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Hokage Minato common?


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On 2017-09-24 21:27:22Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Does anyone know why is Hokage Minato so common now people making it 4* on my server, im really dissapointed. Is this something we should expect in future so this ninja will become completely useless or was it some kind of error and will be hard again and people who get it now are just the lucky ones. Because lets not forget Tsunade and minato were/are the most expensive ninjas and now its almost for free actualy literaly for free since people get it on FREE spin.

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On 2017-09-24 22:39:15Show this Author Only

welcome to minato online

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On 2017-09-24 23:05:04Show this Author Only

I don't know if NA will become like CN in regards to the ability to obtain Hokage Minato. On CN its currently only available to the highest spender. I'm sure you've noticed that the hokages are slowly being phased out of events aside from Tsunade. If they aren't phased out, you either have to drop mad amounts of money to get one or get lucky in 1 ingot sales. Also I honestly don't have an issue if someone gets him off a free spin. Its just luck, and this is coming from someone who bought him a few event cycles ago. Only a handful of people had him so its good to see him getting more gameplay. Plus paying for a ninja just gets you them ahead of time. Never has been an exclusive thing. I pay but have gotten lucky in regards to drops (Tsunade 5th hokage, Hashi, and Tendo). It happens and gives people an opportunity to get something if they cant pay. I personally like the tendo drops this cycle though. More people can obtain him. I'm usually against Oasis but they did well this go around with assisting with ninjas and frags.

This post was last edited by veelocity on 2017-09-24 23:08:09.
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On 2017-09-25 00:21:14Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-25 00:25:55Show this Author Only

I'm pretty sure it was an error, but regardless, I think it's good.

Due to this, I now have 4 ninja I've obtained through events

1st-100 puppet Sasori, May Mission boxes (1/20 coupons, had a few pulled previously)

2nd-Tendo, June Mission boxes (55/40 free, 300 coupons)

3rd-Tobirama-August mission boxes (10/200 coupons)

4th-Minato-September Lucky Wheel. (Around 300-500 coupons)

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On 2017-09-25 01:53:10Show this Author Only

He is common with low power with low level players.

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On 2017-09-25 01:55:46Show this Author Only

Hahahahahahaha, nice joke, 800 coupons and not even a SINGLE FRAGMENT OF TENDO ATLEAST

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On 2017-09-25 02:33:05Show this Author Only

You should just be happy you can actually get him with some luck, like jesus you seems angry about it.

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On 2017-09-25 06:40:54Show this Author Only

practically free? your delusional if you think every person on the game can get him, not only this, more people having a ninja doesnt decrease their viability... it just means you have to think instead of relying on your wallet to win your fights

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On 2017-09-25 07:06:21Show this Author Only

Honestly, this just looks like someone posting to try and stir up trouble... potentially someone lying about facts because they don't want other people to be able to possibly luck into a ninja they already have.

But if people are 4-starring the Minato off of this event then they're both spending A LOT of coupons/ingot on it AND also getting incredibly lucky.

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On 2017-09-25 07:30:19Show this Author Only

minato was soso before han and yagura and is relatively bad now. he is good for some for fun lineups, but other than that is nothing more than a pokemon for your pokedex

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On 2017-09-25 09:13:09Show this Author Only

Lately, I noticed the ones that ask for lineups for ninjas they got from events (mission boxes, lucky packs, lucky stars) are players that didn't have any good lineups to begin with and/or don't use any present or past playable metas. You would think that players who got these ninjas before the insane number of reports for the past few months would use them in their main lineups but no they don't. The only ninja I see sometimes in lineups is Tendo but he's meant for 3v3 unless you have an insane amount of power compared to others,

The main point is that the current ninjas we get in packs are viewed as (going to quote OP) "useless" since they don't fit with the meta and can be thrown into packs since it won't hurt the dynamic of the competitive game play of pvp. Also, Hokage is still relatively out of reach for the common f2p because of the price in coupons is high but it's great OAS stopped making her an ingot exclusive.

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On 2017-09-25 17:17:05Show this Author Only


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On 2017-09-25 17:24:27Show this Author Only

Its an event,its not free,this is what events are about,can you please not whine for getting stuff?what do you want impossible event where only 1 of 218391236123789 get something?I hope in the next event we will have even better odds of getting stuff,its just rng,I assume you just jealous because you havent got it yet.I am too but its rng,you can jsut hope.

This post was last edited by Reawr on 2017-09-25 17:24:45.
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On 2017-09-25 23:01:14Show this Author Only
Aw noes! Free to play ppl getting good things, what is this nonsense?

Quicky Post

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