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[ Events ] Events - 30th March


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On 2017-03-31 15:51:03Show this Author Only
  • Zaik On 2017-03-31 12:29:53
  • I don't have complaints about the great plates event itself. I mean, it's way better than just sweeping like crazy everyday. What I hate is how unfair and pricey the rewards are, it's insulting. Feels like a slap in the face for the whole player base. The way they milk the players without giving 3 figs about them is... well I'm speechless. :( :curse:
    I also hate the fact that most of the things I get are useless BBQ, i mean come on! you can get those on exp trial, give us mood scrolls on their place or anything else more useful.:L
My latest 10 draw got 8 bbq, 1 coin and 1 seal frag. Nice weightage on the spins guys... :P
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On 2017-03-31 15:53:32Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-03-31 15:44:39
  • But other than the 20 daily f2p keys adding to a total of 140 keys in a week, the rest are only p2w players.

    For us, at least f2p players with coupons can do more spins, though f2p in general aren't gonna spend on this wheel.

    We're all waiting for that lucky board WITH cursed hidan combo package. ;P
but why would we spend cuppons if we cant get our money worth in the wheel rewards? better spend the cuppons straight in the shop.

Germany has a ingots only event but the items actually have more worth so they get what they pay for, and that is the big difference.
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On 2017-03-31 15:58:06Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2017-03-31 15:53:32
  • but why would we spend cuppons if we cant get our money worth in the wheel rewards? better spend the cuppons straight in the shop.

    Germany has a ingots only event but the items actually have more worth so they get what they pay for, and that is the big difference.
i agree, unfortunately the most complain here so far about how all event is on P2P basis instead of f2p.
i am trying to say f2p here get a lot of events they able to join, empowering p2p won't that be a hell for f2p instead?
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On 2017-03-31 16:19:17Show this Author Only
the event this time is terrible, they add nothing except the bond system. What a joke. The only good event is the puzzle 1 (7/10). The other events are just complete garbage (0/10) for the rest

Garbage events prepared by greedy garbage

This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-3-31 16:22
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On 2017-03-31 16:29:23Show this Author Only
they raised price of everything after being revealed to be greedy *s. 23k for Hidan, nice Oasis. Your logic and the way you work just amaze me every week. And stop deleting my post because you actually greedy and your events are actually garbage
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On 2017-03-31 16:30:28Show this Author Only
I'm not going to edit my post since no one will see it, but after two days of events unfortunately I changed my mind about some of them. Yes, I'm talking about this great plates event. The rewards are very underwhelming especially with extra high odds of getting... BBQ. Like for real? What motivates you to place such a reward in heavy ingots wheel? To encourage spending? I don't think so... I won't even comment on rising prices on ninjas, cause a lot of ppl did so already but for the love of... Naruto or something! Oasis come on, BBQ ? Coins I can understand but this steak thing is LITERALLY worthless. Lvl 1 magatama would be like 10x better... Event lasting only 3 days means F2P are not able to get even the lowest reward which is... 3 seal scrolls. Like for real?

Bond system is weird but gonna wait to lvl it up before commenting. Maybe the missions will be worthwile.

Rest of the events we have atm are uhh... Only puzzle are okay and that is only because it's totally free.
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On 2017-03-31 16:50:31Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-03-31 14:58:31
  • I have about 900 unused BBQs already....
I have 4406 BBQ beat that.
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On 2017-03-31 16:59:36Show this Author Only
  • Dashqui On 2017-03-31 16:30:28
  • I'm not going to edit my post since no one will see it, but after two days of events unfortunately I changed my mind about some of them. Yes, I'm talking about this great plates event. The rewards are very underwhelming especially with extra high odds of getting... BBQ. Like for real? What motivates you to place such a reward in heavy ingots wheel? To encourage spending? I don't think so... I won't even comment on rising prices on ninjas, cause a lot of ppl did so already but for the love of... Naruto or something! Oasis come on, BBQ ? Coins I can understand but this steak thing is LITERALLY worthless. Lvl 1 magatama would be like 10x better... Event lasting only 3 days means F2P are not able to get even the lowest reward which is... 3 seal scrolls. Like for real?

