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[ Updates ] TeamInstance StrongApproaching Compensation Announcement


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 186
On 2017-03-31 11:03:37Show All Posts
this is bull*, you make us wait 4 weeks, then tell us you should have a screen shut taken in a certain way and all to get compensation, when I planned on posting the bug that thread with screen shut requirements was closed and the new one didn't mention anything about screen shuts taken in certain way. I had one screen shut which of course the date was visible and I emailed it to you guys and still nothing.
now after all the wait, you gonna giving us this crap?. I dont give a * about the compensation anymore since i'm tired of coming to this froums and waiting.
you guys aint getting my money.
Quicky Post

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