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On 2017-05-25 02:33:38Show this Author Only
  • Seraphim S24 On 2017-05-25 02:03:16
  • anyone have an idea of when they will add the books to the game?

    and what things on the china side are we still missing?
in about two months, a little after jinchiriki, which if we go at the same pace as germany is in a month and a half pr around there.
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On 2017-05-25 02:36:29Show this Author Only
  • Xerneis On 2017-05-25 02:26:27
  • Hope you will like facing nothing but her in upcoming weeks of Sage, baka. :lol
lol i'm lvl 89 so i won't if the sage world works, and since the sakura event's cross server not many will have her still. This post was last edited by Generalgarchomp at 2017-5-25 02:39
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On 2017-05-25 02:38:58Show this Author Only
  • Immortal Utsuro On 2017-05-25 02:09:06
  • Well that bodes well for me then if it really is by level, I'd be okay with it even by power. Matsuri starts by level and then increases the range of people you can encounter ABOVE your level depending on how well you do. Currently sage in my server is all level 90's getting the streaks with no room for anyone else to get anything, a level based cross sage will finally bring some rewards.

    EDIT: Shadoblaze, I imagine they've probably put it off long enough, the poll was suppose to be an indication of "Oh players want Cross server so we can just put it in now" But because they, as usual don't understand the playerbase, they probably think enough time has passed after the poll and they probably have no choice.
    This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-5-25 02:12
Yeah from what i understand it first divides it into all same lvl, then similar power for that lvl. The only problem is it hurts ppl not as p2w but still fairly p2w. Ppl who usually get #1 will have to face people like memory and kozo. It does add balance nut it hurts their paying players.
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On 2017-05-25 02:46:24Show this Author Only
  • General Garchom On 2017-05-25 02:38:58
  • Yeah from what i understand it first divides it into all same lvl, then similar power for that lvl. The only problem is it hurts ppl not as p2w but still fairly p2w. Ppl who usually get #1 will have to face people like memory and kozo. It does add balance nut it hurts their paying players.
But it helps the overall masses, because a majority of small servers are under the thumb of the top 1% of their server most of the time.

The odds are cross server sage is "more likely" (not guaranteed) to help those who usually don't get anything out of participating in sage other than adding to the streak of whoever their top players are, so it's only a good thing as far as I'm concerned, at least from what I have been seeing.
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On 2017-05-25 02:49:28Show this Author Only
First, I'd like to say that everyone claim Xserver Sage would be bad based on masuri experience to be of below average intelligence.
This is a fact, because they fail to understand WHY masuri matchmaking is horrible--the fact that there are very few player being matched at any given time (because the period is so * long and the servers are bracketed and not all togehter)

Now, to be clear, I voted no for the Xserver sage. Why? because the reduction in reward per person. Take my likely server cluster for example, LA2-12, that's I believe 6 servers. Currently, there are I believe 7 sages or so (with S2 having 2). But with Xserver, I would expect the number to drop to around 4. My server, in the very least, would only contribute to about 1/2-1/3 of a max sage (which I believe is 75 people or so?) so there is certainly going to be reductions. And reduction of # of sage means reduction of the # of 1st ranked player, as that is 3 times the number of sage happening. Same applies to 2nd and 3rd place. Ergo, we are getting less stuff per person.

Second, my condolences to whoever are in sage 1 (except those who are 80k+), because you are f***ed. This is the "section" that would have the biggest disparity, from the 100k+ to probably somewhere around 60-70k. Sadly, I might fall into that, as I'm in the top 90s in my server bracket and depend on % participation on sage... well... I'm not entirely sure how large the sages will be but I can't compete at all if that was the case. That said, for the rest of the player in other bracket, chances are the disparity would be smaller and give a fair chance

Except.... for the fact with the level>power approach. The lv 80s ptws are gonna have a field day, how nice. To be clear, I don't think a pure level approach would be good, because some stuff are level locked, so a player of similar power would have an advantage if he have extra talents to choose from. However, by and large, power is what matters the most. Personally, I think a formula of something like power+lv*100 would be the best indicator.