    Bond system is weird but gonna wait to lvl it up before commenting. Maybe the missions will be worthwile.

    Rest of the events we have atm are uhh... Only puzzle are okay and that is only because it's totally free.
You are looking at the Great ninja plates incorrectly.

This is not a wheel event. There isn't a single thing on the wheel you should ever cash in to try to get it.

No, you do not buy keys to get anything from the board. You buy 20 keys = 200 coupons, and do all your daily spins to get 3 seal scrolls for ~67 coupons each and you get 20 of the random rewards from the wheel on top of that.
This is by far the best offer on Seal Scrolls there ever was in this game.

As for Hidan frags, I have no idea whether the price for them is good or bad, but the amount of random rewards you get to your hidan sounds pretty nice. Level 4 magatamas and purification runes are always nice. Unless you have all your magamas level 6 and all your tools gold only stats.
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On 2017-03-31 17:23:39Show this Author Only
  • TakafumiNaito On 2017-03-31 16:59:36
  • You are looking at the Great ninja plates incorrectly.

    This is not a wheel event. There isn't a single thing on the wheel you should ever cash in to try to get it.

    No, you do not buy keys to get anything from the board. You buy 20 keys = 200 coupons, and do all your daily spins to get 3 seal scrolls for ~67 coupons each and you get 20 of the random rewards from the wheel on top of that.
    This is by far the best offer on Seal Scrolls there ever was in this game.

    As for Hidan frags, I have no idea whether the price for them is good or bad, but the amount of random rewards you get to your hidan sounds pretty nice. Level 4 magatamas and purification runes are always nice. Unless you have all your magamas level 6 and all your tools gold only stats.
pls do check your math, event lasts 3 days and we get 60 keys for free, so for the 3 scrolls we need to buy another 60 keys

60 keys * 10 cuppons = 600 cuppons spent
600 cuppons / 3 scrolls =200 cuppons per seal

where you got the 67 per scroll ie beyond my comprehension, pls show your work
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On 2017-03-31 17:35:51Show this Author Only
What's happening about the lvl 80 and lvl 90 packs? Everything else seems to have been added (Naruto Home Bond Dating Online!) so was wondering.
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On 2017-03-31 17:38:10Show this Author Only

if I may ask
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On 2017-03-31 17:42:00Show this Author Only
Great plate day 1 (20 roll) yield:
3 seal frag
1 purification rune
1 purification protection rune
5 bbq (x2)
6 coin (x50k)
2 adv refine rune
2 lv 3 magatama pack
Total: 227.5 coupon, 300k coin and 10 bbq
Not as bad as I expected it to be, having a positive return compared to what key would have cost. Maybe I'm just lucky today, who knows. Still not worth spending on, compared to lucky board, but at least thus far not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.
We'll see how it goes for day 2.

PS: I'm measuring lv 3 magatama pack to be 41 coupon, which is roughly the average of the lv 3 magatamas(converted from lv2 or 4)
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On 2017-03-31 17:51:28Show this Author Only
As advertised yesterday here are todays free pulls:

6 bbq
450k coins
2 advanced rune - 76 cuppons
1 lvl3 life magatama - 45 cuppons
1 lvl3 attack magatama - 45 cuppons
1 lvl4 ninjutsu magatama - 135 cuppons
3 seal fragments - 37.5 cuppons

If bought at the store 200 cuppons would have given me today 338.5 cuppons.

Much higher value then yesterdays total that was only 74 cuppons.

Now, if we add both days value, at this point for a 400 cuppons spent i would get back 412.5 cuppons back.
Lets see if the first day was just the worst luck possible or if today was just too good. Have to admit there is a huge difference in value for the 2 days.

For now i'ts a net positive result, although i still belive that at least the bbq could be replaced with almost anything else, even revival potions would have a higher value and usefullness.
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On 2017-03-31 18:09:24Show this Author Only
  • TakafumiNaito On 2017-03-31 16:59:36
  • You are looking at the Great ninja plates incorrectly.

    This is not a wheel event. There isn't a single thing on the wheel you should ever cash in to try to get it.

    No, you do not buy keys to get anything from the board. You buy 20 keys = 200 coupons, and do all your daily spins to get 3 seal scrolls for ~67 coupons each and you get 20 of the random rewards from the wheel on top of that.
    This is by far the best offer on Seal Scrolls there ever was in this game.

