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[ Fanfiction ] Songfiction. Rated T for Teen.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-03 07:07:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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AN: I'll be writing a fiction piece based on my current playlist.

Your role is to figure out the song I am talking about,


"What are you doing?" Azure asked her starry-eyed partner as the two overlooked the desert night in the land of Wind.

"Sorry," Crimson muttered quickly, averting his gaze.

His partner grunted, and went back to her post.

A full minute passed before he managed to get a question to his silent partner.

"So why did you get into this business anyways?" He asked, tugging at the black and red cloak that d*d both their shoulders.

She sighed in response, and glared over the weary landscape that they were to watch. Soon a convoy would attempt to slip by, filled with valuable cargo and a warmongering civilian. He would have to die.

"Azzy?" Crimson asked quietly, his voice shaking as he felt a cold rage seep from his partner. Azure was not a nice person to be around when she was angry. In fact, he found that the woman he was partnered with was too cold and bitter to really hold any form of conversation.

"If I answer you this, can I have your word that you will shut up until we get back to base?" She asked at last, her voice as cold as the night around them.


"I hate this world of fakes and lies." She said finally. "I want to watch it burn around me."

Crimson raised an eyebrow. "Didn't take you for an anarchist."

Azure's eyes flashed in irritation as she glared back at her partner.

"I'm not." She paused for a moment, as if looking for the right words to say.

"What I want to do is make a world that is real. Not hidden under a veil of smoke and mirrors. Not when lives are tossed away for the amu*t of some faraway civilian who has never stepped upon a battlefield."

"So?" Crimson couldn't resist poking at his partner.

"This world is all we have, all we will ever have. And that's why we have to fight for what kind of world we wish to build."

"For example." She started, raising her hand to stop Crimson from interjecting. "How are we supposed to change something that isn't broken?"

Crimson remained silent, his mind trying to find an answer.

"We break it. Then we build something better out of the ashes."

Crimson remained silent, thinking of the system they lived in.

"But." He started, freezing at the murderous glare of his partner.

"So that's your response? But? Spluttering like a blind fool?"

She began to laugh, a cold symphony that disappeared into the night.

"Oh please! Do you not get it? If we are to change the world, we have to destroy the old one first!"

Crimson finally found his voice. "But there are tens of thousands of enemies out to stop us!" He froze in place as his partner's laughs turn almost demonic in nature,

"Can you really live without committing to something?" She asked at last.

Crimson opened his mouth to answer, but felt a distant footstep in the earth. His partner felt it too, turning to the source of the intrusion as her features turned maniacal, and her katana slipped out of it's sheath.

"Let's get rid of this old world. Piece by piece." Azure whispered to the air.

"Now then. What shall we break first?"

Crimson fell silent as he charged into the ensuring slaughter.


The caravan was destroyed. In the light of the rising sun, Crimson and Azure surveyed their handiwork.

"So." Azure began. "What shall we break first?"

Crimson smiled as he stared at the first rays of dawn,

"This World."

Quicky Post

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