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[ Events ] Special merge thread with all servers agreement


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-04 02:18:49Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey There is TKey (Now i am called TKeyMergePls)

I am making this thread to show you that all the servers wants this and we are beeing ignored.
and i dont want more ppl to leave the game (i was about to quit too)

So i we want servers
315-Stone Fist= Sage once in 2 weeks-2groups in gnw
312-Hot Sword=Sage once in week 50% of alts there-2groups in gnw
309-Acid Poison=Sage sometimes do not happen-3groups in gnw
306-Dissolving Jutsu=Sage Almost never starts-1 group in gnw 318-Particle Style=No sage in 3 weeks-3g groups in gnw

We are all at the same power lvl that will make servers competetive it will actvate our SWB and reanimate World Chat and GNW

So For now i am oppening thread for others to show you. I Just want to be seen..

To other servers try to write your server too ^^

ps you can find power lvls on 3rd page :D

This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:16 This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:17
This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:18
This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:18
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-04 02:54:48Show All Posts
Yeah i didnt ask 318 cause i had to look for 4 servers but as you can see s318 wants it too and we can merge with them too This post was last edited by daw*** at 2017-5-4 03:01
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-04 03:09:51Show All Posts
And power lvls are really close
Quicky Post

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