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[ Events ] Setting the record straight about F2P


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-15 03:16:42Show All Posts
Here's the thing: Doesn't matter if people agree or not that there is a problem with the gap between p2w and f2p. The issue exists.

To delv further i must say that there are 3 categorys: p2w, low p2w, f2p.

Someone said that * f2p would be around 45k power, that is false, i myself paid so far to this game 30 dolars and with main lvl86 5* and 3 other chars with 3 stars i get 45k.
The problem is that too many people quit when they reach 82/83, only because "there is no way" they can have any chance for those high power units (most p2w) that roam around waiting for something. And focusing on this a bit further: F2p players quit in large groups with a *, p2w quit silently but in less less numbers.

I'v been playing this game since November, 2 months later i was already complaining here, how unfair and biased the dev team of this game side are making decisions. There is a big problem with this gap. I myself considered quiting the game this month if no updates came or if those updates that arrived turn'd out to be bad (as they are, gogo more pvp that only p2w can play). I'm staying now till the next month first 10 days to see if there is any change OR any info that EN Naruto Online can share about and regarding game balance. Thats the only thing i wish the most, hell i don't wish chars anymore..

Regarding last update. Come on... really? You guys planned this after knowing how bad the game balance is? Look at the voting section.. Only Jonin medals. Top 150 will be basically Jonin medals and p2w. F2p already quited Ranked Battle, Arena; and every week they don't even fight in Sage or Matsuri. AND apparently after Space Time you have Strongest Ninja. I count so far 6 permanent events that wipe any joy of playing this game from the point of f2p or even light p2w as me.

I've became numb last month, after so many angry posts and drama; today i got angry because of system errors and server connection. Then decided to peek the forum, no surprise.

There is a problem with balance. Not just a simple problem. A giant one that affects not only this game credibility, but also the joy of playing a supposedly oficial Naruto game.

My last words for now will be to humbly ask to Oasis or who ever has the power to carry a message to someone that cares:
PLEASE _O_ ; take care of game balance and as soon as possible, share your planning with the players.

Thank you for reading, ill be visiting News section reguraly. I know there are many players fighting against this type of messages, i understand why, status quo is something quite interesting to study but you guys would really enjoy the game so much more if the balance between f2p/lightP2w and P2W would be at least 60% smaller. Have a good night all.

Quicky Post

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