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ADLDICLPNO 10 - Season 2


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  • Registered: 2018-02-05
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On 2018-04-11 09:30:44Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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a derps life and Do I Care? - “Let’s Play” Naruto Online Eps 10: Season 2, Eh?

(Stylized like a Poorly Censored Satire)

Written by Do I Care? & a derps life

(See the entire thing here:

also the images are probably broken as hell, if you wanna see the fixed thing check the google doc

yes we got lazy with looking up title page pics so here’s some reused ones

Images provided by Do I Care?

Disclaimer: The following is a fan-based parody. Naruto is property of Masashi Kishimoto and TV Tokyo. This “Lets Play” is a parody and nothing more. So please support the official release.

Naruto Online is property of Tencent/Oasis.

a derps life wants to point out that this isnt actually a lp in the truest sense, its just a creative work lol

Also, even though we bash Naruto Online we really do like the game at the core. Don’t take offense please!

Ayy, new story arc?


Sweet! So what kind of cool stuff are we gonna do?

drat IT

Why can’t we ever do anything cool?!

oh this is the chunin exam arc

you know what that means, right?


you know a certain character debuts in the chunin exam arc, right?

someone on the forum is gonna rage on us and tear us apart if we don’t do this right


Who are you referring to?

...Oh boy.

Can we just hop to the opening now?

Cause I made a really fancy opening to use whenever the episode begins or ends.

Wanna see?

a derps life and Do I Care? - “Let’s Play” Naruto Online Eps 10

(Stylized like a Poorly Censored Satire)

Written by Do I Care? & a derps life

hey uh doicare


why do we suddenly have an opening banner for this lp

why did you photoshop your face, my face, and dosu’s face onto one of the naruto openings and call it the adldiclpno original opening

Huh? Oh, in between the preview of last episode and this episode I contacted Dosu and got his approval. He’s gonna help us out on this one.

So I thought it would be worth celebrating by snazzing up this episode a bit!

Plus, it’s a new arc so it needs-



you got DOSU

DOSU of all people

you know if he gets his hands on this story he’s gonna turn the entire thing into a piece of dosu propaganda right?

He’s not a bad guy though, he could probably help us out.

Especially since our lives are so drat busy.

(No, seriously, screw college.)


well, you do you. hopefully this episode doesn’t crash and burn like the economy then


oh boy

hey dosu

Why would this episode crash and burn though? It’s the debut of the most important character.

That… depends on how long everything else takes. Hang on, we’ll see how it goes.

Ouch, poor Zaku.

Hey, wait a minute.

YOU were the one who told me that Dosu was gonna help us.

Not me.

oh uh

oh yeah

i forgot

Me too. The timeline’s broken. So if this crashes and burns, it’s totally your fault.

...Are you saying I’m going to ruin ALDDICLNPO?

...Did you just get the acronym wrong?

Um… no?

a life derp’s Do I Care Let’s Naruto Play Online?

Sounds pretty accurate to me.

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-04-11 09:30:44.
  • Registered: 2018-02-05
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On 2018-04-11 06:27:19Show this Author Only

Um, hello?

I thought I was the boss around here.

Y’know, since I was the main character.

nah dude

you’re just a poorly written OC standin that’s forced to tag along with everything I do

I mean you don’t even have any plot relevance!

You just wait until the end of this arc! There are things I do here that don’t involve you!



I beat up three misguided kids from the Sound Village.

dude you weren’t supposed to say that out loud

don’t spoil the plot to the canon characters, it might create a paradox

But he’s right. Idontcare is just an OC stand in that allows me to interact minimally with the game world.

I don’t really affect the plot.

y’know uh

Actually, you kinda do tbh.


Concerning dealing with a certain few misguided kids.

You’re a better alternative than Gaara.

...Okay derps, let’s play a drinking game. Whenever Dosu says something that ISN’T related to Dosu, take a sip. If we’re lucky, we’ll get drunk in ten years.

Okay, that’s just rude.

Hey, look at that. Random ninja #1 is about to kill us.

HEY! I’m not JUST Random Ninja #1. I have a name you know!

Well spew out your exposition already so we can get this over with.

I guess someone must’ve had a bad experience with random ninjas attacking them in the past.

Yeah… last time that happened our Sensei *ually harassed them.

And now I need some brain bleach.

...I’m just gonna spew out my exposition and pretend I didn’t hear that.





Haven’t you seen The Incredibles?

I’m just doing the world a favor.

I’m gonna do the world a favor.

And shut you up.

With my brand new Spirit Squad. GET ‘EM HAKU!

Totes m’gotes!

Holy poo poo he can actually do Jiu Jitsu.

yeah that flip in his standard attack isn’t for nothing you know

It’s time to take a bite out of crime… or something, I don’t know.

What the hell? Blindy lights? My one weakness!?

I think you’ve noticed by now that it’s really hard to be all black and mysterious in a setting with bright lights.


Now everyone can see you, you idiot.

And those ears on your head make you look even more like an idiot.

Can you guys shut up?

Some people are trying to do stuff right now.

Like not sleeping.

Oh he-wait wtf

why do you have MLG sunglasses?

Don’t mind those.

They follow him around. You get used to it after a while.

Guys. Let’s go. I think I’m getting dumber by being around these people.

Oh yeah, you guys are from the Hidden Sand Gourd Village, right? Who even are you guys?

Me? Well, I’m Kankuro. The Puppet Masta’. And this is my personal bodyguard, Mu.


...Okay. What about the fan girl?

I’m Temari, but I have like no plot relevance until right before Shippuden so I’ll just kinda be floating around.

I guess you’ll just have to get used to it, idek

...And the noscoper?

I’m Gaara.

