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[ Player Guide ] The Beginner's Guide to Team Building


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-09 02:22:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, everyone. Today I am going to give you some basics when it comes to team building in Naruto Online.

First off, what is your play style? Are you someone who will go for as many healers as possible? Are you someone who loves casting aliments on your opponents? Do you like overwhelming your enemies? Are you aiming to cause damage to the entire party all at once? Do you want to be an absolute troll and prolong the battle until the other side gets frustrated? These are all important questions you need to ask yourself.

Team building requires knowing what you are best at. For example, I always favor the fire main as I am someone who goes for ailments that are difficult to get rid of like ignition, blindness, and immobile. One cannot be healed with ordinary ninjas, the other two can be bad news if they hit your healers who don't have healing for their mysteries. You, on the other hand, could be one of these or a mixture. It all depends on how you approach RPGs in general. Next time you pick up a game like Aveyond or get on Naruto Online, pay attention to what you choose. That can say a lot about your style.

Next is synergy. How well do the ninjas you have put into your line up fit with each other? There are many ninjas in the game that you c*e. Some you pay for, others you can piece together slowly over time, and others you can pull for free or obtain from instances.

Regardless of the method, just know that your team must work together to bring down the opposing team. That means using chases and passives to your advantage and covering up the weakness of one ninja with another ninja.

An example of building synergy is how I use Deidara, a ninja that is frequently in my line ups. He can be easily taken out by massive damage. To combat this limitation, I pair him with either a healer or someone who can provide shields. That makes him harder to take out and allows him to scale himself up into a huge damage dealer by later rounds as he increases his own ninjutsu whenever he uses standard attacks, myseries, or chases. Of course, other ninjas have a variety of different liabilities that require unique ways of covering them up. What works for you may not work for someone else as this also goes back to play style.

Team Building1

Third, we have timing. Timing is everything. Some, like me, struggle with this as we tend to be a bit impatient. However, timing your mysteries is very important. Letting out a mystery at the wrong time can cause huge side effects and could cost you the entire fight. While most battles are against an AI, those too can mess you up. Most frequently can be seen with how the AI uses ninjas like Danzo and Ao. It is best to wait for ninjas like them to be done with their mysteries before you lauch important ones of your own like barriers and heavy damage dealers. If they cancel either one of those, you are pretty much done unless the barrier or heavy damage dealing mystery was bait for something else to get past your enemy's radar. Either way, be patient and try not to rush things. Taking things slow can really up your quality of game play.

Finally we have placement. Placement does not just affect the order of who launches a mystery or standard attack. Placement dictates what combos go off, which ones do not, and whether or not the combo is broken up into two different combos. Always check with one of the line up simulators or test run your team on the Kakashi clones in South Konoha as both are great methods of making sure everything is running smoothly like a well oiled machine.

In the end, just experiment and don't always go for meta teams. Yes, while meta teams can seem appealing, they do have some weaknesses. Cancer teams like the water main, Mabui, GNW Tenten, and Mei set ups are weak against area of effect damage that can be caused by ninjas like regular, three star Gaara and Sage Naruto as I have beaten many with that combination. Your best bet is to experiment and try to make something unheard of or just off the wall. The reason why is because others will not know how to counter whatever you create from pure experimentation. In fact, many of my teams are experiments and required me to do a lot of tweaking before they sat right with me and became my signature set ups.

Team Building2

Thanks for reading everyone, and have fun.

This post was last edited by Kimiko97 on 2017-08-09 02:22:27.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-09 06:01:04Show All Posts

Thanks. I tried to make this guide relevant to as many people as possible. While it is intended for beginners, I also want to give other players tips on why following the meta builds is a bad idea outside of being just boring. I know people are going to use the meta regardless, but those who listen are sure to get an advantage over them with creative teams.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-09 08:45:40Show All Posts
  • NothingImportan On 2017-08-09 06:52:52
  • I applaud you for creating this thread.

Thanks. :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-09 22:01:08Show All Posts
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My mind is still in essay mode even though I have no essays to write.

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