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[ Events ] Nagato Pricing


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On 2017-04-14 00:11:53Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Wow... Nagato is only 13.6k Coupons/Ingots without including the free 7 days worth of points. If you include those 7 days of points of 1050 points, Nagato is only 11.5k Coupons/Ingots.

Really? He's that cheap?! Hmmmmmm... Tempting.
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On 2017-04-14 00:13:30Show this Author Only
Its not cheap rather not rediculously overpriced like other content just because the normal pricing is absurd does not make expensive stuff cheap. But he is within the range of what is more reasonable for exclusive ninja. Before getting him i would like to point out that mystery isnt prompt and for people to consider whether he actually fits your team.
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On 2017-04-14 00:31:46Show this Author Only
also what people are forgetting/overlooking, yes he cancels debuffs, but thats to ALL EDO TENSEI UNITs (this is what's known as REANIMATED UNITs). and until we get that treasure, he'll just be debuffing himself. which makes him kind of an expensive ninja. how bout as a community, we not get him just yet, force them to bring out the reanimated treasure sooner, then spend on him, and maybe he might even be cheaper. just my thoughts though.
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On 2017-04-14 01:26:55Show this Author Only
I have a question, because the wording a bit misleading. If someone have him, maybe could confirm.
His last talent says, he removes every debuff from reanimated ninjas and moreover in that turn he will be immune of all debuffs. Does that means, unless you have no other reanimated ninjas it wont work, or he only does this in the beginning of the fight, like many other ninjas (2nd hokage one time blind) with similar abilities? I mean if he removes the debuff from every reanimated ninja when the fight start, aka they dont have any debuff, how is that makes sense, and if he do it every round before each action, that basicaly makes him immunite of every debuff, since he gonna remove it from himself anyway, no?
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On 2017-04-14 01:33:48Show this Author Only
I definitely decided not to get him. Probably won't have other Edo Tensei in future to pair with him. Store on more Power! ;P
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On 2017-04-14 01:38:43Show this Author Only
  • Wuup On 2017-04-14 00:31:46
  • also what people are forgetting/overlooking, yes he cancels debuffs, but thats to ALL EDO TENSEI UNITs (this is what's known as REANIMATED UNITs). and until we get that treasure, he'll just be debuffing himself. which makes him kind of an expensive ninja. how bout as a community, we not get him just yet, force them to bring out the reanimated treasure sooner, then spend on him, and maybe he might even be cheaper. just my thoughts though.
reanimated nagato is in the great ninja war treasure, the one with kurama link naruto. not the next one coming up.
And even now he's pretty good, it's just he's ot at his full potential, remember if he's cheap cause the reanimated treasure isn't out he'll be a lot more expensive when it is. It's best to get him now if you ever will.
This post was last edited by Generalgarchomp at 2017-4-14 01:43
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On 2017-04-14 01:40:20Show this Author Only
  • Boy Genius On 2017-04-14 01:26:55
  • I have a question, because the wording a bit misleading. If someone have him, maybe could confirm.
    His last talent says, he removes every debuff from reanimated ninjas and moreover in that turn he will be immune of all debuffs. Does that means, unless you have no other reanimated ninjas it wont work, or he only does this in the beginning of the fight, like many other ninjas (2nd hokage one time blind) with similar abilities? I mean if he removes the debuff from every reanimated ninja when the fight start, aka they dont have any debuff, how is that makes sense, and if he do it every round before each action, that basicaly makes him immunite of every debuff, since he gonna remove it from himself anyway, no?
Don't have him, so I can't confirm, but the way it's worded it seems like he removes all debuffs from all Edo Tensei ninjas once per turn (right before he moves) and then makes himself immune to debuffs for the remainder of the turn.

So he can still be affected by debuffs before he moves because he hasn't made himself immune yet, which is a little less strong than being always immune to debuffs.
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On 2017-04-14 02:21:08Show this Author Only
  • Wuup On 2017-04-14 00:31:46
  • also what people are forgetting/overlooking, yes he cancels debuffs, but thats to ALL EDO TENSEI UNITs (this is what's known as REANIMATED UNITs). and until we get that treasure, he'll just be debuffing himself. which makes him kind of an expensive ninja. how bout as a community, we not get him just yet, force them to bring out the reanimated treasure sooner, then spend on him, and maybe he might even be cheaper. just my thoughts though.
Wonder if his mystery works on Hashirama and Tobirama Edo Tensei from Oro Traitor...
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On 2017-04-14 02:31:22Show this Author Only
guys! guys! guys! guys! guys!, listen and listen well nagato is just support for edo tensei teams, he is like iruka and bee but for edo ninjas. he is going to fall down in price very quickly by the time edo tensei comes out. look at sage jiraiya and sage Naruto they were once 10k+ coupons too but now you can buy sage jiraiyas fragments for 25 points per frag from the current event and you get 140 max points from generalization event so that's 6 frags per day for free without using any coupons. I say wait and besides its not like he is game breaking or anything his passive is completely useless right now. I forgot to mention that naruto sage mode is about 7k now maybe less because you can actually get his fragments from events if you can't buy him at once.
This post was last edited by sop*** at 2017-4-14 02:33
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On 2017-04-14 02:34:02Show this Author Only
cheap? lol lmao and lmfao. there are no edo tensei units atm so it's a ridiculous price.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-14 02:37:14Show this Author Only
Nagato is free in china so...
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On 2017-04-14 06:49:02Show this Author Only
You can buy a full game for £40-£50, and you think buying 1 ninja for £200 plus is cheap? What has the world come to, its daylight robbery. These sort of publishers should be ashamed of themselves.
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On 2017-04-14 07:28:58Show this Author Only
  • Shinwoo On 2017-04-14 06:49:02
  • You can buy a full game for £40-£50, and you think buying 1 ninja for £200 plus is cheap? What has the world come to, its daylight robbery. These sort of publishers should be ashamed of themselves.
Just don't buy it, there are many ways to play the game. No one asking you to buy him. He will be free eventually when he is old enough, it may take months to get him but it's how the game work even in CN.
Angel Konan, Reanimated Deidara, Reanimated 2nd and 3rd Hokage, etc... all has price above 10k cp in CN.
So instead crying over his price, just don't buy him. You got the idea, this is how it work from now. At least until CN change it our version won't change how the game work.
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On 2017-04-14 12:43:32Show this Author Only
  • Shinwoo On 2017-04-14 06:49:02
  • You can buy a full game for £40-£50, and you think buying 1 ninja for £200 plus is cheap? What has the world come to, its daylight robbery. These sort of publishers should be ashamed of themselves.
You chose to sit in this fine dining priced michellin starred restaurant (this dining restaurant being Naruto Online US/UK/HK). The food may not be up to the standards or worthy of being fine dining or michellin starred, but the restaurant markets it as such and you still choose it.

