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[ Events ] Events - 3rd August


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On 2017-08-03 09:02:30Show this Author Only

I really need a definitive answer, is lucky board DEFINITELY going to still be there tomorrow after the events update? it says that is ends 8/7 is this a bug or is it accurate for the end date?

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On 2017-08-03 09:38:10Show this Author Only
  • Armand__ On 2017-08-03 00:02:21
  • Events are good this week.

    We have 4 rebates that stack 2 on 2. New ninja exam and time limited/activity bag which are events that concer f2p as much as paying players. If people are going to complain about this week's events then there is never going to be a week that will be up to your standards. Id anything its a bad week for spending. Lucky snach is not good.

    While the question of how things are managed is a legitimate one, this thread is not meant to discuss it. This thread is for next week's events and i find them to be good. One of the charms rebate lasts only the first 3 days, doesn't really matter since it overlaps with the second charm rebate, this won't bother the majority of the playerbase.

    For those asking for free stuff, the only event that those that ate the ninja exam/survival trial ones. We had them not long ago and we certainly won't get a free ninja. Don't kid yourselves.

    For those saying that they are learning, don't be naive. This is a good week, nothing more, nothing less.

you mean refine rebate?

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On 2017-08-03 12:28:41Show this Author Only

Events are good for f2p. They can't give everything for free.Getting an exclusive copyright to a game is not cheap so is running servers and paying staff.This is not one of those f2p games where E-sports people and sponsors pay for the game. They are not going to give suano itachi,susano sauske,4 tails ,Ay or Tsunade. They have given generous amount of cursed hidan and a lot of strong ninjas on mission boxes;getting them is rare but have seen f2p getting tendo and hashirama. As for people complaining about paid events,it is very expensive to p2p players so if oasis doesn't put something good they are not going to spend their money.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-08-03 12:41:22.
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On 2017-08-03 13:14:41Show this Author Only

Umn i see no time limited recruitment in my game. Shouldnt it have started today?

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On 2017-08-03 14:08:59Show this Author Only

Where is the ninja exam? i just see the old lvls :O

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On 2017-08-03 14:27:38Show this Author Only

^You guys must be new .:P It is after the maintenance.

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On 2017-08-03 14:33:02Show this Author Only

Nice :)

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On 2017-08-03 15:57:32Show this Author Only

To all the people saying this weeks NA events are "okay" bruh, HOW?

Germany just released our events, compare ours to yours how can you settle for this crap smfh

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On 2017-08-03 16:39:04Show this Author Only

Oh sorry, I misunderstood your post mate. Yeah I see I see. (can be deleted)

This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito on 2017-08-03 16:40:41.
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On 2017-08-03 17:10:56Show this Author Only
Tendo bait xDDDD lol
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On 2017-08-03 17:15:33Show this Author Only

What i think is that f2p events, generally speaking, aren't much friendly towards f2p players.

Take a look at sakura's gift event we just got. That event would have been marvelous for free to play players if sakura gave out not 1 but 5-10 missions per day (and so 25-50 food sacks). The problem is only that one. A f2p player got out of that event, maybe, 10-15 cave keys or 1 charm pack out of a whole week. Is too low for them to be satisfied and is right they aren't because they know they aren't getting any concrete chance to grow in power.

Oasis wants really to try to change? Then every single event that gives free things should give 4-5-6 times the current free things it gives and events where you are required to spend coupons are not if you don't have the chance to gather them.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-08-03 17:22:31.
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On 2017-08-03 17:22:24Show this Author Only

Why is the maintenance time provided is not accurate?

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On 2017-08-03 19:53:35Show this Author Only

HAHAHAHA!! Yeah way better then the US. We don't even have Kushina yet and they are offering the new minato. We have sage naruto, danzo, and chiyo ten puppets being offered in the time limited event. The Tendo and Minato being offered is a couple of frags on a chance event that at the min cost 50 gold/coupons for one turn and 498 for 10 turns. That's crazy! Our events are *!

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On 2017-08-03 20:28:57Show this Author Only

I do like the explanation in that German version. At least they actually can show you what ninjas are sold in the respective shops with a screenshot, and they even show you how much everything costs.

Then again, I was not suprised they are better in describing events.

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On 2017-08-03 22:45:34Show this Author Only

Strong ninja in lucky * and over prized naruto and other ninjas that were time and time again in the keys event...except for the refines rebate there is nothing to do this week...btw I say over priced cause 3 months ago he was in event with danzo and sage naruto was less then him...he should be like 20 points... Anyway please add at least konoha shop with charms and rainbow magatamas...i took all charms from lucky board and I still need them...

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On 2017-08-04 01:41:50Show this Author Only
  • S.H.I.E.L.D On 2017-08-03 22:45:34
  • Strong ninja in lucky * and over prized naruto and other ninjas that were time and time again in the keys event...except for the refines rebate there is nothing to do this week...btw I say over priced cause 3 months ago he was in event with danzo and sage naruto was less then him...he should be like 20 points... Anyway please add at least konoha shop with charms and rainbow magatamas...i took all charms from lucky board and I still need them...

Go to shop,then time limited.You can find charm packs over there.I was confused and disappointed before I found it. :)

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On 2017-08-04 18:48:52Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-08-04 01:41:50
  • Go to shop,then time limited.You can find charm packs over there.I was confused and disappointed before I found it. :)

Yep, but they cost 125 coupons xd.

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On 2017-08-04 19:14:22Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-08-04 18:48:52
  • Yep, but they cost 125 coupons xd.

shop -> purchase limit

deluxe charm pack - 50x each charm - 4000cp (80cp per charm box) - 10 daily buy limit

special charm pack - 10x each - 980cp (98cp per charm box) - 50 daily buy limit.

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On 2017-08-05 08:46:46Show this Author Only

it's seems they also nerfed lucky ninja packs,before you used to get advance refines and lvl 5 magatamas often,but now you mostly get purification runes.I havent got one lvl 5 magatama,ninja,or advance thread after 5k spent

This post was last edited by Fher on 2017-08-05 09:53:40.
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On 2017-08-05 10:43:03Show this Author Only
  • Fher On 2017-08-05 08:46:46
  • it's seems they also nerfed lucky ninja packs,before you used to get advance refines and lvl 5 magatamas often,but now you mostly get purification runes.I havent got one lvl 5 magatama,ninja,or advance thread after 5k spent

Those things are always luck-based... spending more won't necessarily raise your rates of getting anything.

Quicky Post

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