I'm not at all surprised that the vote thing didn't count. In fact, I suspected as much in the poll BEFORE the sage poll. Specifically, I believe they intended to follow a model of: 1. plan to release something, 2. release a poll about it, 3. Release after getting "yes" result, 4. Profit from the appearance of listening to player. That obviously didn't work out and here we are. However, as they aren't REALLY in control of content, it's gonna happen anyway.

Now, I'm going to be nice, I'm not going to only point out problems, I'm going to suggest solutions.

Solution to the first problem, that is the reduction in overall reward, is easy: give out more reward. I don't even care who gets them, but more rewards per person somehow, maybe make it top 5 instead of top 3, whatever.

Solution to the second problem is to make the "sections" more dynamic instead of hard sized. The first section should be the smallest and the ONLY section that does not strictly follow the power bracketing rules. Specifically, let's say place the top 15* power player AND say RANDOMLY select 30 of the next 60 highest player. What this accomplishes is that the 60 will effectively alternate between being the sacrificial lamb in section 1 against players who are probably 30-50k over them and have no chance to win with being more or less top of their own section and very good chance to win. I'd consider it fair. If this isn't done and say the top 60 is always taken to be section one, then other than player who are maybe ranked 61-80 will alternate in such a fashion(due to participation), players ranked 20-60 will effectively suffer an endless hell, especially the bottom section of that. That is certainly not fair.

*Instead of top 15, it could be: look at the 9th powered player, take all player within 80% of that player's power, up to 30. And this where the dynamic size can come in, the size of the bracket should be based on how many players are sufficiently close to 9th ranked player of that section to have a decent chance of getting top 3 spot instead.

Solution to the third... well... I already said, instead of Lv>bracket, come up with a formula to "merge" the two factors for sorting.
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On 2017-05-25 02:56:35Show this Author Only
All the tears are f*ing delicious
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On 2017-05-25 03:03:13Show this Author Only
Lmao. Improved? Yeah right. Man I bet we won't be able to do Sage now because no one will want to do cross server Sage. Knew this was coming, but still pretty salty that you pretended to give us a choice in the matter. :@
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On 2017-05-25 03:13:44Show this Author Only

First is the idea of this whole function: The dead servers will gain benefit but healthy servers will lose theirs. Why are there dead servers in the first place? Is it not because of Oasis' bad management? So why the hell are they making the players sacrificing their benefit to take responsibility for their wrong doing?
But as said by another player, this upcoming update is unavoidable as we must follow the china path (and screw the bad dev who can't fix the code, screw u) so let's going on to the next point.

Second is the cluster management. As every other cross-server system, this SWB will be based on cluster too. But there are clusters like our 1st HK cluster which ranged from s26-s36, doesn't have any dead server. Not only that but because the number of servers is too low the power range on the cross-server ranking board is greatly divided for the 1st battlefield. If the battlefield is forced to be any higher than 10 player/team, which mean 30 players in total than the first battlefield will have the power ranged from ~95k to 60k, which by no mean "fair" or "fun".

Third is the * level dependence. As 80+ it doesn't have any impact on the gameplay other than some free power, no new game breaking function/ability. The "ranked by level" is utterly *ed not to mention it's even prioritized over power. Why are you putting a lv89 with 90k power in an easier battlefield than a lv90 60k power? It makes no * sense.

And finally, the whole "less reward for healthy server" could have been fixed by simply increasing the amount of reward in the event. How about instead of top 3, every top 5 or 10 players will get the reward? How about instead of 5-15 red refine we now make it 1-30? You guys know this will screw the player up, you guys even know that it could have been fixed so that everyone will be happy, but you've chosen the worst option simply because you're both lazy that couldn't fix your own problem and cheap as heck that can't give the player a little more reward.
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On 2017-05-25 03:16:44Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-25 02:49:28
  • First, I'd like to say that everyone claim Xserver Sage would be bad based on masuri experience to be of below average intelligence.
    This is a fact, because they fail to understand WHY masuri matchmaking is horrible--the fact that there are very few player being matched at any given time (because the period is so * long and the servers are bracketed and not all togehter)

    Now, to be clear, I voted no for the Xserver sage. Why? because the reduction in reward per person. Take my likely server cluster for example, LA2-12, that's I believe 6 servers. Currently, there are I believe 7 sages or so (with S2 having 2). But with Xserver, I would expect the number to drop to around 4. My server, in the very least, would only contribute to about 1/2-1/3 of a max sage (which I believe is 75 people or so?) so there is certainly going to be reductions. And reduction of # of sage means reduction of the # of 1st ranked player, as that is 3 times the number of sage happening. Same applies to 2nd and 3rd place. Ergo, we are getting less stuff per person.

