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[ Events ] Incredible luck in lucky *


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  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-23 00:55:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello everyone,
usually I don´t like to brag, but this time I got really lucky. I m a mid spender in this game, I m planning to spend every month around 20-30 dollars for monthly card and for some ingots for SS plunder (even though I spent some more in the beginning for Jonin medal etc.), I started just 6 weeks ago and I felt really unlucky (y I know its not that long time ago :D), I spent all my coupos on Try your luck or luck based events and ofc never got anything, after I read that you can get hashirama from lucky ninja pack I even spent some more money to buy 180 of them and again I did not get him or Sasori. I felt pretty sad that some people said on the forum they got him from just 1-5 packs. I doubted the rng in the game and thought maybe just the huge spenders can get them. but now I know its really just about luck and you can get lucky anytime, just dont give up :)

PS : I still think lucky dice event is the best for rewards.
PS 2 : Have you had any luck in this week´s event yet ? Share

lucky as hell

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-23 01:00:02Show All Posts
  • OnePieceMeetsNa On 2018-02-23 00:58:21
  • How much coupons u spent this time?congrats man..

Thanks, like you see I used 10 draws so 498 coupons :)

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-23 01:02:38Show All Posts

Btw can anyone suggest me a lineup for him ? I have seen a lot of good line ups but he is the only good ninja I have and Sailor Sakura, but idk what team to make from these two.
Thanks :)

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-23 01:03:45Show All Posts
  • OnePieceMeetsNa On 2018-02-23 01:01:10
  • *.. i spent 1k coupons for now and got nothing lmao

I know how it feels I really wanted Minato last week and spent all my coupons on him, to be honest when I tried to use my last 550+- coupons on this event I was not expecting anything.

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-23 02:18:01Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-02-23 02:07:20
  • Switch to earth main if you have pain jigo

Yes I have seen that combination but unfortunately I dont have him. These are the ones I got :

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-23 07:39:39Show All Posts

Thanks everyone, I will try to get Pain - Jigokudo, what other combiantion for SS, Deidara and Earth Main works well ?
For everyone who is trying to get him good luck :)

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-24 05:11:37Show All Posts
  • MetTiwnl On 2018-02-24 01:41:16
  • Yeah, but he is like top 10 on his server. ;)

I m ranked 3. for power on my server right now.

  • Registered: 2018-01-18
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On 2018-02-24 18:09:07Show All Posts
  • BigMike On 2018-02-24 11:10:29
  • lucky i spent 3k hoping to have a chance at deidra best i got was 2 seals worth of frags and 2 itachi frags and yeah the lower power you have and longer you stay not playing this game the better chance u have with rng events like this...basically give a great ninja to people who dont play as much anymore just to get them to play more but we all know that doesnt happen.

Like I said I m ranked 3. for power on my server and I m online daily for nearly 8 hours because I m always doing something or helping others :)

Quicky Post

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