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[ Events ] Events - 30th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 23:27:58Show All Posts
Okay so I will give some feedback about the events. First of all thank you for posting them early, I hope you will continue in this fashion from now on. I like how the team put far more effort in this post th*ual. Informations regarding every event are much better, you even put info on how each key nets you appr. 3 points which is nice.

1. Bond system - I would say it's a new pernament feature. It's always cool to have new features, so that's good. Free ninja frags, sign me in. 10/10

2. Gift's pack special offer - There is usually nothing good in those gift pack so yea... 3/10

3. Great plates - Shame it only lasts for a couple of days, free players can't even get to first reward. Not to mention some of the rewards ( I'm looking at you BBQ and coins ) are kinda underwhelming. Overall new event, that's nice but still 4/10.

4. Time limited - Nothing new here, at least the team said that on average a key earns you 3 points, that's something. The event is quite okay, I hope the rewards will be something good 7/10

5. Daily spending rebate - Nothing exciting I can see there, probably lvl 3/4 magatamas in those boxes. Would rate it 5/10.

6. BA rebate - Cool, was waiting to upgrade my BA 9/10

7. Ninja puzzle - Free stuff, always appreciated 10/10

8. Limited recruitment - Okay I guess for ppl that want to pull for rares, I'm still waiting for new treasure with my scrolls 9/10

9. Purchase limit shop - Nothing great 5/10

10. Monthly sign in reward - Hebihime? Oh well it could have been worse I guess, cool transformation at the very least. 4/10

Maybe events are not so great except the new pernament feature but I like the fact that the team managed to post those early and put more effort th*ual in explaining stuff. I really hope that it will stay like that from now onwards.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-31 16:30:28Show All Posts
I'm not going to edit my post since no one will see it, but after two days of events unfortunately I changed my mind about some of them. Yes, I'm talking about this great plates event. The rewards are very underwhelming especially with extra high odds of getting... BBQ. Like for real? What motivates you to place such a reward in heavy ingots wheel? To encourage spending? I don't think so... I won't even comment on rising prices on ninjas, cause a lot of ppl did so already but for the love of... Naruto or something! Oasis come on, BBQ ? Coins I can understand but this steak thing is LITERALLY worthless. Lvl 1 magatama would be like 10x better... Event lasting only 3 days means F2P are not able to get even the lowest reward which is... 3 seal scrolls. Like for real?

Bond system is weird but gonna wait to lvl it up before commenting. Maybe the missions will be worthwile.

Rest of the events we have atm are uhh... Only puzzle are okay and that is only because it's totally free.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-31 18:48:42Show All Posts
  • On 2017-03-31 18:09:24
  • You are literally *ed. Please learn how to do math before you speak.
There is no need to use language like that. I just assume he thought the event lasted for 7 days. Whole cycle, that's why his 'calculations' are quite off.
Quicky Post

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