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[ Suggestions ] Make Jonin medal viable + other ideas


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On 2016-08-24 13:37:20Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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For 180 days,you get 3600 coupons back (split 20 coupons per day for 180 days)...this is fine. The weekend reward though..that,that is really,REALLY, scroll you can get em anywhere..summoning and seal..not that much. Summoning actually not at all..the only time you can get that is if you are on the winning side in sage battlefield..which is pretty bad. So,I want to ask you mods,can you change bond with summoning/seal? Jonin medal isn't actually relevant at all after you get Naruto (which everyone wants and gives you a good headstart)..but at lvl 70 with everything maxed out..nobody is going to pay for Jonin make this relevant or it is going to be a dead thing..

I was thinking about Black market for a while..I know you can get ninjas and items etc..what about Scrolls? You can get bond,sure,but nobody wants maybe add Summoning scroll or Seal scroll there for a cheaper price? instead of 63 coups make it 55 and instead of 125 make it 100 :) it is a big deal for us,f2p and for p2w actually,we want to feel that this game is not only RNG and we can get luck with our own hands..

Make events or something like that that can add summoning scrolls and seal scrolls to it,refine runes (tier 1 and 2,tier 3 is really easy to get...tier and 1 and 2 is harder) ninja fragments and meat* and mood scrolls. It can be a recharge event or a spin event or anything but just add those together because f2p and p2w need this alot and it is hard to get even with ingots ( 25 coups/ingots for 1 rune tier2 when you need around 60 to lvl up? cmon)
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On 2016-08-24 13:52:52Show this Author Only
Adding more things to the jonin medal would add more to the gap between p2p and f2p. I already think the convenience it provides is worth the value (around 38 dollars divided by 180 days is less than 22 cents a day). Considering the coupons alone are worth it, everything else is just a bonus.

I like the idea of adding Seal/Summoing Scrolls to the Black Market, although I don't agree that Bond Scrolls are useless. Saving me stamina on awakening materials so I can sweep more Elite Instances is fine with me. It'd be awesome to see a Seal/Summoning Scroll on the market for Coins; Mood Scrolls too since that's the only thing not obtainable without coupons/ingots.

Refinements everyone can get with Group and Ranked Coins, but adding a recharge event for them and the gap between f2p and p2p will only increase.

The best thing IMO is create more events like the Lucky Bags, where everyone benefits.
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On 2016-08-24 14:05:01Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-08-24 13:52:52
  • Adding more things to the jonin medal would add more to the gap between p2p and f2p. I already think the convenience it provides is worth the value (around 38 dollars divided by 180 days is less than 22 cents a day). Considering the coupons alone are worth it, everything else is just a bonus.

    I like the idea of adding Seal/Summoing Scrolls to the Black Market, although I don't agree that Bond Scrolls are useless. Saving me stamina on awakening materials so I can sweep more Elite Instances is fine with me. It'd be awesome to see a Seal/Summoning Scroll on the market for Coins; Mood Scrolls too since that's the only thing not obtainable without coupons/ingots.

    Refinements everyone can get with Group and Ranked Coins, but adding a recharge event for them and the gap between f2p and p2p will only increase.

    The best thing IMO is create more events like the Lucky Bags, where everyone benefits.
Seal / Summoning scrolls are coupons/ingots only..making them for coins would be something like 1kk coins for 1 scroll (because they are really good). Bond scrolls are not that useless ,but are you serious? They are already everywhere and Jonin Medal once you use it for 180 days it is dead,stats wise ,you can get better equipment or something like that to boost you up..Jonin Medal is pretty bad imo for 38$. The only good thing that this medal can give you is the coins in survival trial (that you still need to finish,you cannot sweep it all and you might now be good so you can lose) ... Jonin medal needs to have summoning/seal scroll at least in the weekend thing...if you do the math it is 25-26 weekends so that means 26 summoning / seal scrolls ( you can make it alternative) ...1 scroll per weekend is enough to help you get a boost that actually HELPS. You might need the bonds scrolls now ( you are lvl 40 prob)..but later in game i feel like they are is my opinion and I stand by it :)
edit: i am lvl 65 on s23 :)
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On 2016-08-24 14:12:04Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-08-24 13:52:52
  • Adding more things to the jonin medal would add more to the gap between p2p and f2p. I already think the convenience it provides is worth the value (around 38 dollars divided by 180 days is less than 22 cents a day). Considering the coupons alone are worth it, everything else is just a bonus.

