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[ Bugs ] Coupons are gone????


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On 2017-12-01 13:32:05Show All Posts

refer to screenshot below for info

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2017-12-01 15:46:55.
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On 2017-12-01 13:36:53Show All Posts

Have you done charms after lucky board? Have you used the "auto upgrade" level up feature? as this is how I lost my cps & ingots.

It clearly says "Auto Upgrade will use the corresponding materials until the upgrade is complete. It will automatically stop if materials are insufficient. Do you wish to start auto upgrade?" Going by this, this system should never auto-buy the remaining needed charm pieces if you fail to have enough in your invent.

I hope you did upgrade charms, as i'm worried that my case is unique and would be a relief if the issue with missing cps & charms is related to the auto-upgrade feature in Charms.

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On 2017-12-01 13:47:45Show All Posts
  • Swisidniak On 2017-12-01 04:22:22
  • You're not crazy the same thing happened to me!
    When I signed on this morning I had 1633 coupons and 200 ingots

    After signing in I did a daily check-in, upgraded my charms for the rebate, did group wheel and then ran some convoy. In the middle of a convoy I got kicked offline. When I refreshed it gave me a white screen so I close the mini-client completely and restarted. When I restarted and finished my convoy, I realized all of my coupons were gone and I only had 88 ingots left. I KNOW I had the coupons when I logged in this morning because I was checking lucky board planning to use them later. I did not spend anything anywhere. I've never spent any of my 200 ingots since getting them nearly a year ago now.

    I cleared my cache, restarted the client about four times and tried browser version and no luck. It's all just gone.

    I have no screenshot from earlier today when I had them because why would I screenshot myself first thing in the morning when nothing is wrong? I DO have one from last night though from right before I signed off for bed that shows how much I SHOULD have. The only thing that has changed is some coins and my power from the new myoboku thing and upgrading charms today.

    I'm super stressed, I've been saving them for the past month for lucky board and now I've got nothing

    I sent in a bug report through the client support, but I'm glad there are other people with this issue, it's not just me.


same question to you, did you use the auto-upgrade feature in charms when you were leveling it

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On 2017-12-01 14:00:16Show All Posts
  • Swisidniak On 2017-12-01 13:49:17
  • I did upgrade my charms! I had around 600 total but since I only needed 500 for the rebate I didn't use them all. I only upgraded my charms from levels 3 to 4 or 4 to 5 which are pretty low cost anyway so I could guarantee not going too far over the 500 I needed to use so I could save the remaining for the next rebate.
    In the charm rebate I used 528 total

    and looking at what I have left over I DO have more than 200 remaining, even though I only had about 620-ish when I started. This is far more than I should have left.

    The fact the auto-upgrade took from our coupons and ingots instead of using the charms we already had in our inventory to begin with is ridiculous D:<

The auto upgrade feature is almost certainly bugged. It's tapping into our cps and ingots on level ups. This is impossible.

And i'm in the same boat as you.

Had total 424/500 this morn (added up this morn to confirm) Did 250/500 rebate this morn, no issues. 174 left. Somehow at 568/500 now and few remaining charms in my invent. 2900 cps and 3300 ingots gone. Even if the system spent the cps and ingots on charm packs, i would be missing charms.

*for sketpicals out there. I purchased 0 packs from the time limited shops and event shops. I am also unable to purchase packs directly in the regulat shop as i was playing on puffin (mobile) right side screen cut off refraining me from scrolling down. My login emails heavily secure so the issue with my acc compromised is out of the question.

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2017-12-01 14:02:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-01 15:38:27Show All Posts

oas report

I spent quite a bit of time and gathered together what I saved from this last day.
I expect OAS to resolve this concerning issue in a timely manner...this is not a small bug

To anyone reading this and whether or not you lost few hundred or few thousands coupons & ingots, I urge you to contact Naruto OAS customer service and submit a report ticket, and link it back to this thread as well:

To open a support ticket for this bug, the link is below:

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2017-12-01 15:48:23.
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On 2017-12-05 12:33:49Show All Posts
  • bl0w On 2017-12-02 21:18:42
  • But this happens without checkbox checked? Because I did some auto upgrades but didnt pay attention to cupons :scared:


Wasn't even aware there was this option, and can confirm I did not check box this.

I've spent quite a bit on the Charm system since Season 1 Space-Time (so we've had this system for quite some time now), and always been using the auto-upgrade feature without any prior issues (and also doc umenting with an excel sheet how many charms it takes for me to level each slot's gear from 1->2->3->4->5->6...). So you could say i'm extremely calculative, careful and most definitely not the careless type.


