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[ Updates ] TeamInstance StrongApproaching Compensation Announcement


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On 2017-03-30 19:53:23Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninja,

From March 13th to March 20th, some NY and LA server players were affected by a bug that occurred due to DST changes, causing their Team Instances and Strong Approaching attempts not to reset. We have already sent a compensation for all players who provided us with print screens similar to the following examples:

If you didn't have any attempt left on Friday when entering Team Instances, we wish to remind you that the reports we usually have on this are not referent to bugs. During one week, players have 20 Attempts+5 Friend Attempts for Team Instances. 5 of these Attempts can be completed daily. The usual situation is that players have all completed or finished all of these attempts by Friday, thus being unable to get more rewards from Team Instances. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience that this bug brought to our players; we will do our best to improve your gaming experience.

Thank you for your support,
Naruto Online Operation Team

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On 2017-03-30 19:59:31Show this Author Only
20 days later if you took a screenshot of it you will get compensated ( yeah because everyone knew you had to take a screenshot to be compensated :L)
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On 2017-03-30 20:34:12Show this Author Only
In this post, no one asked for the time/date in the screenshot. I hope you at least gave the people who took the screenshot without the time & date compensation anway: ... 4&page=1&from=space

And in this one (the one I've posted in), no screenshot was asked. Nor was there any info directing people to go to the first post to share a screenshot: ... iewthread&tid=15871

I hope next time there is a bug, you guys can be more specific in every post you make of exactly what you need. This post was last edited by pch*** at 2017-3-30 20:38
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On 2017-03-30 21:25:31Show this Author Only
I Took A Screen Shot and Didn't get mine
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On 2017-03-30 21:26:12Show this Author Only
and time and date was on mine with my account number
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On 2017-03-30 21:35:37Show this Author Only
As you can see in the link, i provided the screenshots of the bugs on March 13th, so why don't i have compensation?

s2 Khang
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On 2017-03-30 21:49:41Show this Author Only
I didn't know we had to take a screenshot, but I did not get compensated either.
-S11 KaguyaOtsutsuki
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On 2017-03-30 22:03:45Show this Author Only
How are we supposed to know we have to take screenshots .-. I didnt hear anything about this. So i get fcked out of 25 team instance runs and 6 strong approach runs and since i dont screenshot everything. I get no compensation? that makes a lot of sense.
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On 2017-03-30 22:16:00Show this Author Only
I would agree that this should be reconsidered since the post most of us (concerned by this post) saw didn't ask for any screenshot. We had 0 attempts for the week like everyone else who was affected.
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On 2017-03-30 22:25:12Show this Author Only
If you want something specific in the screenshot we need to know about it or we can't provide you with it.

Your lack of communication is causing this mess. You should have sent an in-game mail telling players that if they were effected by the bug they should go to the thread made, and have a link to the thread in the mail.

You should have had specific and clear instructions on what had to be in the screenshot so we know what is needed.

Those 2 very simple things would have solved a lot of the issues. I'm not psychic how was I supposed to know you wanted the time and date stamp in the screen shot and that the fact that I posted the screenshot showing no rewards left Tuesday before it was possible to finish getting the rewards wasn't enough?

What are you going to do for the players who did everything you actually asked us for originaly and didn't get compensated for your bug?
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On 2017-03-30 22:34:22Show this Author Only
12 minute(s) ago

Here My Prove Now May I Kindly Have What Owned To Me
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On 2017-03-30 22:40:27Show this Author Only
yeah just compensat us all this is ridiculous!
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On 2017-03-30 22:48:34Show this Author Only
i took several screenshots exactly like this even sent it by email and still nothing!!! are u kidding me? what the heck more do u need? can u guys stop lying ?
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On 2017-03-30 22:55:21Show this Author Only
Yeah im calling bs on this Ive submitted proof twice my stuff was bugged and i have not seen a compensation reward.
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On 2017-03-30 22:59:35Show this Author Only
sorry but i need to say something about this
i already got those compensation and i would like to say thanks for that, but after what i see, not everyone that got this bug know that they need to post some screenshot, so most of them didnt have it, please reconsider this, since there's still ppl that lost 1 week without ti/sa and cant get compensation because of no screenshot.
at least try to check some of the game log for the ppl that said need compensation(i dunno if you have game log or not in this game, but if you have please check it)
and in the next time, it would be better if you at least some in game mail also to tell ppl what they need to do if this kind of bug happen again
(i know that you put some news about this also in the game news on client when the bug happen, but not everyone use client, so some of them might missed it, thats why it would be better if you mail them in game)
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On 2017-03-30 23:14:32Show this Author Only
Ive asked about this about 4 times already and provided proof each time. I even posted my question number from when I originally asked about this question and in the thread you can see the screenshots I had provided for each day that I wrote to the game administrators. The last message I received was on March 21 saying we are working on compensation. It would make life a lot easier if there was some clear communication about what is being done about time and the time frame in which it will occur
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On 2017-03-31 01:01:09Show this Author Only
another funny thing is a MAJORITY of players don't even use forums and u expect them to just guess what to do? and even if we do use forums your threads are unclear, you use poor English... it's funny because with the consumption wheel you are able to check who exactly was affected, but with ti and sa you can't? That's a load of bs...
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On 2017-03-31 06:48:09Show this Author Only
It'd be nice to hear from a mod to know if they'll consider sending out more rewards or if they're completely done with it lol
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On 2017-03-31 10:19:35Show this Author Only

You guys seriously.

This is OASIS.

They still can't hear your problems and issues and don't care.

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On 2017-03-31 11:03:37Show this Author Only
this is bull*, you make us wait 4 weeks, then tell us you should have a screen shut taken in a certain way and all to get compensation, when I planned on posting the bug that thread with screen shut requirements was closed and the new one didn't mention anything about screen shuts taken in certain way. I had one screen shut which of course the date was visible and I emailed it to you guys and still nothing.
now after all the wait, you gonna giving us this crap?. I dont give a * about the compensation anymore since i'm tired of coming to this froums and waiting.
you guys aint getting my money.
Quicky Post

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