Of the Memes.

  • Registered: 2018-02-05
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On 2018-04-11 06:29:19Show this Author Only

...Psst. Derps.


I thought you told me you were gonna go with Gaara Of The Funk.

You know, cause that’s a funny oldie joke.

okay doicare im gonna level with ya

how in the hell do you spell the little beatboxing part that happens whenever you say “gaara of the funk”?

Uh… “Boom chicka chicka chicka GAARAAAAAAA OF THE FUNK!”?

Or, ya know, “Unch unch unch unch GAARAAAAAAA OF THE FUNK!”?

Okay, never mind about the second one.

Besides, “gaara of the memes” is just an excuse to use more memes.

ahahahahahaaa well ya know on the forum i technically am the meme master

...And you guys were worried that I was going to ruin the LP.

Check out my new team.

oh yeah doicare i forgot

im adding a new rule

What is it?

if a character dies in a plot instance

u can’t use them again for the next plot instance

they have a 1-turn cooldown for death and stuff

...What’s the point in that?

so you can cycle out characters, do more work, and add different dialogues, since using the same characters means the same old jokes and same old dialogues every time

...You may have a point there.

Dude! How’s it hangin’?

...are you a surfer dude?

Nah mate, name’s Kiba. I’m a defender of Righteousness!

The hell?

yeah um… don’t mind him.

anyways im hinata

best girl

Um, Hinata is totally not best girl.

shut up

im sorry, who gets to marry the protagonist of the series at the end?

not you

You guys wanna buy some BUGS?

Dude, don’t mind him. He’s just a casual bug dealer.

...Right. Casual. Anyways, next instance.

Is that…?

Holy poo poo the samurai are back.

too bad they’re literally just as weak as before

see you already beat them

Hey there.

Oh no.

Random Ninja #2 is gonna kill us.

...Dude, at the very least can you be a little more polite?

I’m just doing my job here.


You wanna buy some bugs?

...You’re making him high aren’t you.

No. I’m just distributing some bugssssssss.

...Yeah, he’s totally high now.

Does anyone in this frickin’ village do their job?

Dude, it’s called the Hidden W33d Village for a reason ya know.

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On 2018-04-11 06:30:41Show this Author Only

Hey, stop ignoring me!

...I think that was the most pathetic attack I’ve ever seen.

God I hate that word. “Pathetic”. It’s so pathetic.

Okay if you want attention…

do you wanna buy some-


So these guys are obviously pushovers so… Surfer dude. Show me what you can do.

Sure thing man.

Excellent Style: Rocket!

Most excellent.

Okay that’s actually pretty cool.

Better than a certain emo dude spreading his legs.

Actually, that’s a pretty cool screenshot.


Wait a minute.

Oh god, no.


Look closely at him.


Let the meme die, please.


...So, uh, he’s dead. now what



...Who the gently caress are you and why is your head so small.

Oh boy.

Babysitting kids! That’s my favorite part of being an ANBU member.

Shut up and do your drat job, scrub.

Remember, I’m your boss.

So you have to do what I say.


You guys totally wanna get in here, right.

Look at their faces. They totally do.

Oh god what do you guys want

You guys totally think this is the right place, don’t you.

Of course this is the right place.

Of course.


...Does anyone here even do their goddrat job?


What? I’m busy.

ya know

they’re using a genjutsu right?

we’re just wasting time dealing with them

Well aren’t you clever little girl.

Soooo smart.

Think you’ve got us all figured out huh?


Yeah, that’s what I thought *.


Yeah, let’s just go.

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On 2018-04-11 06:31:55Show this Author Only

Yo, what’s up with that music?

I am Rock Lee! I represent truth, justice, maple syrup, hockey, Mounties, and the Beatles haircut!

I fight Emo in all of its facets, and you, Sasuke, are the first on my list!

Shut up, Canada su3ks-



Don’t ever diss Canada!


I have no choice… I have to use my Sharingan!

Wait-wtf it doesn’t work!

That’s right! You can’t use the Sharingan on me because I’m protected by diplomatic immunity, eh!

Now it’s time to use my final move! The-


How DARE you forget the MOST important part of FIGHTING!?

You forgot to get the girl! That’s the MOST important PART!

You’re right Sensei! How could I forget, eh?

*insert flirting noises here towards Sasuke*


a derps life and Do I Care? - “Let’s Play” Naruto Online

(Stylized like a Poorly Censored Satire)

Written by Do I Care? & a derps life

you know doicare

i think we forgot something this episode


What could it be?

idk. im sure if it were important we would remember it.

oh well this episode has gone on long enough, let’s just end it here

Hey, guys, wait! Come back!

You guys forgot to-


...put in the Dosu instance…

Sorry, we took too long with the other plot stuff. See you next episode.


You idiots promised me you were gonna add Dosu into this one!

No lol

Son of a-

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-04-11 06:35:19.
  • Registered: 2018-02-05
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On 2018-04-11 06:33:01Show this Author Only



Hey guys, anyone wanna play a card game with me?

Eww, no!

I’m gonna bl0w you idiots straight into the filler instances!


I think that is the most heinous thing anyone’s said in this entire Let’s Play.

Wait a minute…

HOLY poo poo I DIED!?


Thanks for st1cking with us for an entire ten episodes of stup1dity! This one turned out a little less funny than I (well, derps and me) wanted but I think it's still a decent way to start out Season 2. See y'all next time!

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-04-11 06:33:54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-11 09:35:23Show this Author Only

*claps and laughs hysterically*

You guys are killing me over here!

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On 2018-04-14 09:04:10Show this Author Only

Heh, this was fun to help out with even though it had nothing to do with Dosu... yet!

Quicky Post

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