Now you decide to complain that the prices are robbery and compare it to a normal restaurant. Which again a reminder, you chose this restaurant, the restaurant didn't magically drag you in (aka it didn't magically create an account for you, or on behalf of you against your will and force you to login everyday). A Wolf* Puck Steak cost 4x more than a normal cooked Steak at your standard restaurant. Are they from the same cow? Possibly. What's the difference then? Different chef, different restaurant, price is decided by the restaurant.

So if you come into this game, and start comparing with other games, then just go play the other game, or live with the decision of overpriced items here and stop making comparisons. We can compare how a house in the US can possibly get an entire village in India or China. Go live in India or China then.

Bottomline: Your decision to play. Your choice to play. Prices is insane. But don't go crying foul on your own decision.
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On 2017-04-14 14:45:43Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-14 12:43:32
  • You chose to sit in this fine dining priced michellin starred restaurant (this dining restaurant being Naruto Online US/UK/HK). The food may not be up to the standards or worthy of being fine dining or michellin starred, but the restaurant markets it as such and you still choose it.

    Now you decide to complain that the prices are robbery and compare it to a normal restaurant. Which again a reminder, you chose this restaurant, the restaurant didn't magically drag you in (aka it didn't magically create an account for you, or on behalf of you against your will and force you to login everyday). A Wolf* Puck Steak cost 4x more than a normal cooked Steak at your standard restaurant. Are they from the same cow? Possibly. What's the difference then? Different chef, different restaurant, price is decided by the restaurant.

    So if you come into this game, and start comparing with other games, then just go play the other game, or live with the decision of overpriced items here and stop making comparisons. We can compare how a house in the US can possibly get an entire village in India or China. Go live in India or China then.

    Bottomline: Your decision to play. Your choice to play. Prices is insane. But don't go crying foul on your own decision.
+1 to THIS !!
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On 2017-04-14 19:18:48Show this Author Only
Nagato is great himself - but to be honest, I'm more disappointed with the fact that Oasis has the content that Nagato is in normally. They are just refusing to give us new treasures and are essentially holding back content updates in order to try and squeeze more money out of us.

Which is "smart" on their part, since they only care about money, but community wise, it is a huge setback.
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On 2017-04-14 19:35:30Show this Author Only
  • Luminai On 2017-04-14 19:18:48
  • Nagato is great himself - but to be honest, I'm more disappointed with the fact that Oasis has the content that Nagato is in normally. They are just refusing to give us new treasures and are essentially holding back content updates in order to try and squeeze more money out of us.

    Which is "smart" on their part, since they only care about money, but community wise, it is a huge setback.
5 of my group members already quit the game for obvious reasons. one more thinking of quitting too. they dont enjoy the game anymore.
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On 2017-04-14 21:37:21Show this Author Only
  • Luminai On 2017-04-14 19:18:48
  • Nagato is great himself - but to be honest, I'm more disappointed with the fact that Oasis has the content that Nagato is in normally. They are just refusing to give us new treasures and are essentially holding back content updates in order to try and squeeze more money out of us.

    Which is "smart" on their part, since they only care about money, but community wise, it is a huge setback.
I'd like to take the positive and think that Reanimated Treasures are round the corner, maybe next week or by early May. Using Nagato as a cheeky start.

Like how Cursed Hidan first came out, 1 week later, 2.0 update with the post 2.0 Cursed Hidan skills.
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On 2017-04-14 22:22:27Show this Author Only
Don't buy him, you just wait the next treasure
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On 2017-04-15 03:43:22Show this Author Only
Oh man my math was off then. This is what I got

85 points x 80 frags = 6,800 points for nagato
150 free pts x 7 days = 1,050 free pts
6,800 needed pts - 1,050 free pts = 5,750 pts needed via purchase
5,750 pts / 10 pts per box = 575 boxes
575 boxes x 20 coupons = 11,500 coupons (or ingots)
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