    Second, my condolences to whoever are in sage 1 (except those who are 80k+), because you are f***ed. This is the "section" that would have the biggest disparity, from the 100k+ to probably somewhere around 60-70k. Sadly, I might fall into that, as I'm in the top 90s in my server bracket and depend on % participation on sage... well... I'm not entirely sure how large the sages will be but I can't compete at all if that was the case. That said, for the rest of the player in other bracket, chances are the disparity would be smaller and give a fair chance

    Except.... for the fact with the level>power approach. The lv 80s ptws are gonna have a field day, how nice. To be clear, I don't think a pure level approach would be good, because some stuff are level locked, so a player of similar power would have an advantage if he have extra talents to choose from. However, by and large, power is what matters the most. Personally, I think a formula of something like power+lv*100 would be the best indicator.

    I'm not at all surprised that the vote thing didn't count. In fact, I suspected as much in the poll BEFORE the sage poll. Specifically, I believe they intended to follow a model of: 1. plan to release something, 2. release a poll about it, 3. Release after getting "yes" result, 4. Profit from the appearance of listening to player. That obviously didn't work out and here we are. However, as they aren't REALLY in control of content, it's gonna happen anyway.

    Now, I'm going to be nice, I'm not going to only point out problems, I'm going to suggest solutions.

    Solution to the first problem, that is the reduction in overall reward, is easy: give out more reward. I don't even care who gets them, but more rewards per person somehow, maybe make it top 5 instead of top 3, whatever.

    Solution to the second problem is to make the "sections" more dynamic instead of hard sized. The first section should be the smallest and the ONLY section that does not strictly follow the power bracketing rules. Specifically, let's say place the top 15* power player AND say RANDOMLY select 30 of the next 60 highest player. What this accomplishes is that the 60 will effectively alternate between being the sacrificial lamb in section 1 against players who are probably 30-50k over them and have no chance to win with being more or less top of their own section and very good chance to win. I'd consider it fair. If this isn't done and say the top 60 is always taken to be section one, then other than player who are maybe ranked 61-80 will alternate in such a fashion(due to participation), players ranked 20-60 will effectively suffer an endless hell, especially the bottom section of that. That is certainly not fair.

    *Instead of top 15, it could be: look at the 9th powered player, take all player within 80% of that player's power, up to 30. And this where the dynamic size can come in, the size of the bracket should be based on how many players are sufficiently close to 9th ranked player of that section to have a decent chance of getting top 3 spot instead.

    Solution to the third... well... I already said, instead of Lv>bracket, come up with a formula to "merge" the two factors for sorting.
yooooo we have the same ideas again luka-chan :lol
and who disliked this?
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On 2017-05-25 03:23:55Show this Author Only
kinda wish we had the option to like or dislike events cuz id deff dislike about 70 percent of whats going on with these ones
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On 2017-05-25 03:37:29Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-05-25 03:13:44

  • First is the idea of this whole function: The dead servers will gain benefit but healthy servers will lose theirs. Why are there dead servers in the first place? Is it not because of Oasis' bad management? So why the hell are they making the players sacrificing their benefit to take responsibility for their wrong doing?
    But as said by another player, this upcoming update is unavoidable as we must follow the china path (and screw the bad dev who can't fix the code, screw u) so let's going on to the next point.

    Second is the cluster management. As every other cross-server system, this SWB will be based on cluster too. But there are clusters like our 1st HK cluster which ranged from s26-s36, doesn't have any dead server. Not only that but because the number of servers is too low the power range on the cross-server ranking board is greatly divided for the 1st battlefield. If the battlefield is forced to be any higher than 10 player/team, which mean 30 players in total than the first battlefield will have the power ranged from ~95k to 60k, which by no mean "fair" or "fun".