I also believe the default is unchecked box, and many players are:

A. not aware of this feature

B. would never check-box this as there's a handful of other ways acquiring charm packs at less than shop value (125 cp/box)

It has been 5 days, OAS has not gotten back to me :S

I'll keep this thread updated if I get any leads on this issue.

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2017-12-05 16:52:03.
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On 2017-12-06 12:58:01Show All Posts
  • Swisidniak On 2017-12-06 12:11:57
  • I also have never checked that box,

    but I remember there was a bug with the thread in battle armor when 3.0 first came out that using the auto-upgrade, even without the box checked, it would give you a popup asking if you're sure you want to purchase thread. Could this be a similar issue? Still doesn't explain the load of extra material in our inventories though. And even if the box was checked, it should have given a warning/confirmation that you were about to spend coupons.

    I got a reply to my report three days ago saying "The situation is under investigation. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding!"
    Today I checked back to see if there had been any updates and about a half hour ago my report form has now been closed as "Resolved"
    ....But it hasn't been resolved. I've gotten no updates regarding what the problem was, what happened, nothing. Why is it 'resolved'???

Re-open it and push them for an answer

As a paying customer whose lost over $130 worth over this "bug" I had my full faith in OAS to resolve these individual cases in an expedited manner.

However as of now i'm also uncertain on the outcome, as my support tickets show as "resolved"

This clearly shows that this game needs:

A. To own up to their own mistakes (when you're almost a week late into resolving a loss of money related bug, players lose hope, and the last thing we want to do is to rant and spam forums for an answer)

B. Test servers to ensure new patches have minimal bugs and errors to prevent such issues from ever happening.

6 Days now, still waiting for an answer and solution

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2017-12-06 12:58:36.
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On 2017-12-07 19:02:06Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2017-12-06 17:11:45
  • Hey Kira, I'll speak with a CS rep from the system to answer your ticket and get in touch with you as fast as possible

Thank you Tobei, although i've not had any response back from OAS CS.

The last response was "under investigation".

It's now been 1 week and i'm regrettably losing hope every day and do not wish to keep pushing the OAS CS to fix this for me and the others.

As a long time loyal customer, one would expect a higher quality of customer service on such serious issues. I am not comparing the standards of this game to other browser games but when moneys at stake, and a paying customer losses a significant chunk of money over a bug, we have every right to demand for a resolution (if not a refund) immediately, and should not be something that should be dragged on for 7 days with the only answer "under investigation".

My other complaint is the need for "proof" aka "screenshots". I myself take more screen shots than the typical player does, and even in this case I do not think my screen shots are "sufficient" for this case. If OAS does not go by player logs and only by "screenshots" then this is a lost cause. Unless we had the loss of coupons/ingots on videos, there is much doubt as to what really happened and it's our words vs theirs.

@Tobei and forum mods, appreciate your help and assistance but this does look gloomy for us

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2017-12-07 19:02:23.
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On 2017-12-08 06:55:57Show All Posts
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On 2017-12-08 15:14:18Show All Posts
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On 2017-12-09 14:29:58Show All Posts
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On 2017-12-10 05:46:44Show All Posts

Hi Daiske,

Appreciate a mod getting back at us after a week's wait.

In response to:

"I have noticed you have mentioned you were not aware of the *on that says "if you do not have enough resources, coupons/ingots will be used".

"But I still need to ask if there isn't even a slightest chance that you and other players with same problem may have this box checked and just not being aware of it ? "

There is NO CHANCE this happened. It's 3 lines of in your face text.

"Automatically buy materials if your materials are insufficient.

When buying items;, firstly use Coupons,

If Coupons are not sufficient, Ingots will be spent."

My anger and frustration is with these auto-mated like responses from support.

This isn't the type of service you'd expect when dealing with such issues.

There's been no valid proof from supports end indicating, I did this and that and my coupons/ingots were allocated into this and that.

And @Daiske, from a player's s standpoint doesn't this seem all too coincidental to you that multiple players experienced the loss of coupons and ingots on the very first day of 4.0, and no such reports prior to that? Are you saying on behalf of support, we players can only prove our story with a recorded video? Otherwise it's your logs against our truthful statements?

I've spent more than I should on this game in the past year, with no regrets. I'm as careful as you can get when I spend in this game, and do*ent almost everything.

However as of now, OAS has lost a loyal customer until they give back what I essentially paid for. I've put in my report, and the other players will say the same, OAS is more than welcome to take back the extra charms the system gave us in error.

It's not the # amount of loss coupons/ingots i'm angry about. It's how we're getting treated in this situation with little to no valid explanation from OAS' end and I would swear on my life (if this wasn't a game), the Automatically use coupons/ingots function was not ticked off.

S177: Kira

UID: 200000091341778

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