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[ Player Guide ] Battle armour materials and cost breakdown.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-14 21:44:22Show All PostsDescending Order
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So I have of late been looking for information for battle armour leveling and thread's required aswell as costs and have found this information to be rather elusive. I have however found 1 thread on thread required for levels however it didn't have costs and possible discounts attained from panic buy so I am gunna give a shot to completing it thanks go to Sourav who was the original creator of the material requirements thread.
If there is however incorrect amounts it would be appreciated if you could let me know so as I can make the adjustments.
All values will be worst case scenario costs. Values also do not include the thread from rebate.
As Has been pointed out the growth values are off by 1 as full wish isn't a level it is full wish +1.

Thread costs full price.
Medium thread = 38
Advanced thread = 63

Thread costs during panic buy.
Medium thread = 27
Advanced thread = 38

Upgrade from Rank 3 to 4:
Growth value required = 50 +1
1 Growth Value = 5 Medium thread
Total thread required = 250
Cost full = 9690 Panic = 6885
Rebate = 36 medium thread Value full = 1368 Panic = 972

Upgrade from Rank 4 to 5:
Growth Value required = 100 +1
1 growth value = 5 medium thread
Total thread required = 500
Cost full = 19190 Panic = 13635
Rebate = 90 medium thread Value full = 3420 Panic = 2430

Upgrade from Rank 5 to 6:
Growth value required = 200 +1
1 growth value = 5 medium thread
Total thread required = 1000
Cost full = 38190 Panic = 27135
Rebate= 135 advanced thread Value full = 8505 Panic = 5130

Upgrade from Rank 6 to 7:
Growth value required = 100 +1
1 growth value = 8 advanced thread
Total thread required = 800
Cost full = 50904 Panic = 30804
Rebate = 250 advanced thread Value full = 15750 Panic = 9500

Upgrade from rank 7 to 8:
Growth value required = 200 +1
1 growth value = 8 advanced
Total thread required = 1600
Cost full = 101304 Panic = 61104
Rebate = 600 advanced thread Value full = 37800 Panic = 22800

Upgrade from rank 8 to 9:
Growth value required = 300 +1 (need more confirmation)
1 growth value = 8 advanced thread
Total thread required = 2400
Cost full = 151704 Panic = 91504
Rebate = Tobirama senju Value (as of this post) approx 30000

Total costs Full = 370982 Panic = 231067
Rebate value Full = 66843 Panic = 40832 Neither of those has Tobirama value included.

I apologize if have screwed up math anywhere will fix it asap if any is found. I hope this helps people out I felt something like this was needed as battle armour costs seem to be overlooked. Thanks for any input or feedback.

This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-23 23:55 This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-30 20:33 This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-30 20:41
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-30 19:00:42Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-30 18:19:25
  • I would like to point out that lucky board have a better cost than panic buy on average--it cost 20 coupon to get 1 dice which at minimal give 5 pts, it takes 7 to get a med thread, ergo it is a max of 28 coupon. However, with the chance of getting 10 pts, it's actually lower than 28, more like 25 that way. That's not to mention the free roll you could get(from free roll spot, not free dice) and the fact that the board gives stuff too, including med thread even if you consider everything else to be useless(there is completion pack too blah blah blah)
    In any case, depend on how much you value the "other stuff" you get in luckyboard, I'd rate the cost of a med thread there between 10 to 24 coupon--10 if you value other stuff highly and 24 if you don't value them at all.

    Second, I would like to point out that full growth value does not equal auto upgrade, what it guarantees is that the NEXT roll is going to be an upgrade. So with a growth bar of X, you might require X+1 roll to get the upgrade at maximal. So your number is low on that front by 1.
    Of course, usually you end up needing less, but I guess you are not going for what is expected (and I have no idea how that can even be found out w/o knowing the code. You'd have to collect shist ton of data)

    Add that to SA farming... well, I'd say ftp realistically is going to look at a tab of around 180k to get the armor maxed maybe. It's this high because panic buy is actually more or less the only way for you to get adv thread. Maybe you can get it cheaper if you save a ton of coupon and get it all at once at some 40% discount event or something...
The math is simply done for buying the thread straight up not from events that have either limited resources or rely on RNG for drops. Also all calculations were done for worst possible case so you know at very worst how much it will be, 1-3 was not added as that can be done within a month for very limited cost. However if people wish for 1 - 3 to be added I need the growth value required to add them. Thanks.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-30 19:29:47Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-30 19:12:35
  • 1&2 is not very interesting, but 2 to 3 does give rebates of med thread, that could be a thing(newbie might end up wasting this as 3 is soooo ez to reach, I know I did before the first rebate ever came out)

    still, if you are going for worst case, you need to +1 to each, cause 50 blessing, for example, requires 51 to guarantee an upgrade.
You sure they go +1? I would like confirmation before I make a change like that which effects the entire sheet.
If you or anyone has the growth rate from 2 - 3 I can add that in.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-30 20:42:34Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-30 19:33:56
  • can't find you a BA one on demand, but here is a refine one: ... 9581&extra=page%3D6
    Full wish does not grant auto upgrade
    Also, it doesn't matter how much it cost to go from 2 to 3, what matters is the amount of rebate given for 2 to 3, which would be on the event page or something.
Adjustments applied and figures changed.
Quicky Post

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