    Third is the * level dependence. As 80+ it doesn't have any impact on the gameplay other than some free power, no new game breaking function/ability. The "ranked by level" is utterly *ed not to mention it's even prioritized over power. Why are you putting a lv89 with 90k power in an easier battlefield than a lv90 60k power? It makes no * sense.

    And finally, the whole "less reward for healthy server" could have been fixed by simply increasing the amount of reward in the event. How about instead of top 3, every top 5 or 10 players will get the reward? How about instead of 5-15 red refine we now make it 1-30? You guys know this will screw the player up, you guys even know that it could have been fixed so that everyone will be happy, but you've chosen the worst option simply because you're both lazy that couldn't fix your own problem and cheap as heck that can't give the player a little more reward.
You know to be honest, I think they should just revamp the rewards altogether. My 'real' competition is my teammates because the real lucrative rewards are contested between us. Its so weird to feel happy that there are less strong players in my faction... They should just improve the rewards that the winning faction gets to be worthwhile and everybody will be happy. Something like a seal scroll for each winning faction participant and some medium refines instead of pitiful low level refines and summoning scrolls. In fact they could make the prizes more lucrative at higher brackets to prevent those who abuse the level first clause.
I dont mind being a punching bag if i know im buying time for my teammates to beat other people and its helping my cause for decent rewards. Rather than being a punching bag and knowing my teammates are getting ahead of me.
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On 2017-05-25 03:44:48Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-05-25 03:16:44
  • yooooo we have the same ideas again luka-chan :lol
    and who disliked this?
The people that I called out for of below average intelligence for thinking masuri match making is of any indication on how Xserver sage will be.

Thou in retrospect, I must apologize for my mistake. I failed to account for the fact that some of them might be of average intelligence but are merely hasty preteens who have yet to learn the art of critical thinking. Coupled with their youthful impulses, it is no wonder they would sky dive to conclusions without considering the cause and effect of events.
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On 2017-05-25 03:50:56Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-25 03:44:48
  • The people that I called out for of below average intelligence for thinking masuri match making is of any indication on how Xserver sage will be.

    Thou in retrospect, I must apologize for my mistake. I failed to account for the fact that some of them might be of average intelligence but are merely hasty preteens who have yet to learn the art of critical thinking. Coupled with their youthful impulses, it is no wonder they would sky dive to conclusions without considering the cause and effect of events.
The same problem with the 1st battlefield can be fixed too just simply by raising the reward. Think about it! It can still be 30-60 players but now the reward will be for the top 10 and it ranged from 10-30, super nice right?
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On 2017-05-25 03:56:15Show this Author Only
I actually have great expectations for the cross server event. As a player that is lvling and hovering around lvl 51 atm it will definitely be a fresh breath to fight against people who are roughly around the same lvl and power rather than getting 1 shot or hoping to fight a player who is also lvling up. Anyways I see it as a good thing for empty servers and for players who are in the process of levelling up.

I definitely see the concerns and would see a reward increase as a decent solution. When it comes to how broken it will be with matchmaking.. we will have to wait and see
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On 2017-05-25 03:59:35Show this Author Only
hmm weather the matching is good or not i will still wont get the same rewards i was getting before and ppl arent only going off matsuri which is * dont forget their lovely arena matching
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On 2017-05-25 04:10:29Show this Author Only
Only issue i have is, the Fact that these Low level people that Refuse to level, will once again Farm Sage. It should of been Done based on Power. Not Level

You people that wanted cross server Sage, i hope to god u get the low levels on my server, that are under level 90, but have over 75k power
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On 2017-05-25 04:14:33Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-25 03:44:48
  • The people that I called out for of below average intelligence for thinking masuri match making is of any indication on how Xserver sage will be.

