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[ Events ] [Cosplay] Short Kisame


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 15
On 2017-07-30 10:08:17Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'm reentering the cosplay contest but sadly I'm going to use the same photos as before.

Le unvexed Short Kisame

Professor Short Kisame

The Deliquent Duo

Death of the only friend

Apparantly the "Image" function doesn't even work yet atleast not with my current version of chrome, so that's how it is gonna go I guess. My hype is dead after the cool post I had made before the destruction of the previous forum got wiped sadly but I still hope you enjoy the photosession I had with my friends

This post was last edited by Smoic on 2017-07-30 10:08:17.
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