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[ Events ] Special merge thread with all servers agreement


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On 2017-05-04 02:18:49Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey There is TKey (Now i am called TKeyMergePls)

I am making this thread to show you that all the servers wants this and we are beeing ignored.
and i dont want more ppl to leave the game (i was about to quit too)

So i we want servers
315-Stone Fist= Sage once in 2 weeks-2groups in gnw
312-Hot Sword=Sage once in week 50% of alts there-2groups in gnw
309-Acid Poison=Sage sometimes do not happen-3groups in gnw
306-Dissolving Jutsu=Sage Almost never starts-1 group in gnw 318-Particle Style=No sage in 3 weeks-3g groups in gnw

We are all at the same power lvl that will make servers competetive it will actvate our SWB and reanimate World Chat and GNW

So For now i am oppening thread for others to show you. I Just want to be seen..

To other servers try to write your server too ^^

ps you can find power lvls on 3rd page :D

This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:16 This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:17
This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:18
This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:18
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On 2017-05-04 02:21:35Show this Author Only
Shumbre: 312 hot sword, i want a merge aswell
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On 2017-05-04 02:23:16Show this Author Only
MrsDumani: 312 Hot swrod

Please I want merge, !
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On 2017-05-04 02:25:08Show this Author Only
S312 InoItsukoi
I want merge!!!
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On 2017-05-04 02:25:14Show this Author Only
Himiko 312
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On 2017-05-04 02:26:04Show this Author Only
we need the merge cuz we dont have players to start sage world battlefield - 309 acid poison
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On 2017-05-04 02:27:30Show this Author Only
Furueru: 309 Acid Poision. Merge us, please. We haven't got Sage Battlefileds couple of times already and GNW is not really Great anymore with only three groups taking part in it. Plundering is almost impossible.
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On 2017-05-04 02:28:54Show this Author Only
Hey,here is Laxus from s309
We really need merge,more and more ppl is leaving the game every day,our server is dying slowly.
Last few weeks we hardly managed with our alts to do 1 sage.
GNW is not competetive at all,2 groups participating now,1 same group winning every time.
People got bored and quit the game.
Please merge our servers so we c*l have better experience and game overall. This post was last edited by kov*** at 2017-5-4 02:31
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On 2017-05-04 02:45:44Show this Author Only
B4lduR form 312, we really need this soon
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On 2017-05-04 02:48:14Show this Author Only
ShapuYuki s309: GNW drop to 2 group participating, sage barely started this week and we managed to complete 2 out of 3 last week. need merge asap, ty :)
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On 2017-05-04 02:49:14Show this Author Only
Esteves from 309
i support this merge
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On 2017-05-04 02:51:50Show this Author Only
318, and if we get merged it will prolly be with you which i don't rly like seeing your power compared to others but at this point, it's just a pain to play the game, no sage for a very long time, less and less ppl at war, this game is a pain in the ass to play and they just don't care
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On 2017-05-04 02:52:42Show this Author Only
Syntax here from the server S309, I would like to turn to the difficult situation on our server. People are leaving every day, three days in a row we didn't have Sage World Battlefield due to a lack of players, the situation is getting worse every day. Hereby we would like to ask in front of my group of Kirigakure to speed up the process of merging server.

Thank you in advance,


Proud member of Kirigakure.
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On 2017-05-04 02:54:46Show this Author Only
three days in a row without sage? you're lucky, it's been more than 3 weeks for us
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On 2017-05-04 02:54:48Show this Author Only
Yeah i didnt ask 318 cause i had to look for 4 servers but as you can see s318 wants it too and we can merge with them too This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:01
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On 2017-05-04 02:55:47Show this Author Only
It's Pakkun from S306. And we also vote for this. We have an special case tho. So we deserve to be merged more than any server here! This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2017-5-4 03:00
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On 2017-05-04 02:57:18Show this Author Only
BTrue S315: Please merge
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On 2017-05-04 02:57:55Show this Author Only
Davitaru S309. Merge please. our server is dead. one group won every GNW and all the rest are losing interest. 2 groups in war this week and nobody cares anymore. Merge and put some interest back in the game for us please
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On 2017-05-04 03:07:01Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-05-04 02:55:47
  • It's Pakkun from S306. And we also vote for this. We have an special case tho. So we deserve to be merged more than any server here! This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2017-5-4 03:00
you do understand that the request is for them to be merged together?
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On 2017-05-04 03:07:20Show this Author Only
S312 Plz do somthing for us we are not even dying we are dead
Quicky Post

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