    Thou in retrospect, I must apologize for my mistake. I failed to account for the fact that some of them might be of average intelligence but are merely hasty preteens who have yet to learn the art of critical thinking. Coupled with their youthful impulses, it is no wonder they would sky dive to conclusions without considering the cause and effect of events.
Just to be clear, I didn't dislike any comment of yours. But why do you feel the need to vilify someone just to make a point? It doesn't really show great wisdom or intelligence on your part either.
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On 2017-05-25 04:30:35Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-25 02:49:28
  • First, I'd like to say that everyone claim Xserver Sage would be bad based on masuri experience to be of below average intelligence.
    This is a fact, because they fail to understand WHY masuri matchmaking is horrible--the fact that there are very few player being matched at any given time (because the period is so * long and the servers are bracketed and not all togehter)

    Now, to be clear, I voted no for the Xserver sage. Why? because the reduction in reward per person. Take my likely server cluster for example, LA2-12, that's I believe 6 servers. Currently, there are I believe 7 sages or so (with S2 having 2). But with Xserver, I would expect the number to drop to around 4. My server, in the very least, would only contribute to about 1/2-1/3 of a max sage (which I believe is 75 people or so?) so there is certainly going to be reductions. And reduction of # of sage means reduction of the # of 1st ranked player, as that is 3 times the number of sage happening. Same applies to 2nd and 3rd place. Ergo, we are getting less stuff per person.

    Second, my condolences to whoever are in sage 1 (except those who are 80k+), because you are f***ed. This is the "section" that would have the biggest disparity, from the 100k+ to probably somewhere around 60-70k. Sadly, I might fall into that, as I'm in the top 90s in my server bracket and depend on % participation on sage... well... I'm not entirely sure how large the sages will be but I can't compete at all if that was the case. That said, for the rest of the player in other bracket, chances are the disparity would be smaller and give a fair chance

    Except.... for the fact with the level>power approach. The lv 80s ptws are gonna have a field day, how nice. To be clear, I don't think a pure level approach would be good, because some stuff are level locked, so a player of similar power would have an advantage if he have extra talents to choose from. However, by and large, power is what matters the most. Personally, I think a formula of something like power+lv*100 would be the best indicator.

    I'm not at all surprised that the vote thing didn't count. In fact, I suspected as much in the poll BEFORE the sage poll. Specifically, I believe they intended to follow a model of: 1. plan to release something, 2. release a poll about it, 3. Release after getting "yes" result, 4. Profit from the appearance of listening to player. That obviously didn't work out and here we are. However, as they aren't REALLY in control of content, it's gonna happen anyway.

    Now, I'm going to be nice, I'm not going to only point out problems, I'm going to suggest solutions.

    Solution to the first problem, that is the reduction in overall reward, is easy: give out more reward. I don't even care who gets them, but more rewards per person somehow, maybe make it top 5 instead of top 3, whatever.

    Solution to the second problem is to make the "sections" more dynamic instead of hard sized. The first section should be the smallest and the ONLY section that does not strictly follow the power bracketing rules. Specifically, let's say place the top 15* power player AND say RANDOMLY select 30 of the next 60 highest player. What this accomplishes is that the 60 will effectively alternate between being the sacrificial lamb in section 1 against players who are probably 30-50k over them and have no chance to win with being more or less top of their own section and very good chance to win. I'd consider it fair. If this isn't done and say the top 60 is always taken to be section one, then other than player who are maybe ranked 61-80 will alternate in such a fashion(due to participation), players ranked 20-60 will effectively suffer an endless hell, especially the bottom section of that. That is certainly not fair.

    *Instead of top 15, it could be: look at the 9th powered player, take all player within 80% of that player's power, up to 30. And this where the dynamic size can come in, the size of the bracket should be based on how many players are sufficiently close to 9th ranked player of that section to have a decent chance of getting top 3 spot instead.

    Solution to the third... well... I already said, instead of Lv>bracket, come up with a formula to "merge" the two factors for sorting.
thank you for giving me hope again in this community i only saw people not understanding what xserver swb means or just beeing *
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On 2017-05-25 04:40:57Show this Author Only
Yes this events r awesome
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On 2017-05-25 04:48:12Show this Author Only
CROSS-SERVER System for Sage World Battlefields!
Single choice Polls, Total of 1860 participated in this poll
Poll has finished

1. Yes.
44.41% (826)
2. No.
55.59% (1034)
You have already voted, thanks for your participation

glad to see that the polls had a meaning
Quicky Post

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