things YOUR way without being forced to change class just to do that one crap level or crap boss, all you needed was weapon that deal enough damage, or enough upgraded skills, but at the end, you could play with whichever class you want...but here, you are forced basically, otherwise, good luck and * your thumb with the constant losses.

This post was last edited by smaddeus on 2018-04-24 05:40:11.
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On 2018-04-24 05:30:45Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2018-04-22 21:50:54
  • Btw, let's see how you deal with this team. (can switch Itachi with Kage Minato)

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This post was last edited by RayzofRadiance on 2018-04-24 05:33:49.
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On 2018-04-24 05:35:27Show this Author Only

In my opinion Scarlet Blaze is good with whales because they have INI advantage and they c*e control mysteries like Shisui's or Itachi Susano'o with no care in the world of reflecting it back to them. Works nicely on the space-time auto, but yeah, for 90% of the other players they should make him how he once was to be competitive. This is the team I use now btw, 83k power:



1. Doesn't work vs Water Cancer with Han - Mei / Roshi - Sailor, has trouble vs Scarlet Blaze version of Shisui - Itachi Anbu (they use illusion shield then you can't use masked man anymore cause it reflects back), funnily enough. Also that LM had more INI than me.

2. You can lose all these fights I showed up there as being won if you don't use mysteries right, when they use katsuyu summon to clear 1 layer of debuff Masked Man = Nada, Useless, can't CC Shisui into the second round anymore

But yeah, these Uchiha ninjas are made for SB, they should be good with him since he is supposed to have a sharingan himself. Han, Kushina Habanero, Wind Main's 4th Mistery can counter them I suppose. There is no team that can beat all teams that I know of. Water Cancer gets dominated, Shisui gets dominated, depends what setup you use against them.

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On 2018-04-24 05:38:23Show this Author Only

Scarlet Blaze's biggest advantage, the Genjutsu Mirror is also his biggest Con if the opponent has Mirror, CC and INI advantage.

He use Shisui, it reflects to him then back to you, on random ninja, then Masked Man immobilizes the ninja he targeted initially and you are CC'ed twice. Then he also uses Masked Man mystery and you are CC'ed 3 times. GG.

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