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[ Events ] Events - 3rd August


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-03 09:38:10Show All Posts
  • Armand__ On 2017-08-03 00:02:21
  • Events are good this week.

    We have 4 rebates that stack 2 on 2. New ninja exam and time limited/activity bag which are events that concer f2p as much as paying players. If people are going to complain about this week's events then there is never going to be a week that will be up to your standards. Id anything its a bad week for spending. Lucky snach is not good.

    While the question of how things are managed is a legitimate one, this thread is not meant to discuss it. This thread is for next week's events and i find them to be good. One of the charms rebate lasts only the first 3 days, doesn't really matter since it overlaps with the second charm rebate, this won't bother the majority of the playerbase.

    For those asking for free stuff, the only event that those that ate the ninja exam/survival trial ones. We had them not long ago and we certainly won't get a free ninja. Don't kid yourselves.

    For those saying that they are learning, don't be naive. This is a good week, nothing more, nothing less.

you mean refine rebate?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-05 08:46:46Show All Posts

it's seems they also nerfed lucky ninja packs,before you used to get advance refines and lvl 5 magatamas often,but now you mostly get purification runes.I havent got one lvl 5 magatama,ninja,or advance thread after 5k spent

This post was last edited by Fher on 2017-08-05 09:53:40.
Quicky Post

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