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[ Events ] Nagato Pricing


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 13
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On 2017-04-14 14:45:43Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-14 12:43:32
  • You chose to sit in this fine dining priced michellin starred restaurant (this dining restaurant being Naruto Online US/UK/HK). The food may not be up to the standards or worthy of being fine dining or michellin starred, but the restaurant markets it as such and you still choose it.

    Now you decide to complain that the prices are robbery and compare it to a normal restaurant. Which again a reminder, you chose this restaurant, the restaurant didn't magically drag you in (aka it didn't magically create an account for you, or on behalf of you against your will and force you to login everyday). A Wolf* Puck Steak cost 4x more than a normal cooked Steak at your standard restaurant. Are they from the same cow? Possibly. What's the difference then? Different chef, different restaurant, price is decided by the restaurant.

    So if you come into this game, and start comparing with other games, then just go play the other game, or live with the decision of overpriced items here and stop making comparisons. We can compare how a house in the US can possibly get an entire village in India or China. Go live in India or China then.

    Bottomline: Your decision to play. Your choice to play. Prices is insane. But don't go crying foul on your own decision.
+1 to THIS !!
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