    I like the idea of adding Seal/Summoing Scrolls to the Black Market, although I don't agree that Bond Scrolls are useless. Saving me stamina on awakening materials so I can sweep more Elite Instances is fine with me. It'd be awesome to see a Seal/Summoning Scroll on the market for Coins; Mood Scrolls too since that's the only thing not obtainable without coupons/ingots.

    Refinements everyone can get with Group and Ranked Coins, but adding a recharge event for them and the gap between f2p and p2p will only increase.

    The best thing IMO is create more events like the Lucky Bags, where everyone benefits.
I forgot to talk about get refine tier1 if you are on the winning side in the battlefield ,same with summoning scrolls. but they at least are CHEAP in the store. 13 coups for a refine and you need around 10-20 to lvl up? that is really ,really GOOD. What about tier 2 and 3? Tier 3 i have about 70-80 runes and didnt even get to use them...the best strategy with runes is to use them on more then 1 spread the upgrade so to say...tier 2 can only be bought in the shop or in the guild shop (i think) for 2000 coins? 2000! what? That is like all the coins you get from 1 gnw ..cmon..i get it that f2p dont want an event when p2w can actually benefit. I get that. but if p2w want they can buy everything they like. The problem is this : it is too expensive. We need (f2p,p2w) an event where everyone can benefit but p2w more . Because we(p2w) pay for this game . We support it. F2p just play on it without supporting it. You (f2p) want to play? then don't expect to be nr 1 that easy..or to even compare yourself to a p2w.. hope you understand my issue and i hope you are not mad at me because i want to make this game work better for both f2p and p2w
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On 2016-08-24 14:16:25Show this Author Only
  • xRMKx On 2016-08-24 14:12:04
  • I forgot to talk about get refine tier1 if you are on the winning side in the battlefield ,same with summoning scrolls. but they at least are CHEAP in the store. 13 coups for a refine and you need around 10-20 to lvl up? that is really ,really GOOD. What about tier 2 and 3? Tier 3 i have about 70-80 runes and didnt even get to use them...the best strategy with runes is to use them on more then 1 spread the upgrade so to say...tier 2 can only be bought in the shop or in the guild shop (i think) for 2000 coins? 2000! what? That is like all the coins you get from 1 gnw ..cmon..i get it that f2p dont want an event when p2w can actually benefit. I get that. but if p2w want they can buy everything they like. The problem is this : it is too expensive. We need (f2p,p2w) an event where everyone can benefit but p2w more . Because we(p2w) pay for this game . We support it. F2p just play on it without supporting it. You (f2p) want to play? then don't expect to be nr 1 that easy..or to even compare yourself to a p2w.. hope you understand my issue and i hope you are not mad at me because i want to make this game work better for both f2p and p2w
There is lot of Benefits already on Jonin Medals and You still want more... what a Greed.. everytime an event ends there will be a new event this event is always for the p2w player not for f2p player yes f2p c*so benefit this event but its different from p2w player cuz they can buy it faster.. This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2016-8-24 14:17
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On 2016-08-24 14:59:45Show this Author Only
  • xRMKx On 2016-08-24 14:05:01
  • Seal / Summoning scrolls are coupons/ingots only..making them for coins would be something like 1kk coins for 1 scroll (because they are really good). Bond scrolls are not that useless ,but are you serious? They are already everywhere and Jonin Medal once you use it for 180 days it is dead,stats wise ,you can get better equipment or something like that to boost you up..Jonin Medal is pretty bad imo for 38$. The only good thing that this medal can give you is the coins in survival trial (that you still need to finish,you cannot sweep it all and you might now be good so you can lose) ... Jonin medal needs to have summoning/seal scroll at least in the weekend thing...if you do the math it is 25-26 weekends so that means 26 summoning / seal scrolls ( you can make it alternative) ...1 scroll per weekend is enough to help you get a boost that actually HELPS. You might need the bonds scrolls now ( you are lvl 40 prob)..but later in game i feel like they are is my opinion and I stand by it :)
    edit: i am lvl 65 on s23 :)
I'm currently level 67 on S6 (90% to 68, saving main mission for EXP when cap increases) and I know I'll need a ton of awakening materials for the all the ninjas I'm going to get in the future (I have 100 fragments of Tobi, 80 of Kakuzu and Hidan. Drawing from seal treasure to get 4* instantly.) The fact that bond scrolls allow me to use my stamina on getting my Kakashi or Neji to 5* or upgrading all my gear to Kage (and Sage in the future), is pretty valuable to me.

