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[ Events ] Incredible luck in lucky *


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  • Registered: 2018-01-04
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On 2018-02-23 10:08:06Show this Author Only

grats man i play 8months on dis game and never get lucky on those rng events i never get super rare ninja but i dont spend a lot i just try using 200 to 600 cps. i just for guarantee ninja. the only one i get from events is kabuto snake in the box rofl.

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On 2018-02-23 16:03:27Show this Author Only
  • Michgefragt On 2018-02-23 03:23:40
  • 1. Grats on the pull. 2. Something I will educate you on, is that the big spenders in game, don't have that better chance to get pulls. I say this from experiance. My Deidara was built frag by frag, and I never won him from an event. I was forced to piece him together, and spend a lot of money to get him where he is. The same for almost every other ninja I have. NarutoOnline180222142144

Thank you for the info man. Well, im really not a spender, but I recharge for monthly card. I guess ill just take my time and piece him together. I really do believe like you do, that these RNG events DO NOT EVEN GIVE A 1% CHANCE to people who recharge imo.

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On 2018-02-23 21:38:10Show this Author Only

i got deidara on lucky almost 3 months ago. Yeah, lucky i am one of high bp for f2p. I used deidara, fire main, sasori edo, and jigo for gnw. Earth main better

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On 2018-02-23 22:49:30Show this Author Only
24# not spending not 1 coupon this week,no matter how tempted i am.Im saving up for the next lucky stars wheel,and hopefully,hokage tsunade,shisui,or masked man will be in there.

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On 2018-02-23 23:15:39Show this Author Only
  • IndraOtsutsuki( On 2018-02-23 22:49:30
  • not spending not 1 coupon this week,no matter how tempted i am.Im saving up for the next lucky stars wheel,and hopefully,hokage tsunade,shisui,or masked man will be in there.

last time hokage tsunade was there was there with 10 fragments only, not with 80.

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On 2018-02-23 23:17:33Show this Author Only

1200 coupons so far. . and nothing. .
i did all single pulls tho

other people in my server did 3 x 10 pulls and got him

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On 2018-02-23 23:26:40Show this Author Only
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I wish more people understood that their money can make a difference and they can steer the game into a better way for p2w and f2p alike...

The problem is that as long as there are whales who keep recharging 10k per day, they won't care much. THey are going to keep doing what they are doing, putting ninja behind paywalls and favoring lvl50 with 10k power to trigger others into spending.

Anyway...As long as some p2w actually change and stop recharging then we maybe see some changes in the future

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On 2018-02-23 23:35:47Show this Author Only

not in the previous and not in this week's events either!!

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On 2018-02-23 23:43:32Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2018-02-23 03:48:23
  • pieced him together frag by frag myself as well. i was closing in on him last week, and man oh man i was going nuts on stam pots getting 80 pts a day off sweeping

    i'll also 2nd that the biggest spenders don't necessarily have the same luck as lower powered/and smaller spenders. game works in a weird way against heavy spenders *cough kaizer vid*. But there's always exceptions, we have 2 fairly big spenders in my group and their luck is out of this world no less than this guy.

    btw deidara isnt the greatest ninja at lower BP, blitz setups give you better outcomes, so you could even try him with edo sasori and onoki/gaara/konan or jigo.

    tanking and endurance doesn't work too well until you're much higher BP.

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On 2018-02-23 23:48:26Show this Author Only

Ahhmmm .. Did they lessen the chance of getting Lv5 Magatama Box too? .. because in the past lucky * events, i can get 1 to 2 boxes per spin10 .. but now, i did 50 spins and didn't get a single box of Lv5 Magatama, just bunch of Cave keys and Myoboku Gifts .. 3rd spin10 i got the tool essences, and in the 5th spin10 i got 2*itachi susano frags .. deidara and nagato? no show xD .. wahahahahahah ..

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On 2018-02-24 01:41:16Show this Author Only
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Yeah, but he is like top 10 on his server. ;)

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On 2018-02-24 02:15:23Show this Author Only
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i thought so too in the past but then happened this to me in one of the past events:



i posted the 1st picture so that you can see that what's written in the chat behind the screen of lucky * is the same exact thing that you can read in the 2nd picture, where i posted the number of rolls (the 2nd picture is taken actually 5 minutes after the 1st).

consider i'm the 6th power in my server (that's not a dead server, 4 groups in gnw) and usually top 32/64 in my spacetime bracket, so i doubt i may be considered a low power/level.

the problem imho is that lucky * doesn't work in the same way as lucky stars or wheel of fortune. Lucky * is not rigged while for the other two events i can't guarantee.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-02-24 02:19:18.
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On 2018-02-24 05:11:37Show this Author Only
  • MetTiwnl On 2018-02-24 01:41:16
  • Yeah, but he is like top 10 on his server. ;)

I m ranked 3. for power on my server right now.

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On 2018-02-24 05:53:21Show this Author Only
  • Michgefragt On 2018-02-23 03:23:40
  • 1. Grats on the pull. 2. Something I will educate you on, is that the big spenders in game, don't have that better chance to get pulls. I say this from experiance. My Deidara was built frag by frag, and I never won him from an event. I was forced to piece him together, and spend a lot of money to get him where he is. The same for almost every other ninja I have. NarutoOnline180222142144

Man i started a thread saying exactly that and they dared to delete it ! There's a 39k BP guy in S17 has won both Minatos,Masked Man AND shishui , all by free draws . Yeah well deserved ...NOT

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On 2018-02-24 06:05:57Show this Author Only
  • OnePieceMeetsNa On 2018-02-23 16:03:27
  • Thank you for the info man. Well, im really not a spender, but I recharge for monthly card. I guess ill just take my time and piece him together. I really do believe like you do, that these RNG events DO NOT EVEN GIVE A 1% CHANCE to people who recharge imo.

Finally, someone with some sense. I's a harsh reality for us. The thing is, is that they could have avoided this, by putting Minato in the redeem section. Roshi, by cost, is worth more than Hokage Minato. I have no idea why they would be willing to put him in there, and not Minato... It just *s my mind how they are so thoughtless.

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On 2018-02-24 09:02:35Show this Author Only

span 10 times and got my own mr boom boom

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On 2018-02-24 10:55:58Show this Author Only

One of my groupmates got Deidara today for 150 coupons, yes you read that right, 3 single spins.

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On 2018-02-24 11:10:29Show this Author Only

lucky i spent 3k hoping to have a chance at deidra best i got was 2 seals worth of frags and 2 itachi frags and yeah the lower power you have and longer you stay not playing this game the better chance u have with rng events like this...basically give a great ninja to people who dont play as much anymore just to get them to play more but we all know that doesnt happen.

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On 2018-02-24 18:09:07Show this Author Only
  • BigMike On 2018-02-24 11:10:29
  • lucky i spent 3k hoping to have a chance at deidra best i got was 2 seals worth of frags and 2 itachi frags and yeah the lower power you have and longer you stay not playing this game the better chance u have with rng events like this...basically give a great ninja to people who dont play as much anymore just to get them to play more but we all know that doesnt happen.

Like I said I m ranked 3. for power on my server and I m online daily for nearly 8 hours because I m always doing something or helping others :)

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On 2018-02-24 23:04:04Show this Author Only
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