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[ Help ] Matsuri Match-up Rules


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-27 21:49:50Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello everyone,

During Matsuri challenge, I have encountered this kind of "issue" (many times not just one). After losing a match, you will have the "you will be matched with a player who has a LOWER level than your". My character is level 83, so I expected to get a lv80- player.

But, I got a level 83 player (higher power also), quite not understand... I lost and start match-up again, then I got another 83 level with power even higher than the previous one. @@! WTF!!!! My server is cross-server matsuri and my queue time haven't reached 60 seconds yet, it was about only 2, 3 seconds.

So what is the meaning of "LOWER"??? What's "LOWER"??? Is 83 lower than 83??? If yes, then Oasis must be "super smart"!!!Just stop this ridiculous matching. If it's random, PLEASE DELETE the "LOWER" statement.

Thank you!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-27 22:38:10Show this Author Only

it says 'you may encounter...'

anyways, it works in a simple way: whoever is in queue before gets the priority.

why were you matched with a player with a comparable level to yours?

because he was in queue before you AND or he lost his previous match or he was waiting since more than 60 seconds or he was at his 1st match.

In these 3 situations you are matched with him because he was in queue before you.

It's stu[pid, i know, but is how it works.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2017-11-27 22:38:23.
  • Registered: 2017-10-12
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On 2017-11-27 22:50:37Show this Author Only

I think its said "you MIGHT be matched with a player who has a LOWER level than your"

p.s. and lower level doenst mean lower power

This post was last edited by MegaMind on 2017-11-27 22:51:26.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-28 05:12:00Show this Author Only
  • MegaMind On 2017-11-27 22:50:37
  • I think its said "you MIGHT be matched with a player who has a LOWER level than your"

    p.s. and lower level doenst mean lower power

True, maybe oasis should make it so its based on bp.

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On 2017-11-28 18:07:03Show this Author Only
  • Light1 On 2017-11-28 05:12:00
  • True, maybe oasis should make it so its based on bp.

No, because that way you would almost never get 5 wins, unless you really own a wide assortment of ninjas and very likely you would be always compelled in using 150 revival potions (how many times happens within two meta teams of comparable power that you don't lose any ninja even if you win?)

The only way to solve the issue would be to change the script and add the rule that if you lost your previous match you can't be matched with somebody an higher or comparable level to yours unless you too wait over 60 seconds.

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On 2017-11-28 21:34:44Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-11-28 18:07:03
  • No, because that way you would almost never get 5 wins, unless you really own a wide assortment of ninjas and very likely you would be always compelled in using 150 revival potions (how many times happens within two meta teams of comparable power that you don't lose any ninja even if you win?)

    The only way to solve the issue would be to change the script and add the rule that if you lost your previous match you can't be matched with somebody an higher or comparable level to yours unless you too wait over 60 seconds.

It would be battling based on skill and strategy rather than bp, so it could work.

Quicky Post

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