Like I said previously, the value is already there. You're asking for MORE value and calling the medal useless when the coupons it gives + convenience is already valuable enough to buy it. There are far more subscription based games that give less for your money. Also, making the Jonin medal better means, there will be a bigger gap between f2p and p2p.

As for refinements, I personally believe in the system of you either get it over time, or pay a RIDICULOUS amount for it. I don't want to see all p2p players with level 6 refinement, while f2p suffer at level 3-4. A few p2w players is unavoidable, but increasing the availabilty just increases the gap.

Participating in GNW gives 5K coins per week, so thats 10 medium refines if you really wanted to refine. This trade-off between getting ninjas and upgrading is how it should be IMO, and in time, you'll get everything. (Edit: Sorry forgot the coins were from rounds participated and lower groups won't get the same amount, but 2K per week + daily group instances is still enough to refine over time.)

I'm just giving a dissenting opinion, as I see a lot of people are frustrated over medal users and events. I've played a game where the company had that mindset, give the PAYING players everything and forget the f2p players. I'm sure they made a lot of money in that mmorpg, but f2p players left. The moderators here actually listen to our feedback, so I believe that this is a game where f2p players can stay (otherwise, the only people you can fight are people with Tendo/1st Hokage/Sage Naruto).

I believe in supporting the game, that's why I have a Jonin medal (and have spent quite a bit here and there for the events). Instead of asking for a recharge event, why wouldn't you ask for bundles? This way f2p players can benefit from getting items at a discounted price for their coupons. Paying players that want to support the game, get more value out of their ingots.

I'm not perfect and neither are my ideas, but that's why it's great that we have a community here that can voice our opinions and moderators that actually listen to them. This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-8-24 15:02
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On 2016-08-24 16:36:01Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-08-24 14:59:45
  • I'm currently level 67 on S6 (90% to 68, saving main mission for EXP when cap increases) and I know I'll need a ton of awakening materials for the all the ninjas I'm going to get in the future (I have 100 fragments of Tobi, 80 of Kakuzu and Hidan. Drawing from seal treasure to get 4* instantly.) The fact that bond scrolls allow me to use my stamina on getting my Kakashi or Neji to 5* or upgrading all my gear to Kage (and Sage in the future), is pretty valuable to me.

    Like I said previously, the value is already there. You're asking for MORE value and calling the medal useless when the coupons it gives + convenience is already valuable enough to buy it. There are far more subscription based games that give less for your money. Also, making the Jonin medal better means, there will be a bigger gap between f2p and p2p.

    As for refinements, I personally believe in the system of you either get it over time, or pay a RIDICULOUS amount for it. I don't want to see all p2p players with level 6 refinement, while f2p suffer at level 3-4. A few p2w players is unavoidable, but increasing the availabilty just increases the gap.

    Participating in GNW gives 5K coins per week, so thats 10 medium refines if you really wanted to refine. This trade-off between getting ninjas and upgrading is how it should be IMO, and in time, you'll get everything. (Edit: Sorry forgot the coins were from rounds participated and lower groups won't get the same amount, but 2K per week + daily group instances is still enough to refine over time.)

    I'm just giving a dissenting opinion, as I see a lot of people are frustrated over medal users and events. I've played a game where the company had that mindset, give the PAYING players everything and forget the f2p players. I'm sure they made a lot of money in that mmorpg, but f2p players left. The moderators here actually listen to our feedback, so I believe that this is a game where f2p players can stay (otherwise, the only people you can fight are people with Tendo/1st Hokage/Sage Naruto).

    I believe in supporting the game, that's why I have a Jonin medal (and have spent quite a bit here and there for the events). Instead of asking for a recharge event, why wouldn't you ask for bundles? This way f2p players can benefit from getting items at a discounted price for their coupons. Paying players that want to support the game, get more value out of their ingots.

    I'm not perfect and neither are my ideas, but that's why it's great that we have a community here that can voice our opinions and moderators that actually listen to them. This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-8-24 15:02
Ok. Bundles it is. Let's hope at least we get this. The Backpack event ( i forgot the name of the event ) was pretty good,even for me as a p2w because it was a reward for daily stuff ,which made me feel good. I agree on the refine system ,but it still feels pretty expensive ( and i did throw some money into the game too) . I agree on your side with some stuff and disagree with some stuff,it is normal for people to have different ideas about this game :)
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On 2016-08-25 06:37:59Show this Author Only
Adding more rewards to Jonin medal may only lead to changing it's price.

However I will share your ideas and feedback with our team.
Quicky Post

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