    As for Hidan frags, I have no idea whether the price for them is good or bad, but the amount of random rewards you get to your hidan sounds pretty nice. Level 4 magatamas and purification runes are always nice. Unless you have all your magamas level 6 and all your tools gold only stats.
You are literally *ed. Please learn how to do math before you speak.
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On 2017-03-31 18:48:42Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-31 18:09:24
  • You are literally *ed. Please learn how to do math before you speak.
There is no need to use language like that. I just assume he thought the event lasted for 7 days. Whole cycle, that's why his 'calculations' are quite off.
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On 2017-03-31 19:30:50Show this Author Only
  • TakafumiNaito On 2017-03-31 16:59:36
  • You are looking at the Great ninja plates incorrectly.

    This is not a wheel event. There isn't a single thing on the wheel you should ever cash in to try to get it.

    No, you do not buy keys to get anything from the board. You buy 20 keys = 200 coupons, and do all your daily spins to get 3 seal scrolls for ~67 coupons each and you get 20 of the random rewards from the wheel on top of that.
    This is by far the best offer on Seal Scrolls there ever was in this game.

    As for Hidan frags, I have no idea whether the price for them is good or bad, but the amount of random rewards you get to your hidan sounds pretty nice. Level 4 magatamas and purification runes are always nice. Unless you have all your magamas level 6 and all your tools gold only stats.
Definitely wrong calculations there.

Its a 3 days event, so that's a total of 60 keys free. So that means you need 60 more keys to get the 3 Seal Scrolls.

60 keys x 10 coupons = 600 coupons.
600 coupons for 3 Seal Scrolls = 200 coupons per scroll.

Each seal Scroll in shop cost 125 coupons/ingots. So that's a difference of 75 coupons per scroll. So yes, you get items from that 10 spins, but I don't think its a fantastic deal. Maybe if you get like 2-3 magatamas per 10 spins, maybe you barely profit a little. But overall, its not exactly value for money.

Of course if this even runs 7 days then at least we all get those 3 seal scrolls.
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On 2017-03-31 19:31:10Show this Author Only
I see, I have indeed read the time period incorrectly.

I'm not used to month being listed first in dating. To be honest as far as I am aware there is only one country where you do that.

(Marked with purple : ... untry_%28new%29.png )
In this case getting 100 keys for free is impossible, date formatting differences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito at 2017-3-31 19:32 This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito at 2017-3-31 19:32
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On 2017-03-31 19:32:54Show this Author Only
can you fix arena?????
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On 2017-03-31 20:18:05Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-03-31 19:30:50
  • Definitely wrong calculations there.

    Its a 3 days event, so that's a total of 60 keys free. So that means you need 60 more keys to get the 3 Seal Scrolls.

    60 keys x 10 coupons = 600 coupons.
    600 coupons for 3 Seal Scrolls = 200 coupons per scroll.

    Each seal Scroll in shop cost 125 coupons/ingots. So that's a difference of 75 coupons per scroll. So yes, you get items from that 10 spins, but I don't think its a fantastic deal. Maybe if you get like 2-3 magatamas per 10 spins, maybe you barely profit a little. But overall, its not exactly value for money.

    Of course if this even runs 7 days then at least we all get those 3 seal scrolls.
you can't even get the full 20 for free tho which is annoying when you realise that one of the keys you get from recharging. sure you could do just a dollar but still >.< tad frustrating. I just do 10 keys and then leave it there aha.
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On 2017-03-31 20:21:56Show this Author Only
  • x00Al13N On 2017-03-31 20:18:05
  • you can't even get the full 20 for free tho which is annoying when you realise that one of the keys you get from recharging. sure you could do just a dollar but still >.< tad frustrating. I just do 10 keys and then leave it there aha.
You can get the 20 for free, there's a total of 24 keys in the daily event.

So just don't do recharge, and you still have 22 keys worth (but of course you can only get 20 keys). So I normally either just skip the TI one or skip the Draw 10 (which I just normally use the Draw 10 from Bond treasure instead of wasting seal scroll for this).
Quicky Post

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