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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - March 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-27
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On 2018-03-28 04:44:35Show All Posts
  • Rexxy On 2018-03-27 15:06:34
  • I don't mind them giving out 80 fragments of DB Hidan or Sharkisame like they did. Those ninjas are manageable, and you actually need an otherwise high power level and other good ninjas to make them work. If you have that, then those ninjas are good. I think those are fantastic ninjas for the wheel.

    However giving out Shisui or HK minato in the wheel breaks the game. These ninjas are really hard to deal with, but I'm totally fine with people getting them if they save and pay up the coupons, because then they had to give up some other advantage, like getting more power.

    But since you seem to be interested in 'fairness', I don't see how it is fair for anyone, f2p, low spender or a whale to get a god-tier ninja that can carry the team alone and suddenly becoming unbeatable by his previous rivals. Ninjas like HK-minato have too much impact for a single ninja to be handed out for free like candy. Why should I bother playing anymore, if someone beats me by just getting mega lucky? How does that keep me engaged?

    And I swear to god. No f2p is going to be happy about another f2p player pulling a HK Minato, except the player who pulled him. All the other F2P players are just gonna go "why not me", and wonder why they should bother playing, because the dude they used to go neck to neck in sage or whatever, now totally crushes them.

I agree with you 100%, and I'm not one of those people who didn't get lucky, I was blessed with Shisui for 1.5k coupons when he first came out. Granted that is the one, and only time I have ever gotten lucky (been playing since Oct 2016, low spender realm), and usually don't bother with RNG events anyway since it is typically a waste of time and coupons. So I'm not agreeing out of spite, but rather because this really is an issue that is ruining the game for a lot of people.

This holds true ESPECIALLY for f2p and low spenders. We work very hard for our coupons, and you basically have to decide between power or ninjas. When you are saving 15-20k for a ninja you really want, you are giving up quite a bit of BP in order to do so. When someone you compete with gets that same ninja you are saving for essentially for free, they just gained a HUGE advantage over you because they can focus on BP again having only spent a minimal amount to get that ninja, while you are stuck paying full price, and taking a huge hit on BP. Ever since they started handing out these S to God tier ninjas like candy, so many people ranging from f2p to p2w whale have quit my server out of frustration due to this specific issue, among other reasons of course (i.e. game is getting boring). I must say it makes me a sad muffin, I would rather have to work for ninjas like Shisui than have absolutely no one to play with in game because they all quit, which is basically my server right now, extremely dead -sigh- so it's probably too late for lil S87 ;-;

Quicky Post

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