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[ Events ] Events - 11th May


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On 2017-05-11 14:19:42Show this Author Only
What? Nine tail and Cat Quiz. i can choose one.
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On 2017-05-11 14:23:29Show this Author Only
Guy's Tortoise is bae for 10 hit teams
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On 2017-05-11 14:37:16Show this Author Only
  • thienmong@yahoo On 2017-05-11 14:19:42
  • What? Nine tail and Cat Quiz. i can choose one.
no cat quiz is gonna replace 9tails
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-11 14:40:14Show this Author Only
Still shocked we aren't past the whole common cloth as event rewards. Like only week old servers need that and even still it's an awful reward. Guess this will just continue to be the #1 complaint every week.
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On 2017-05-11 14:42:40Show this Author Only
HK servers delay MT?
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On 2017-05-11 14:43:48Show this Author Only
  • Ryurial On 2017-05-11 12:59:29
  • Weekend event chase mission looks great, hoping for Tendo fragments as a reward so I can recruit him already ;P
This seems too good to be true........
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On 2017-05-11 14:43:53Show this Author Only
i thought we were past this Oasis its 40 mins past the end time for maintenance in HK and maintenance hasnt even begun lol you were good the last few weeks wats the go give us an update
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On 2017-05-11 14:49:13Show this Author Only
4 minutes :)
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On 2017-05-11 14:53:02Show this Author Only
delay delay delay and delay
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On 2017-05-11 15:19:44Show this Author Only
  • Ryurial On 2017-05-11 12:59:29
  • Weekend event chase mission looks great, hoping for Tendo fragments as a reward so I can recruit him already ;P
I'm pretty sure the weekend chase missions will stay exactly like are now. It's just that we will get two more events during weekend only. The reward shown there are the potential best rewards. Just right now you coul get tendo or naruto ninetails chakra there with a big quantity of luck.
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On 2017-05-11 15:25:56Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-05-11 15:19:44
  • I'm pretty sure the weekend chase missions will stay exactly like are now. It's just that we will get two more events during weekend only. The reward shown there are the potential best rewards. Just right now you coul get tendo or naruto ninetails chakra there with a big quantity of luck.
My thoughts exactly ...
In order to clarify, can a mod respond if our chances increase to get those rare ninja frags? Personally, never missing a weekend, I got only 3 Playboy Sasuke frags, no Tendo and no Naruto.
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On 2017-05-11 15:38:21Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-05-11 09:10:40
  • Cave Key on Wishing Tree and Mood Scrolls on Group's Lucky Wheel not yet Implemented?
It's because the wheel is supposed to be this way in China, so nobody implemented the mood scrolls one.
They should just remove the mood system if that is easier than *ing the wheel.
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On 2017-05-11 15:44:48Show this Author Only
Hello Ninjas,

few updates, after some considerations the team has decided to start "Yagura's Invasion" next week, 15th May onwards. Players will still be able to finish Hanzo SA until the end of the week.

Regarding the cat quiz event timing which clashes with the World Boss event, the decision has been made to remove the World Boss event from the Thursday events schedule. The changes will take place starting next week.

Enjoy your events!

Thank you.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-11 15:49:35Show this Author Only
noo why remove nine tails?? quizz event is bad we dont want it, make pool for that and see what players want.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-11 15:52:51Show this Author Only
  • AmonRA93 On 2017-05-11 15:49:35
  • noo why remove nine tails?? quizz event is bad we dont want it, make pool for that and see what players want.
1:You dont speak for everyone, by saying "we"
2:How do you know its bad when we havent done it yet? You're just speculating
3:Did you not look at the rewards for the cat quiz? Correct me if im wrong, but it shows the same as a GNW pack, unless the contents are different and its just a lazy design to put that in as place holder
4:One day of 9tails won't hurt you. Especially if you're coming in the top10-15, you'll be fine young one.
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On 2017-05-11 15:56:39Show this Author Only
  • AmonRA93 On 2017-05-11 15:49:35
  • noo why remove nine tails?? quizz event is bad we dont want it, make pool for that and see what players want.
We? Do you speak in name of every player of Naruto Online?XD
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-11 15:59:45Show this Author Only
cat quizz is hard u will see and here always is translation problem so u will get some troubles like anko quizz.
nine tails give more nice reward than quizz if u get reward, if wrog question u will get nothing.

i cant understand why no put quizz event at 19.00 is before sage event and all here for 10 min.
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On 2017-05-11 16:03:19Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-05-11 15:44:48
  • Hello Ninjas,

    few updates, after some considerations the team has decided to start "Yagura's Invasion" next week, 15th May onwards. Players will still be able to finish Hanzo SA until the end of the week.

    Regarding the cat quiz event timing which clashes with the World Boss event, the decision has been made to remove the World Boss event from the Thursday events schedule. The changes will take place starting next week.

    Enjoy your events!

    Thank you.

that is a bad decision
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-11 16:27:24Show this Author Only
  • AmonRA93 On 2017-05-11 15:49:35
  • noo why remove nine tails?? quizz event is bad we dont want it, make pool for that and see what players want.
I think u got it wrong..They will not remove the "Nine Tails Invasion", only the Time-frame has conflict either compromise "The Cat Quiz" or "9-tails Invasion" because both Starts @ 20:20 server time.
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On 2017-05-11 16:29:31Show this Author Only
  • Nick Wilde On 2017-05-11 16:03:19
  • that is a bad decision
This is a Good decision , considering that if you had to go first for cat quiz and after for 9 tails , the day after the HP of 9tails would be possibly lower..

Happy that some diversity is coming to the game..

And to all people complaining, if you just started the game you would realise that after 8-9 months (with daily login in and activity ) you have no use for exp or coins anymore... So if you consider staying that long then you will realise that one day less of 9tails is no big deal..
P.S. : If we had both events on thursday , then some thursdays of the month would be crazy...

In one hour we would have to go from Sage battlefields , to cat quiz , to world boss and after strongest ninja... CRAZY !!
This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2017-5-11 16:33
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